I, Murcanic am back!

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by Murcanic, January 31, 2016.

  1. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    Hello, some of you will remember me, others will not but I am back and want to play ^^ What has happened over the last 6 months or so? anyone willing to play some games so I can figure out how to play on the latest builds? I used to be in the top ten of PA if anyone is looking for a challenge then after I readjust I am sure I could give it :)
    Nicb1, tracert, Furballman and 3 others like this.
  2. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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    For PA over the last six months? The Titans expansion came, that's about it.
    martianhunter likes this.
  3. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    fun, how big of a difference has it made? are titans useful or really the equal of making 30 nukes in a planetary match to show off how much you've beaten someone by?
    martianhunter likes this.
  4. Furballman

    Furballman Member

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    it depends, some of them are late game material and some are good for rushing depending on map and what not... theres also a whole bunch of other units added as well
  5. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Welcome back?
    martianhunter and Murcanic like this.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Ah nice to see you come back. PA is developing just like TA (and I guess SupCom) in the online community. Players may leave, but they usually come back :p

    Speaking of which, I just started playing Spring RTS again. Anyway nice to see one of the 'old' PA players back- the ladder is a very different place now, you'd better show these newbies how it's really done eh Murcanic?
  7. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    xD assuming I can use the old tactics I know and love still then yes ^^ else well... we will see xP
    cdrkf and martianhunter like this.
  8. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    xankar and martianhunter like this.
  9. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    :( no I am not a fan of the dox spam :( so much micro...
    martianhunter likes this.
  10. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Welcome back, always nice to see old players back in the community. :)

    Quite a few things have changed so it's probably going to take a while of experimenting to work out some good new strats and all that. While old strats from back then may hold up balance is a bit different and there are quite a few new units which will likely throw you off the first few games.
    cdrkf and Furballman like this.
  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The hover tanks especially mix up things like lava maps :p
  12. cynischizm

    cynischizm Active Member

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    You'll quite like the sparks then. Reasonably durable t1 bot with splash damage weapon. Good at clearing dox swarms and trades fairly well. Also trade fairly well against tanks.

    To answer your question about titans, they're actually pretty balanced. Not so insanely expensive you'll never use them, but will wreck standard armies and bases if used correctly (land titans can survive 2 direct nukes). Air titan is slightly OP, dies quickly to fighters, but kills them faster and is nigh unstoppable if escorted. It's also at least 2x faster than any land titan. Orbital titan is very useful as a turtle breaker.

    Other notable additions:
    T2 flak tank - Air dominance is no longer so powerful against incoming armies.
    Orbital battleship - good for clearing orbital fighters. weak damage against ground + air but can soak up a few hits from umbrellas.
    orbital rail gun - outranges anchors, can destroy jigs without getting caught in the blast
    t1 hover tanks - useful on lava and water planets, stronger but slower firing than normal tanks. immune to torpedoes.
    Kaiju hover ship - bigger brother to hover tank. Good for getting out of oceans, but needs air support. decent range and damage, also immune to torpedoes. Can't go through teleporters unfortunately.

    Earlier T2 also seems to have become viable again.
    Last edited: February 1, 2016
  13. stylisticsagittarius

    stylisticsagittarius Active Member

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    Zeus OP when micro (If u remove his blast attack vs air and give him a weak non splash air attack would make him balanced.).
    Bot titan very strong but easily countered.
    Tank titan good sheller, hard to counter but does limited damage.
    Orbital titan very expensive but with a proper army ready at the portal makes almost every invasion a succes no matter how hard the defend it.

    Hover units give extra tactics.
    Tank nuke also gives extra options
    bot subcommander is way to expansive for that little build power...

    Sniper bots are bad now (maybe if they would give them same price as assault bot or give decent anti air capabilities would make them usable again now they are to expensive for what they are)|

    T1 lightling bot is very good vs bots but surprisingly well also against concentrated floks of flame tanks and buildings in general. do need energy to fire so no energy=useless.
    t1 dox launcher shoots dox into enemies but personally i find it not a good unit but see a few people who use it.
    Don't let you be fooled the dox in there are not free, they even costmore (45 launcher, 30 factory).

    T2 ani air tank is very good at clearling lots of weak air units.

    T2 air have large very slow bombers and assist bots that can destroy anti air missiles.
    Very good but to expensive and needs to be in masses to be effective so to slow and costly for ever tu use properly.

    Orbital has some extra units that makes it slightly more interesting.

    Navel has some cool extra units but now i think of it never since titans have i played a large naval map so i don't really now if they are good or not.

    Ow and the price of nukes and anti nukes are lower then pa basic and titans also removed the orbital radar en makes orbital units always visable to everyone.
  14. cynischizm

    cynischizm Active Member

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    Ah yeah, forgot about the lobber, manhattan, colonel and locust.

    The lobber (dox cannon) - comes fully loaded and has roughly the range of the pelter. More expensive, but useful for raiding across gaps or dropping dox where they are needed to defend around your base. Holds max 9 dox.

    Manhattan - super slow nuke tank. Takes ages to build. Less powerful than standard nuke. Explodes as attack or when it dies so be careful where you park it. Manhattan plus orbital teleporter titan = unblockable nuke strike. Also amphibious.

    Colonel (aka sub commander) - Best build rates, high HP, higher damage on base weapon than the comm. If your opponent doesn't know how to use ubercannon they will win 1v1 against comm. Useful for creating a beachhead on an enemy planet as they can build and defend. Don't explode on death like commander so you can build as many as you like.

    Locust - nano bots. They reclaim enemies at ridiculous rates. Will eat through tank armies and most buildings with ease. Super low health so should only attack units with low ROF otherwise you'll lose all before you get close.

    Also wreckages are back in. So reclaiming is more useful again.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    • Naval balance has changed completely at T1 and you'll find Barracudas dominate the seas
    • T2 is more viable on land, though T2 bots are weaker than they used to be and T2 vehicles are heavily favoured
    • You'll see Levellers in addition to Shellers
    • Titans are sometimes seen, but little enough that it remains cool, and they need army support to avoid getting wrecked
    • Helios Titan makes it much harder to stalemate orbital
    • Ladder maps have changed
  16. irvlipschitz

    irvlipschitz Member

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    Why do so many people refer to the SXX-1304 Laser Platform as a "rail gun"? Laser weapons fire a beam of light while the latter use an electromagnetic projectile. Maybe it's from the Farsight XR-20 used in Perfect Dark:

    That was a ripoff from a fictional rail gun in the Schwarzenegger film, "Eraser":

    Even BF4 had a rail gun. Here's the real rail gun:

  17. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Ohai :)
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The sxx is not the rail gun people are talking about. It's called Artemis, and is a long range, slow rof orbital to orbital weapon to counter the battleship and anchors.
  19. irvlipschitz

    irvlipschitz Member

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  20. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    Wow lots of good information here ^^ thanks I look forward to using it and seeing all of you on the battle field :)
    Furballman likes this.

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