I keep getting these blurry big square's on in all my games i played. Well i'm not allowed to paste the steam screenshots here so what can i do?Can't download the screenshots. Go to my screenshots on steam i guess username Silver_Knight
I think you need to make a few more posts before you can post images etc. It's just a anti bot feature.
Can you post your DxDiag.txt if you are on Windows? You can make one by pressing <WinKey>+R, typing "dxdiag", and pressing "Save All Information...". You can upload the resulting file here using the "Upload a File" button on this forum. If you are on Mac or Linux, which version and what graphics card drivers do you use?
Thanks. Well, no trouble there that I can see. Another cause can be other software that may interfere with PA such are recording software like FRAPS or Raptr and such. There is a list here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/ If you don't have any software from that list, try a clean boot. That will disable any background software that may interfere. It PA works fine in that case, then it's some other programs fault and you would need to find and disable that. Instructions for a clean boot are here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135/en-us