System Sharing 2 is a rework of the original System Sharing client mod by @cptconundrum. The client mod adds the following to load planet used by the system editor and new game lobby: map tabs for: my systems (with a share system button for the default server in the system editor version) shared systems for the default server and custom private servers uber systems map pack client mods extended system info when selecting maps default server to share your maps with others custom private servers for clans, tournaments, etc The existing server side is unchanged at this time. A future update will allow map creators to delete maps they have shared, enable searching and improve performance. The following has changed: complete rework to fix issues with build 82834+ (cleaner integration and hopefully less fragile for future Uber changes) moved share system to load planet systems list (load_planet.js scene) and removed system editor scene added more planet detail including: metal clusters, metal density and custom metal spots custom landing zones custom csg fixed metal display to: check for metal clusters, metal density and custom metal spots suppress for gas giants fixed share system to use export (no more missing custom csg, metal spots and landing zones) fixed map packs so that they now maintain original sort order removed new game scene (not needed) removed unused files Deleting Maps from the Shared Server contact me via Community Chat or the forums to delete a map you have shared
Creating A Custom Map Pack Client Mod Please make sure you read: You'll need a github account to submit and some way to host the zip file. eg a dropbox public link (use dl=1) The structure of your map pack client mod submission is: mymodname_v(major).(minor).(revision).zip eg mymodname_v(major).(minor).(revision) eg myubername-mymappackname_v1.0.0 modinfo.json ui mods unique-identifier maps.js systems map1.pas map2.pas etc The following are important: unique identifier string in modinfo.json eg version string (major.minor.revision) in modinfo.json and zip filename eg 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 2.0.0, etc unique mod name eg myubername maps unique and short map tab name eg myubername unique map names unique map filenames (avoid spaces) dependencies in modinfo.json on the system sharing client mod ie dependencies: [ "" ] watch out for missing or extra commas all files must be UTF-8 (no BOM) Export your maps and add the following manually to each map pas file: creator description version A future mod update will allow these fields to be updated prior to export. Take a look at the following sample map pack: Please include the following categories in your modinfo.json: maps classic (if tested with classic) titans (if tested with titans) Test your map pack before uploading by manually adding into your local PA mods directory. If you need a good text editor try the following: BBEdit / TextWrangler (OS X) Notepad++ (Windows)
maps.js example: Code: cShareSystems.load_pas("palobby", [ "coui://ui/mods/", "coui://ui/mods/", "coui://ui/mods/" ]); There is no trailing comma on last map entry.
The case of the CSS file in the modinfo.json and file system do not match. This results in the CSS failing to load for Linux users.
If you're a map pack creator please update your mod with the following: single maps category (please remove other categories like map, packs, etc) titans category (if your maps are tested with titans) short tab names Please make sure you are only using cShareSystems.load_pas in your maps.js (map sort order is now preserved).
How did this process change after the latest PA update with mod browser built into the game and PAMM no longer required?
I would love to see search functionality added to this mod, for example searching by system name and number of players (landing spots). With lots of map packs it is quite hard to find the right system.
Hello, I want to know if its possible to view the save location for the maps and pick them from my browser, id need to scroll 2000+ pages in order to find an old map I made, launching the replay through pastats does not work so I cannot apprehend the file that way. Please get back to me
war earth is the name of the map I was looking for. Props for the offer. it will be an [NW]TheEffectTheCause map or standard TheEffectTheCause
The Cult is looking to use this mod for our Clan Wars REBOOT. I believe we asked for a server called Cosmic War to be listed in the server drop down menu, is there a way we could rename it and add new systems to it?