Playing to win, instead of playing for one's self.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Chompzilla, August 14, 2010.

  1. Chompzilla

    Chompzilla New Member

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    How often does it happen? You're playing support or tank or gunner and it seems like a one man battle against of horde of bots with humans backing them up. Enemies surging around you and the only thing you can think is, "where the hell is my team?"

    I have been the MVP in probably 30 out of 29 games I've played in the last two days and this is a consistent thing I've noticed over and over again. People choosing, most commonly, assassin class and then running head first into the opponents base only to score a single kill and then be mowed down by turrets or opponents. Why is this an issue? Have some of you never played a team game before?

    So why, why do you run out and lone it only to see your team lose? Why do you think everyone ELSE on the team should support the base whilst you go and attempt to be Duke Nukem, only to fall flat on your face? Being support is fun. It is. Stop losing the game for everyone else by not being a team member.
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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  3. Chompzilla

    Chompzilla New Member

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    I support so good I break through time and space itself.
  4. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    The clear issue is people seem to be confused. People who have played games like DoTA, Demigod, League of legends and its kind will instantly realize that the bots and turrets should be your main focus, with other players only being merely in your way. The insanely short respawn time contributes to the hitler-youth inspired legions of halo morons desire to assassin and be a free kill on legs.

    People like getting kills with little to no risk, and they like being invisible. Even if it means you are a walking punchline and useless to their team, they want kills.

    I stopped playing support five matches in simply because I was getting sick of being targeted by assassins nonstop. So I switched to Tank. No matter how many times they try, they are just there for me to kill them and for them to waste time and effort they could of been using killing bots, constructing turrets or spawning gremlins.

    Me and my buddy Mick today hooked up in a party, he was support and I was a tank. We would do the classic Medic+Heavy combo made famous in TF2, stomping in and wasting blackjacks and turrets left and right. We even won a match in 5 minutes this way, simply because the other team was too busy being free kills to build turrets and fight us back.

    Its to the point where I started flat out TELLING support players to hack our longshot turrets. Not asking but freaking TELLING them. "Longshots up and level 3, Support get over here and hack it. Now."
  5. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    I mostly play assault and my main goal is never to take a lot of kills, i always try to bring my bots into the enemy base.
  6. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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  7. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    I usually hate grenades and never use them. But I quickly realized The tank does not have a grenade, its a damn instant fire mortar that instantly raeps a close kit group of blackjacks
  8. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    do u mean the assaults grenade launcher? its pretty hard to hit other players with it, but taking down bots and turrets if pretty good with it...
  9. Evil Lemon325

    Evil Lemon325 New Member

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    Eh, Halo's not the problem. Halo's far more difficult and has greater skill gap, as well as longer respawns, than the "Other" game which shall not be named.
  10. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Tanks have Product Bombs.
  11. oneDRTYrusn

    oneDRTYrusn New Member

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    This is what happened to me when I brought my buddy who plays a lot of MW2 into the game earlier tonight. He's easily racking up 30-some kills with only like and like 15 deaths with Assault or Gunner; MVP every match. I'll go like 15 and 5, and be near the bottom of the scoreboard... But I'm mopping up ridiculous amounts of bot kills... defending like it's cool, and I get trash talked for getting "dominate"... even though we won because their bots couldn't penetrate even halfway down the lanes.

    Every so often I'll get on a team where, 5 minutes into the game, the Moneyball is just ruined. And we'll do that game after game, until we all get split up since the other team systematically left. Then it's a deathmatch stalemate.

    I wish they'd add bot kills into the mix. They could add up Bot kills and Player kills for a cumulative score... that way the scoreboards properly reflect who the true top players were.

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