Hey there, I was wondering what the bottleneck is in PA Titans. In the beginning of a multiplayer game everything usually runs fine at 60 fps, but once the unit numbers start increasing the fps is quickly dropping. Is the game more cpu- or gpu-heavy? Anyway here are my system specs: 2500k GTX 960 8 gb ram p67 mobo Blazing fast internet Thanks for your reply!
I have 8GB and it takes me a while to load into games. I stay away from systems larger than 5 planets. My FPS doesn't drop TOO much, but it does drop if we are talking 'insane' numbers (500-600+ per team).
If the number of units get very high the bottleneck will be the cpu running the simulation be it on the server if your playing online or on your pc if your if your running the sever side locally.
Other than the servers, definitely up your RAM to 16GB as that's the cheapest component in your PC. Failing that, the 2500K is dated these days and even overclocking it won't help a huge deal.