well the mod from Ant effect mod byAlpha2546 You told me to tell him to change his priority for the mod so his mod would load over your mod. But you changed the files from light_tank to ant so if his mod is enabled or not it is always your effect that comes out. But i can still change it manually . Maybe i'l play later today a larger game and see how well it runs.
It doesn't actually work that way.... The ant file is the source file, not the resulting file that shadow's pa's files.... https://github.com/domdom/com.pa.do...s/land/tank_light_laser/tank_light_laser.json You must be looking in the /src folder; are you referring to this file? https://github.com/domdom/com.pa.domdom.laser_unit_effects/blob/master/src/land/ant/ant.pa_patch Something to try: Make sure the mods are up to date and then disable and reenable them. It could be that PAMM didn't reorder the mount order or something. EDIT: So just tested this myself, and my effect does indeed seem to be overriding @Alpha2546 's effect mod. I will need to do some more testing to figure this one out...
I'l see it when it changes again. i am currently unable to change the files myself cuzz the game crashes whenever an ant attempts to fire. But it's not your effect is bad or something i just feel the sound does not match with the the green laser effect . Played another game and it does indeed effect on performance quite a bit. It's not like my pc can't handle it but maybe for others this might be a dealbreaker.
Okay, I will add a notice to the OP, asking to see if any others are having this issue. With regards to the Alpha's ant effect, it seems that recently the meaning of the priority order has changed, so all you need to do is change Alpha's effect priority to be a higher number than 95. Thanks for brining this up!
I didn't change the priority, something about how PA mounts the mods changed in the last patch I think. Originally, I lowered the priority number so that it would be more compatible with Cplosion.
I hope the T2 AA turret and vehicle storm can get a special effect for them. The T2 AA have area of effect and kill multiple bomber at the same time. But player just can't see the area of effect clearly.
I've recently made a mod([REL] [CLIENT] Resplendent Palpable Ammunition Projectile Mod) that adds a sort of strategic zoom particle to all weapon effects. The idea is something like what supcom and the like do: when you zoom out far enough you will see yellow dots representing the projectiles. Would anyone be interested in seeing this extension in More Pew Pew as well?
should be toggleable in game to eventualy reduce a more cluttered strategic view when lots of stuff is going on ...i think this mod might also be helpfull to see were a shots may come from when the unit of origin isn´t visible
Toggle is not possible, which is why I am asking for opinions. Either I put it in this mod, or I make another mod with it included.
hmmm ... yea i would say have them seperate then so other moders can make compatible with their effectmods?
Well, thats not really possible. Because I am changing the effect of the projectiles. Which means they would have to change every effect that they have in a similar manner.
I've got a weird problem, the initial effects when projectiles are fired show up, but after that the projectiles just look normal. Any suggestions?
Sounds like you are playing with some kind of server mod enabled? Perhaps Legion? The server files conflict with the client mod files and prevents them from being rendered
That's definitely what is, I was unaware that it didn't work with legion. A bummer, but thanks anyway!
Any way to fix this? After all, I use mods like colored air trails in tandem with legion. It would really be a shame if not. This is my favorite effects mod.
Is there any way to circumvent this? This is my favorite mod and I would love to be able to use it in conjunction with legion.