every game is a boring turtle fest

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by i dont care, February 26, 2011.

  1. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Sure it will. 6 support defense, when they have juice in OT lets see how long your moneyball lasts vs 18 airstrikes and just hhguns.

    On a more serious note though, I've had teams that were barely able to hold bots out of our base for 15 minutes, then in OT I bum rushed the enemy base, they had few turrets, I just bomb and grenade the moneyball to victory, and the other team can't do **** to a forest of 3.3 rockits.
  2. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    If you have map control the whole 15 minutes and don't win before OT you do not deserve map control.

    Make use of your advantage and destroy their base. The other team's classes do not matter.
  3. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Multiplayer game where other players don't matter.
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Now that would be interesting to see, win or lose
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'm assuming we're talking about juice buying servers enabled.

    Whoever said gunner should push bots should be slapped. It just encourages the assassin to not do her main part even more. Gunner should get a streak going because if played right, he is an amazing pro killer. Generally you're going to want a support healing you as a gunner to make you truly unstoppable. With the money he makes he should juice chain.

    If we're looking on how to win as quickly as possibly this is how the highly competitive xbox matches generally look like.

    Assault leads the rush to mid followed by a gunner being overhealed by a support, with the tank following them for support, the targets should be gunner first, assault second and the rest depends on the situation. The assault and gunner should be shooting at the same person to maximize damage. The sniper should be at back mid trying to take out key targets in mid. The assassin should try to push both lanes with the assistance of the tank. Whoever gets mid gets a firebase set up to control the juice machines and annihilator (excluding grenade 3).

    The team that has map control should be able to keep map control until annihilator is up, and should grab it as soon as possible. By now the enemy shouldn't have very strong turrets and you can juice rush to push the bots onto their money ball. Once the enemy ball is down it should never go back up, even one measly bullet will keep it down. Every player should be heading towards it, the assault can do the most damage to it by using his bomb and grenade launcher, but if he just needs to keep it down the assault rifle will work. The gunner should spawn kill to keep the pressure off of the assault and assassin but his dying bullets should go to the money ball, who should be dealing the most money ball damage. The tank can be used for both purposes and the sniper should hang back at mid to keep juice machines safe. The support should be healing people retreating. If your assault dies he can get back to the ball extremely fast by charge bomb jumping and the gunner should try to hit the money ball with his mortar unless it is on steel peel, assassin can back to the ball however they see fit. The only way for the enemy team to win is to lead an amazing counter ball rush which will very rarely be successful.

    The problem people have is, they don't want to die all that much but generally the winning team should have a lower k/d because the majority of their damage should be going to the money ball while the losing team gets to shoot at people generally not shooting back at them.

    If for some reason the enemy gets more than the default turrets up, your team should coordinate a juice rush with at least 2 people. Generally the gunner should buy juice once the assassin has their juice from farming bots.

    All in all, turrets shouldn't be that big of a deal, they should not be left to push bots for you, and they do almost nothing for the team on offense, which is the team that wins 9 times out of 10.
  6. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    What's with people thinking assassin's job is to push bots? Ok she can kill them fine, but seems to me she's not going to be able to kill bots if there's a tank in the lane, or if a gunner is spamming mortar on her face when she tries to do so. She has the damage but not the survivability to stay somewhere most of the other team's attention should be.
  7. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Shurikens work against bots also. If there is someone that is keeping her away from the bot lane, she should ask for help. If people don't help her she can push them as they get closer to her base, where she should be safer.

    And if she really can't do anything to bots, that doesn't mean put the worst bot pusher in the bot lanes. Put the tank in or have the sniper use his exploding rounds, don't take the best pro killer away from pro killing.
  8. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Class doesn't matter. Other players do not matter precisely because you have map control and should be the better team.

    But now that you have map control, most teams do not capitalize on their advantage. You and your team should be completely bombing their base, juice running ever 10-15 seconds. Buying juice. Everything.

    Not doing that implies you have no understanding of advantage.

    EDIT: It's *EVERYONE'S* job to push bots. Even support if he's the only thing around. Really.

    There is no such thing as a "bot pusher" and a "pro killer". Every class does and should do both jobs.
  9. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    YES YES and one more YES!!

    imo you should always be doing something or shooting something. there is no such thing as down time. Every time you have to fall back to recover hp be moving to attack from another angle. Ammo is infinite, shoot everything.
  10. i dont care

    i dont care New Member

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    its not even fun if you win because you just wasted 20 minutes of your time against supports who do nothing but hump their turrets until overtime
  11. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Then you're playing the wrong game. Find better servers. I've never had a game like that.
  12. i dont care

    i dont care New Member

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    yeah and i guess im holding my iphone wrong too, right
  13. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Pics and I can tell you.
  14. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I've started to notice that too, from time to time. Mostly Supports who will stay inside the base no matter what, doing nothing much except keeping their firebase overhealed. I wonder if they find the game entertaining when played like this... :roll:
  15. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    I agree about the turtle fest. It's especially fun when half of the opposing team is too afraid to leave their safe zone until they have juice up for their cheap kills, after which they run back and repeat the process, effectively doing nothing towards the objective. Granted, my team is doing the same thing, so I'm generally hopelessly pushing lanes alone or, at best, with one other person, just to reach their base without any real means of following through.

    I don't think the game is boring at all, but I really do hate the way that the majority of the community plays and the repetitive stalemates into OT are definitely getting old.
  16. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Okay then, let's see how far you get in blitz as a gunner, then compare it to assassin and tank. Just because you can push bots as a slayer class doesn't mean you should. The tank and sniper are the only classes that should focus on both.
  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Unless your PU5H and you have super Jesus assassin ways being able to push bots and still get 20+ kills a game.
  18. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    As a support, I like to keep bots OUT of my base.
  19. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Pick tank.

    If you play tank and you aren't pushing lanes, you are playing him very, very, very, very, very, very wrong.
  20. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    And Blitz matters how...?

    You have no need at all to defend yourself from enemy pros in Blitz which are by far the most deadly things on the field.

    If you aren't killing something at all times you are doing it wrong.

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