Just wondering what's happened in the community since PA went gold? I was around until roughly then, way before titans came out anyway, and have just come back. Lots of people are still active that I recognise; there are some I haven't seen yet, but it doesn't mean they are not about. If someone could bullet point the highlights to help me catch up, that would be great
Thanks, that's me caught up game-wise. By that timeline I recognise up to first player save/load. When did we win the ant war? I can't remember them ever going back to ant after the endless renames.
@wpmarshall finally got his match for the ant name (and gloriously won) just before the AbleGamers 2015 Tournament. https://exodusesports.com/tournament/ablegamers-2015/
Any new PA websites? I know of exodus, palobby and pastats, pamatches seems stagnant so I guess Brian hasn't returned. There was an unofficial ladder/irc, that's gone now? Google and exodus's about page doesn't yield anything else except unit databases.
I wish palobby had links on the homepage to its subpages like /units and /chat. Then everyone visiting the main palobby page would realize it offers those other services.