Alpha2546 maps: Rain system 10-02-2017 download on CMM!

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by Alpha2546, September 1, 2015.

  1. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I'm opening up this new thread that follows up the old thread in the planetary annihilation section. If you're interested getting some information of the PA maps then click on this link.

    The maps can be easily installed through the Planetary Annihilation Mod Manager (PAMM). New maps will have the tag T - infront of it.

    I've made four new maps and I'm working on a video on how to use the system designer. I'll let you all know when that tutorial is up.

    Map: Splitter
    • Lobby setup: 1v1 or 2v2 shared armies.
    • Size: 500 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A small/medium sized planet with some radical use of CSG's. I normally never make these kind of maps but I've noticed that there is a market for maps that push the limits in CSG placement. You'll both start at the Equator and you can make use of treeco at the poles. This won't play out like a normal (vanilla) map.
    Splitter 1.jpg
    Splitter 2.jpg

    Map: The Island
    • Lobby setup: 1v1 or 2v2 shared armies.
    • Size: 450 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A small/medium sized planet where you both start on a safe plateau. Will your game plan be naval, land or both? Your choice.
    The Island 1.jpg
    The Island 2.jpg

    Map: Geiser
    • Lobby setup: 1v1 or 2v2 shared armies.
    • Size: 400 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A small/medium sized planet with some islands surrounded by lava. Will you take control over those or are you going to raid them with the power of hover magic.
    Geiser 2.jpg
    Map: Jungle Hazard
    • Lobby setup: A hardcore 1v1 map
    • Size: 300 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A small sized planet with some sorely needed treeconomy. If you can find a good balance between grabbing expansions and reclaiming then you should be getting big advantages.
    Jungle Hazard 1.jpg
    Jungle Hazard 2.jpg
    stuart98, burntcustard, rivii and 3 others like this.
  2. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    seriously though, some of these maps just need to be in ladder!
  3. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Valid Message

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  4. Pwn4two

    Pwn4two Member

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    This is my (Philosopotamous) first system. For playtesting and/or editing.

    Edit: Needs updating. Will add the new one in a new post later.

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    Last edited: October 9, 2015
  5. Pwn4two

    Pwn4two Member

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    This is the 2.1 version of my new map. Should be better balanced. If you have feedback let me know.

    Edit: Updated from 1.0, 2.0.

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    Last edited: October 10, 2015
  6. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Can a mod removed the above three posts? Kinda had to abuse the upload function of the forums to get the maps in a easy way.

    I have made two new maps.

    Map: The harbour
    • Lobby setup: A 2v2 map shared
    • Size: 600 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A big sized planet with some naval and land play in it. You've got the option to harass naval by pelter creeping or grenadiers. Could give you a good advantage to eventually do damage to the base.


    Map: Andromeda
    • Lobby setup: A 3v3 shared, unshared or FFA map
    • Size: 600 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A big sized planet inspired by Hot platforms and Magma platform. It sure is less turtly then those maps. Pretty radical looking map I'd say!


  7. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Update time.

    Fixed Zetox imbalance. Metals should now be even.
    Fixed naming of my last two maps

    Map: The Hot Bucket
    • Lobby setup: A 10 player FFA map or 10 players shared or unshared
    • Size: 900 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A big sized planet with some interesting spawning system in it. Not sure if its balanced but it should be reasonable balanced. Excellent for a bit of raiding and huge army's.


    Map: Shiver
    • Lobby setup: A 10 player FFA map or 10 players shared or unshared
    • Size: 650 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A medium/large sized planet with more close combat when you compare it to the hot bucket. Can get really intense fighting troops off from different sides.

    Map: Crevage
    • Lobby setup: A 1v1 or 2v2 map shared
    • Size: 500 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: a medium size planet where you're forced to choose which ways you expand and which ways you're going to raid. Has a different spawning setup then my other maps.


    Corgiarmy, ace63, andreasgg and 2 others like this.
  8. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Its time for a new update. Had some maps lying around and I think I playtested and altered them enough. I'd say that they can be a lot of fun!

    So here you go. I present you 1 upgraded old map, 4 new maps plus two systems!

    Map: hydrogenix facility f407 titans
    • Lobby setup: A 1v1 or 2v2 map shared
    • Size: 900 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: Still one of my favorite maps. Its still big its still good but less ram intensive. Made some spots more interesting and others less crowded. Simply put the map is upgraded. Has been played in a couple of tourneys too! Never got the time to put it properly in the pack though. It is now!
    Map: Insanateria
    • Lobby setup: A 1v1 or 2v2 map shared
    • Size: 400 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: Reminds me of the reef a bit except its smaller and the gameplay is focused more on land. Should drag less on then the reef when naval plays a heavy role.

