I still see close to 200 weeklies, but 7 - 10 pm pacific I see exactly noone. Please tell me what time noons play these days, and i'll try to find a job with a matching shedjule, #fat.
Ok ill see you then when i figure how to translate 20 into california hours. Btw, yesternight lobbies were overcrowded: played 3 1v2 custom pubs! Too bad hacker untouchable was there spoiled all the fun. Reported him for hacking. Cause how else one mêlée the host 20 times with railgun.
How do I pronounce your name? I know it means vinegar in russian. Also is the legendary ykcyc[1] your brother, son, gay lover?
Closer to "ook sus" or "ooxus". If you sing it, then both vowels are clearly "oo" with the first syllable accented: "OoookSoos!" ykcyc[1] never authorized me to disclose the nature of our relationship. He's me best buddy; unfortunately he's moving on campus next month and we won't be seeing a lot of him.
"why kay see" works too. While we are on the subject, could you guys help me with Spanish grammar? Which verbal form is used in software UI to describe actions? Say, I have "Export to CSV". Would that be "Exportar a CSV" or "Exporte a CSV"? I've seen both used, which one is correct? Edit: just realized I could watch RustClan videos and see if it's "comprar jugo" or "compre jugo"
"boy a comprar jugo" I will buy juice. "jaja ya compre jugo! soy joto!" haha I bought juice! I'm2gud! exportar.
gracias por la lección. Btw, just got a clutch achievement irl: last customer served at https://www.facebook.com/LosPinosSeafood very talented guys. Restaurant quality seafood. Awesome reggae music too. But it's a small takeout place.
12pm -5pm west. But it's cancer .You got bad host from new players .Un even team splits and Flash boosting. Ill stick to harms ways @y3434 Noon