Interesting thread from steam

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by lokiCML, July 22, 2016.

  1. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Damn you commander reclaim.:mad:


    I uninstall game.

    The game is good, but only up to the moment when you enter the multiplayer.
    The game clearly felt that some of the players are using the automatic construction. More uses most of the bugs. All these secrets are distributed to friends or clan members. The game has a custom mode that give additional advantages, these modes is little known novice. These are the players who play for a long time, raising the army in an incredibly short period of time.

    It is incredibly bad, I need to watch a huge number of articles to see how the fashion, additionally you need to read a lot of instructions on the use of bugs in the game. Why do I need if I want to just play on a par with people without the use of hidden features or bugs or secrets or mods.

    I really want to return the money for this game, but it probably is not possible.
    Developers recommend when the multiplayer to show a message something like "Warning, in this mode you need to be prepared for the fact that your opponent will significantly exceed you. Before you begin to check out the reviews on the internet and keep in mind that your opponent can use third-party fashion"

    In the end, your game can lead to suicide because of the significant disparities among the players.

    Players Troll: Go F@ck.
    Any use of software and hardware for improving the quality of their game does not make you better than normal players, you just sh@t. No additional software you just noobs.
    I played well in the strategy, but this case is fantastic where I almost always lose.

    Subscribe to every word, the message was written in a sober mind, and realized, is ready to be permanently banned from the steam environment.
    But I neostavlyu this post alone if it will be removed.

    my answers are not needed, just spoke.


    Игра хороша, но только до того момента когда входишь в мультиплеер.
    В игре явно ощущается что часть игроков используют автоматическое строительство. Ещё большая часть использует баги. Все эти секреты распространяются среди своих друзей или соклановцев. В игре присутствуют пользовательские моды которые дают дополнительные приемущества, об этих модах мало известно начинающим юзерам. Этим пользуются игроки которые играют давно, возводя армии за невероятно короткие сроки.

    Это невероятно плохо, мне нужно смотреть огромное множество статей чтобы видеть как работают моды, также дополнительно нужно читать очень много инструкций по использованию багов в игре. Зачем мне это нужно если я хочу просто поиграть наравне с людьми без использования скрытых возможностей или секретов или багов или модов.

    Я очень хочу вернуть деньги за эту игру, но это скорее всего не возможно.
    Разработчикам рекомендую при включении мультиплеера показывать сообщение примерно так " Внимание, переходя в этот режим вы должны быть готовы к тому что ваш соперник будет значительно превосходить вас. Перед началом ознакомтесь с обзорами в сети интернет и учтите что ваш соперник может использовать сторонние моды "

    В конце концов ваша игра может привести к самоубийству из-за значительного неравенства среди игроков.

    Игрокам тролям: идите тудата дада.
    Любое использование программных и аппаратных средств для улучшения качества своей игры , не делает вас лучше других нормальных игроков, вы просто экскрименты. Без дополнительного софта вы просто нубы.
    Я хорошо играю в стратегии , но этот случай фантастический где я почти всегда проигрываю.

    Подписываюсь под каждым словом, сообщение писалось в трезвом уме, и осознано, готов быть навечно забанен в среде стеам.
    Но я неоставлю этот пост в покое если он будет удалён.

    Ответы мне ненужны, просто высказался.

  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Somebody is taking their Planetary Annihilation professional career very seriously.

    Hopefully somebody links that guy a good tutorial on how to play?
  3. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Somebody linked to beginner guides on Exodus Esports in the thread. So hopefully that helps.
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    This is just someone crying because they don't know how to play. That thread would be the exact same no matter what game balance was.
  5. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I think I was spectating the game he was involved in. He started complaining when he saw a Titan attack his forces. Called it a 'cheat'. The players didn't know what he was going on about and someone mentioned "autobuild mod" which really set him off.
    Nicb1, stuart98 and cptconundrum like this.
  6. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Woah, I just realized that I had an opportunity to criticize vanilla balance and I passed it up. What am I becoming?
  7. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    Well i wrote a reply but i guess the website is buggy as well. Theres 10 paragraphs down the drain...
    Anyway. This mans concerns weren't about being bad at the game, they were concerns that the game itself is flawed.
    I think these are legitimate concerns. I've deleted the game as well.
  8. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    You've played a flawed game a awful lot.
    To me it seems your burned/bored out after playing the game so much.
  9. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I'm sincerely hoping the fellow is referring to suiciding (deleting) his commander.
    stuart98 and cdrkf like this.
  10. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    True that. But my biggest concern i guess is the barrier to entry being not one of skill at this point. It makes me very sad and very frustrated.
  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Well this is a problem for all well established games- you get a small dedicated community who know the game inside out, back to front and it means a very very steep learning curve to catch up.

