Massive gameplay stutter regardless of video quality

Discussion in 'Support!' started by stupidchris, January 24, 2016.

  1. stupidchris

    stupidchris New Member

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    I was gifted this game quite a few months back on Steam, and I've decided to give it a go this morning while testing out my new rig. And well, so far it's not going as planned.

    While trying out a game in Galactic War, I'm finding myself having some massive near constant stutter of the gameplay. Something like one second frozen, followed by one flowing. They weird part is that when I bring up the ctrl+p menu, the framerate stays at a nice 60fps. Meanwhile, the mouse UI stays completely normally responsive. The issue seems to only affect the environment and game objects. And this is all completely regardless of any modification I make to video settings. I'm really confused at where this is coming from, because my machine should be able to run this at pretty high settings without any problems (I mean I just ran Bioshock Infinite at Ultra and constant 50fps+). I've looked around and I can't find anyone with a similar problem.

    DxDiag and log attached (the log is essentially an open up, load game, tweak settings, close up).

    No other programs were actively running/downloading along with the game. Pretty confused about this one.

    EDIT: I've also run a complete driver and system update on everything on the machine when I got it (this week), so yeah, not an issue.

    Attached Files:

  2. stupidchris

    stupidchris New Member

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    Alright, after a lot of digging, the culprit has been found: ASUS Game First III, which I found mentioned very briefly on the Steam forums, which is... kinda weird? And slightly dissapointing as well to see that a tool enhancing connection isn't supported by a game with a possibly intensive multiplayer connection. Guess I'll have to deal without.

    Probably worth mentioning in one of the stuck posts in here though.
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Gamefirst III doesn't seem to be very good software. It has caused connection issues and crashing for everyone that uses it.
  4. stupidchris

    stupidchris New Member

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    That isn't something I've experienced over the past years while using this kind of Asus software. How it historically performed for me is, however, beside the point.
  5. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    The game works fine without Gamefirst III, so the problem is with Gamefirst III messing with the network traffic.

    Maybe you can configure it to not mess up PA related network traffic, keep in mind PA also uses Chromium for the UI.

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