every game is a boring turtle fest

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by i dont care, February 26, 2011.

  1. i dont care

    i dont care New Member

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    all the time i just see supports sitting in base for the duration of the match until over time. when over time comes, its whoever has the most juiced up assassins wins

    every single time
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    1. Play gunner
    2. Destroy turrets with the mortar
    3. ???
    4. Profit!
  3. Heegu

    Heegu New Member

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    As an assault I just wait until I'm juiced and bomb the supports and their turrets to hell.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    sadly even a juiced assault has got nothing on an overhealed lv3 rockit
  5. Heegu

    Heegu New Member

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    Alright, that's true. But usually the enemy either doesen't have lv3 rockits ready (I win games pretty fast, not bragging or anything but the enemy rarely has good teamplay going), or I kill the support allowing my teammates to help me take the turrets down.
  6. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Having supports that would rather overheal slimbots instead of you is rather irritating. :x
  7. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    2.Farm bots
    3.Pop juice
    4.Mortar enemy base
  8. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    I find the majority of games turn into offense vs. defense, which irks me a little. You're not going to win 90%+ of games with 6 defenders. If you're an Assassin, Assault or Tank, get out of your base (and don't be afraid to die a few times in the process), kill some bots, hit that annihilator and put some pressure on them. Chances are, they don't have much in the way of turrets if they're all on offense. So all it takes is 1-2 turret kills and a couple bots to jump on their core to completely turn things around. There have been a number of games where I've seen this happen, with the defense team ending up with the W because a single player decided to be aggressive and push a lane.
  9. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Generally, unless you have any significant amount of juice, or are a Support, it's a fair idea to rush the enemy base and attack Annihilators, Ejectors, Turrets, and Bot Spawns.

    Even if you die, you won't die in vain.
  10. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    I've seen too many great game-turning matches to describe how awesome they are. You just need one person to start a turn around. :)
  11. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    Yeah thats cause very few people actually know how to play this game, Literally nobody pushes bot lanes, I am ALWAYS pushing the bot lane and nobody joins me until i have it pushed to the turrets and even then they come and fail and die right away.

    but ur right about juiced assassins, imo assassin is just way to easy and way to nub of a class.
  12. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    ^ the problem with assassin is that nobody is communicating in the game. There would be far less problems with them if people actively pursued the assassin and escort bots so that the assassin won't get juice for free.

    But it doesn't matter, since most people take assassin as in high profile killer and not bot murderer.
  13. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    This, and preferably start doing it before they got a forest of rockit 3.3 around the ball.

    In fact it is even what gunners are for imo, sure they can also kill players very well, but the stuff where they outshine everyone is building juice on bots and destroying turrets with their mortar.
  14. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    People don't quite have the rhythm down yet. Once everyone figures out how to move forward things should pick up.
  15. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    While I partially agree with this. A big problem is that a good assassin realizes that lunge only has a 2second cool down which makes her damn near uncatchable if she sees you first. Between dash and lunge she basically has nearly double any other classes move speed.

    Not saying it needs changes just merely pointing out that while its true that communication and such HELPS counteract assassin's juicing, if her team is communicating as well then she is going to move on to a new lane or location or simply prepare for your arrival.

    Community grows and learns how to deal with things, but you can't assume that just because the community learns how to play assault/gunner/tank/ect doesn't mean that the sniper/assassin players WONT learn new ways around these things. All this really does is mean that there is more experienced players who understand how to deal with less experienced players.
  16. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I generally see one of two things happening when turtling goes down:

    1) Turtle team is stomped. Problem solved.
    2) Slow grueling match that never goes anywhere and is patently unfun.

    I only see the second one on servers that turn off juice-buying though.
  17. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I think juice buying is kind of a neccasary evil to have. It could use a nerf but outright removing it has a few large consequences

    1. Classes that naturally build juice faster are going to do ALOT better than classes that don't

    2. Without being able to spend money on juice players are left with more money to spend and less things to spend them on. This in turn means that bases are harder to crack as their turrets not only last longer (thanks to inability to clean house via a juice rush) but also typically you see more level 3 turrets than you would otherwise.

    One thing I'd like to see is rather than having juice disabled entirely, merely have juice buying and annihilator disabled during over time. This means players will need more teamwork to win during OT.
  18. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I'm an absolutist about it. I think you need both during regulation and overtime. I could maybe see a case for having juice have no effect on moneyball damage, but you need things to dump money into or else money stops being relevant a few minutes into the game when people have their skills. (And with the annihilator, you need to reward teams for controlling the map and being aggressive.)

    When you play on servers without juice buying, all that money goes into turrets, which just turtles things up worse. Remove juice in OT and you'll see the same thing, just not on as bad a scale.
  19. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    See the thing is if you disable anihilator and juice buying in OT then you also are rewarding being aggressive in some ways.

    OT time hits and an assassin on the turtling team has been saving up 500$ and simply stealths - rushes juice machines and hurts your moneyball just enough to win the game because the rest of the team is defending.

    Having juice/ani available can potentially (not always) encourage "turtle till OT" tactics
  20. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Here's how you stop it: go out of your base and attack stuff. Anything, players, bots, turrets, whatever. When or if you die, go back out there and kill more stuff.

    Go, attack.

    Playing defense will never let you win.

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