The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Except a tank that knows how to use cover and their rail gun =P.

    I don't know about ruining the game, Air strike just needs to be more obvious, half of the time I don't even hear the warning noise or see the node. I'm assuming this is a glitch but you never know.
  2. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    Air strike isn't even the problem.

    It's the drain/heal gun, the Firebase, the seemingly infinite amount of damage they can take when they're draining. Everything about them is just...Aah!

    It's frustrating that it's such a good game, but the Support class is just RUINING it!
  3. oneDRTYrusn

    oneDRTYrusn New Member

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    I have to agree with that. When I throw a strike down, it's blast radius is highlighted and bright for my team... but whenever I see a someone else's, it's either a orange or blue icon that blends into the already blue and orange map. I could say that should be a bit more obvious.

    That way when I ruin people with Strike, they don't have an excuse of being unaware... just stupid.
  4. oneDRTYrusn

    oneDRTYrusn New Member

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    Have you ever tried to kill someone with a Hurtgun? It's like trying to drain frozen molasses out of a gallon jug. It's five times quicker to just pull out a shotty and two/three shot people.

    If I go after an Assassin or Sniper with my hurt gun, it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to drain their health, depending on level... mainly because it's easy to kite due to Assassin's willing lack of range, and Sniper's "blindspot" in range.

    If I use my Hurtgun on an Assault, Gunner, or Tank, I'm going to get shredded to pieces. The only time it'll actually work on them is if I have someone else doing some hard damage on them, and I'll get an assist.

    Why waste my time, though. With my shotgun, I can one/two shot Snipers and Assassins, or I can 3/4 shot Gunners and Tanks (Assault falls into the middle).

    As for firebases, here's a hint... When you see a firebase shooting at you, back off and kill it. Don't try to ford the stream of bullets like a damn river.

    Common sense is your ally.
  5. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Why don't I hear it always though? I'm almost wondering if other gunfire noises are drowning it out or something.

    This, as I said before, the shotgun is more effective than the heal gun for taking out someone as the Support. I don't even know why the heal gun has a hurt function, it seems more likely that a Support will accidently target an enemy for **** damage instead of heal his team mate.

    Also for the firebases, in addition to not being stupid and getting out of their range when you're being shot, it's possible to stun firebases turrets with product grenades and take them out as a tank at close range. Granted, you'll get really hurt and possibly die if you screw up your timing (especially if a Support is healing said turret, takes a little longer but still possible, although you have to worry about the Support once you're finished with his turret), but it will kill quicker than a ranged weapon usually.

    If you can, separate the turret from the Support so they can't heal it, I've used Assault bombs to knock away Supports and finish off turrets with the assault rifle. I'm sure there are other ways to do it as well.
  6. weapwnsmaster

    weapwnsmaster New Member

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    What do you expect me to do?! Caulk my wagon and float? That never works! I'll lose my extra clothes, catch dysentary, and die!
  7. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Can you afford a jet ski?
  8. pRo Xy eSp

    pRo Xy eSp New Member

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    The support is not OP. There is too much to explain on how to counter the support and Turret. Basically the Turret can be taken out easily by range and/or dodged and also, there aren't any OP spots to put a Turret that can't be killed by a sniper or any class really (even nuke from support). The Medi-gun doesn't heal that fast and very often will be miss-directed towards a Bot instead of a Pro when near each other. The Hurt-Gun part doesn't do miraculous damage and has a short range compared to every other class. The Shotgun is VERY short range which can be easily countered if you're smart. Most importantly, the support has very little health and is demolished by accurate aim from all classes except for another support which is a matter of who outplays the other. The Nuke is hard for most people to get kills with and it's very easy to see the huge circle it makes and dodge it. If people would just be smart and tactical in this game the support wouldn't be so much of a problem.
  9. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Not when it's a blue circle at the blue base.
  10. SaberJ

    SaberJ New Member

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    You know when you are fighting a support player to look out for airstrikes. It's not that hard. I think I've been hit by maybe 2-5 of them while playing 40+ games. Just like if you are fighting Assault, you know to watch out for bombs. The only one I ever have a hard time seeing is the Sniper traps, because they are usually somewhere where they don't want people seeing them. Even so, I don't get hit by many.

    I don't buy that any class in the game is drastically over-powered. And I've played them all except the sniper.
  11. ArkInBlack

    ArkInBlack New Member

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    It just takes looking at what Support can do to kill you, then looking at what you can do to prevent it from working. Stay out of range of his weapons while pummeling him with yours. It's hard to stick a moving target with a beacon. He's using his turret for support, sit back and fire grenades, rail gun, sniper rifle, anything that locks him into healing his turret to keep it from dying, and have a teammate help. The longer he's stuck doing one thing the more time you have to figure out how to deal with him once and for all. As for dodging the airstrike when it hits the ground, strafe large. Avoid getting boxed in by walls with no roof, keep aware of your surroundings. Do things to keep him off balance, like coming from an unexpected direction. Put him between you and the turret if you can, since I'm pretty sure his body will block the turret's fire.