    Map: Arkthus
    • Lobby setup: A 1v1 or 2v2 map shared
    • Size: 400 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A small sized planet with some ideas taken from Andromeda except this one is even more open. You can pressure the enemy on three fronts with a solid ground army however you can also do some sneaky hover raiding. The more greedy the more risk you'll take!
    Map: Kure Atoll
    • Lobby setup: A 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 map shared
    • Size: 700 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A large sized planet with some interesting islands. Ships is definately a thing however hovers can get to the "other side" much quicker. Most excited about this one. It'll have some raiding, bombing, naval etc. Can get punished hard if you don't have a gameplan.


    Map: The Refinery
    • Lobby setup: A 2v2 map shared or 4 player FFA
    • Size: 300 radius.
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: I don't think this map is really special. I created it with the idea that I want to play some different kind of games now and then. Close combat map with some options to turtle too.
    The refinery.jpg

    System: The Elrose system
    • Lobby setup: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 shared.
    • Amount of planets: 4 -> 1 tropical type (big), 1 moon type (small), 2 asteroids.
    • 3 planet are smashable (moon and asteroids)
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: One big *** planet with spread out metal and one small moon rich of metal. Lots of options and tactics when playing teamgames. Should be a lot of fun! Below a picture of the big planet (duhuh).
    System: The Solaroid system
    • Lobby setup: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 shared.
    • Amount of planets: 5 -> 1 lava type, 1 ice type, 1 tropical type, 2 asteroids.
    • 2 planet are smashable
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: Two spawn-able planets with nearly identical metal counts. They both play however completely different. In the middle of these two planets we have a neutral planet with some extra metal and treeco. Could be a very fun system too.

    Should be on PAMM tonight. Enjoy! (or not :p )

    Attached Files:

    doud, andreasgg, proeleert and 3 others like this.
  9. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    The map list has "Coruscant.pas", but the file is "coruscant.pas", which doesn't load on case-sensitive filesytems (OSX/Linux)
  10. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Thanks for the bug report. Its fixed now
  11. elloco1989

    elloco1989 New Member

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    Awesome planets man!

    I play them all the time.
    Alpha2546 likes this.
  12. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Hey all! It sure has been a while and I noticed I did a sneaky update somewhere last year (in august I think) so its time to update the thread again bwoop!

    With the new update the description of Icyon en Licks have been update with T- tags. There has also been a fix for the F205 system where coruscant now has pathable bridges again! More angles to attack so yeay!

    Besides that I've added four new systems to play with where three of them are completely new multiplanet systems to celebrate the performance update! Go check em out.

    System: System F305
    • Lobby setup: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 shared.
    • Amount of planets: 4 -> 1 ice type, 1 tropical type, 1 moon, earth type, 3 asteroids.
    • 2 planet are smashable plus asteroids
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: It the system F205 system except the gas planet has been exchanged with a big earth planet. I did this for you @Quitch since you hate the gas planet.

    System: Rain system
    • Lobby setup: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 , 5v5 shared or unshared.
    • Amount of planets: 4 -> 1 lava type, 1 metal, 2 tropical type, 3 asteroids.
    • asteroids are smashable
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: A big system with more spawns then player. I think it has in total 12 spawns where you can choose from so choose wisely and try to take of the whole system.

    System: Carnage system
    • Lobby setup: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 shared.
    • Amount of planets: 4 -> 1 lava type, 1 earth type, 1 tropical type, 1 metal, 3 asteroids.
    • asteroids are smashable
    • Symmetrical.
    • Description: Is an even bigger system then the rain system. The difference is that there is a big lava planet with resources where no one spawns on. It can be a crucial element for taking over the system.
    Map: Terrakis
    • Lobby setup: 8 player FFA
    • Size: 900 radius.
    • unsymmetrical.
    • Description: Huge FFA planet for simple FFA games. Beware for the lag though.

    Maps that were put in V4.1 but never added to this thread:
    Map: Icyon

    • Lobby setup: 8 player FFA
    • Size: 800 radius.
    • unsymmetrical.
    • Description: Huge FFA planet for simple FFA games. Its an ice planet so no treeconomy. Has a reasonable good performance when playing on it
    Map: Licks
    • Lobby setup: 8 player FFA
    • Size: 800 radius.
    • unsymmetrical.
    • Description: Huge FFA planet for simple FFA games. It feels open then Terrakis. Has a reasonable good performance when playing on it. One of my favorites FFA planets.

    Map pack being updated as we speak. Good luck and have fun!
    emarkus, stuart98 and Quitch like this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Your mod's icon is broken.

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