    I mean imagine jumping into WOW now for the first time? Or the original Starcraft? Or SupCom FAF for that matter... Not sure what the answer is really.

    I mean there are some things with PA that ideally need sorting out (commander pushing and reclaim spring to mind), but at the end of the day removing these isn't going to change that it's hard for a new player.

    I mean the guy sites 'secret mods' as an argument- they've integrated the mod manager into the main menu of the game, I'm not sure what more people can expect. This guy felt he was a 'good' player based on his single player experience and is now upset that he was soundly beaten (legitimately by the sounds of it) in Multi Player.

    I get where he's coming from- I jumped into the Starwars Battlefield when it came out (a genre I don't really play, I'm more of a Doom guy if I ever play shooters and then I tend to stick single player). I was totally, hopelessly outclassed by pretty much everyone, despite me considering myself a fairly experienced gamer. I mean how do you jump into a game and immediately compete with players with 1000's of hours of play time under their belt? If the game has any depth and nuance to it at all chances are you can't (and shouldn't) be able to.
  12. trashmanf

    trashmanf New Member

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    The 1v1 ladder seems pretty good about matching you up with similar skill brackets - sometimes there just aren't enough players I guess and it throws me in against an uber / platinum and I get destroyed... but it's still a great game, I wish this player would have stuck with the ladder a couple more games.
    Nicb1 and Quitch like this.
  13. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    I was just wondering to myself why whenever i check out these forums i see a circle jerk of pa apologists, but i suppose everyone who would agree with me has already given up and left. Cya guys
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    If the barrier of entry is not one of skill, what other kind of barrier is it instead?
  15. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    That's not what I got from his post and certainly not what he was griping about during the game. He was complaining about veteran players having an unfair advantage because they knew all the secret things.

    "I want to just play on a par with people without the use of hidden features or bugs or secrets or mods."

    I spectated that game and although he was left alone with his large cluster of metal for well over 20 minutes, he never built a t2 factory. He just built a few t1 factories, built some static defenses and pretty much just sat there. He came unglued the first time he saw a cluster of Zeus' graze the edge of his base on their way to attack a stronger player. That's when he started griping about "cheats".
    mwreynolds, Nicb1 and stuart98 like this.
  16. grzegorz2121

    grzegorz2121 Member

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    I was angry on this game too. I was hating it because everyone could destroy me very easily.
    Now when I discovered all units and I know with one can be used to different situations. I'm better player now
    If you don't understand game - watch PA guides on yt, read wiki - maybe you will learn something new that you didn't know, AI battles are useful too - you can try your strategies and tweak, change them in AI battles.

    And remember that every game is hard when you play it first few times.
    Sometimes people need 10 games to get better or sometimes 100.
  17. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    I noticed he mentioned the need to have knowledge of the games bugs in order to perform well, which has been true for me at least. A lot of my time spent with the game is learning how to avoid situations which the game behaves.... Unexpectedly.
    We know he did not really put the work in, but we also see why moving forward he decided not to.
  18. grzegorz2121

    grzegorz2121 Member

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    What bugs are you talking about? You don't need to break the game to play good.
    You heard about commander reclaim? It isn't bug.
    stuart98 likes this.
  19. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    Dont worry if you play long enough you'll spottem. Anyway im moving my negative nancy self out
  20. grzegorz2121

    grzegorz2121 Member

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    I played this game a lot. I watched a lot of videos on yt too. I still don't know what bugs are you talking about.
    For some players something is a bug for some it isn't. Can you write what bugs you find? I want to know, maybe I didn't spot them.

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