    To summarize, there's a LOT of ways to kill a Support. Same for any class.
  12. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    That would be an acceptable excuse if all encounters in this game were 1v1s, **** can happen to you when you're not looking, and as someone else said before it can be hard to notice nodes on areas of the same color.
  13. JyD_ZoneD

    JyD_ZoneD New Member

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    I just saw this thread and just tried the Support class(i tried it but didn't give it a chance), it gRapes.
  14. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    You should see the one on Gunners...
  15. SaberJ

    SaberJ New Member

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    Man, this thread is just too painfully whiny for me to get all the way through. The inherent flaw in the strategy everyone seems to be using that leads to them classifying Support as "overpowered" is that they are getting too close.

    Think about it. Airstrikes? Close to medium range. Shotgun? Close range. Heal/Hurt gun? Close to medium range. They have absolutely nothing that helps them in a long range game. They are the only class that is like that. Snipers can snipe. Assassins have shurikens. Tanks have railguns. Gunners have Mortars. Assaults have Grenades. The best the Support class can do is hack a high level firebase with a high level hack. Even then, it won't stand a chance against a long range attack.

    Every class can seem like it's overpowered when the player knows what they are doing. I've had games where I get knocked off the map every time I run out of the base by an assault. A game where if I looked down the wrong alley, I got sniped. A game where every time you forgot to check your back there was an assassin there. A game where a gunner was just setup at the perfect location to mow down everyone that left their base. Etc. The difference between being good player and playing an over powered class is that even a good player has their weaknesses.

    The Support class has their fair share of problems, and most of them stem from the fact that they are extremely limited in how far they can shoot. Other weaknesses include: Your turret takes a while to deploy and can easily be taken out while it is deploying. Once it's deployed, it's still a relatively easy target for long range guns. Especially since the only thing you can do is sit their and heal it, or let it die. Finally, the Support and Sniper classes are the only classes that are unable to get away from someone that is close to them. No dashes, super jumps, smoke bombs, etc. They just have to keep hurt-gunning and running away, hoping they can hide before they die. Arguably even Snipers have better methods of getting away, between their traps and having a faster speed.

    Support is amongst my favorite classes. But I won't play it if there are two or more already in the game. Which is quite often. Usually when that happens, I play Assault instead. And my favorite thing to do with Assault is to decimate the other team's Support and turrets. And I'm solid at playing both sides of that fence. I can tell you coming from both sides that they are not at all overpowered. They are like a watered down Tank when you get close to them. They can defend themselves and their Firebase. But they are squishier, can't get away quickly, and they have no long range weapon to fall back on.

    I imagine the Support, like all the classes will see some tweaking in the next couple weeks. But I'm sure the Devs are mostly where they want to be with the class.
  16. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    Agreed, all the overpowered whining needs to cease... its really lame.
  17. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    Any argument which seems to neglects that balance issues even can exist is fallacious and should be scrapped straight away. It is perfectly plausible that a class is overpowered and perfectly plausible that the support class is overpowered.

    I, personally, rarely have a huge issue with the support class - but I can certainly see that there are classes that might. That's a lot of what this comes down to - the rock-paper-scissors play in this game. If you play as certain classes, support opponents are a lot more problematic than others. Frankly, the best thing to do is to pick your fights where you have a good chance - certain fights just aren't worth it (ie, assassinating a support who is next to a turret and a firebase).

    I'm not quite at the point yet where I can say that the support is OP - but I really think the sneering arrogance of those who accuse others of whining is pathetic. If they're wrong, prove it through argument not through fallacy. To me, if you weigh up the supports pros and cons..

    The support finds it extremely easy to get juice, and with juice can easily take on any other character offensively. He has a turret he can lay himself and can massively improve a turret of his choice. He can sap health from others, and also overload others' health. He has almost inarguably the best spawnable bot - the snipers for instance, in comparison is a complete joke. His shotgun makes him probably the most lethal close range character too. The airstrike is probably one of, if not the most powerful ability too.

    He has a lot of pros, put it that way - as a support class, quite a lot of his abilities seem outside of that remit
  18. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    But won't the supports just engulf it?
  19. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Assault, Gunner and Sniper are all pretty decent counters to Support.

    The Mortar as Gunner does very nice damage to turrets, so it can get rid of that pesky Firebase pretty easily. After that the superior range and firepower the Gunner has over the Support all but ends it.

    As an Assault the Grenade Launcher also tears right through turrets pretty well from a good range. If you happen to get into Shotgun or Heal/Hurt gun range just charge grapple and you win. Also that remote explosive is nice for setting in their way to keep them away from you.

    Sniper obviously has the range advantage. If the Support isn't watching their turret it will go down easily. At close range you've got the ice trap which can set you up to either grapple or just mow them down with the SMG.

    Support isn't OP, stop sucking against it.
  20. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    After a ton of games here is my only problem with the Support:

    If the airstrike is ALWAYS an auto-kill, then the Assassin back-grapple should ALWAYS be an auto-kill.

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