After a long time of measuring eco I made the turtle cancer strategy guide. It really helps me defend against a lot of people. so here it is: Love, Qzipco
Looks like you haven't witnessed Kiwi's absolute turret cancer. It's like everything cancer can be except on steroids.
well my actually very coincidental recent attempt at turtling was glorious but i had to leave at the end so my cancer wasn't able to spread too far.
#WitnessGreatness #NewMeta #QzipcoTurtleCancerCheese #WinningByLosing #NowPlayAgainstAHumannotanAI #turtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancerturtlecancer
The way I remember that was you were killed by Zeus and complained about Zeus and renamed yourself to Zeus Exploiter.