I wouldn't rule it out stuart. By the way @bsergent, I have over the last few months been working on a tool to help with PA's files changing with updates. Essentially you specify the differences to the base files, and then the script generates the shadowed files for you. You only need to work with json - no programming required. I can help you set it up if you are interested.
Considering taking a stab at updating this for titans. I'm unclear how the new/old/new mod system works. I gather pamm went away came back and went away again while I was gone. My GW loadout mod was still installed locally in my steam folder and magically worked when I decided to fire it up for giggles. Leads me to hope the other stuff can be salvaged. As anyone who knows me knows, I am indeed angry with Uber, but I spent god knows how many hours on these mods. If I can at least get them running semi easily, I'd like to, even if no one including me ever plays them. I still very much appreciate all the help I got, even from people who now hate me X) So anyway, my question, anyone have any idea where I could download the latest released version of my mods? I don't think I have my old working directory anymore, and even if I did I doubt it would be valid after all this time. If no one replies here I'll just say thanks again to all who helped and move on.
With regards to PAMM... It's not gone exactly, its just been integrated into the game itself and it's now called "CMM" (Community mod manager)... I'm not sure how it differs on the back end though as I've never done any modding myself. Nice to see you back