I see a GPU driver crash: Code: [21:49:32.516] INFO [COUI] PID: 9188 | 8284 05:49:32.671267 [9188:8284:WARNING:gpu_process_host.cc(483)] GPU process crash detected! [21:49:32.516] ERROR [COUI/ContextError] GPUProcessCrash: GpuProcessCrashed [21:49:34.185] INFO Crash uploaded, link developer to http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/bp-16a02826-ac79-42de-9e4a-fe7942160120 [21:49:34.185] INFO Previous crashes stored in C:\Users\OUROBO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\checkpoint.cpk [21:49:34.295] INFO Uploader exited with exit code 0 [21:49:34.295] ERROR Planetary Annihilation: Fatal error 'parsley': User interface acceleration crashed. Please make sure you have the latest graphics drivers for your system. We'll see what others have to say
You seem to be using a 4K monitor. There were some issues before with playing full screen on that (also parsley error). Could you switch to windowed mode and try again? Make the window a few centimetres smaller than the monitor. Does the crashing stop then?
I am indeed using a 4K monitor. After the first crash (before the one I'd initially posted) I had updated to the latest nVidia drivers. Just ran the steam game file check and it didn't report any issues. Tried windowed mode with maximized window. Started over the tutorial and it crashed just after conquering the third system. I'll try it again with a more "normal" sized window later on.
With the window at about 1/4 the available area, I was able to play through the tutorial and and a single player map without a crash. Coincidently, I also had turned up the video settings to "uber" just before starting today's session. I guess the question now is, what do I need to do to play at full screen, at 4K?
The UI does not scale to 4k, so even if it would work it wouldn't look good. Afaik you need to change the resolution of the entire display in the control panel. PA receives that data and scales its UI accordingly.
Yeah, unfortunately the only workaround for now is to play in windowed mode. It doesn't need to be as small as a quarter of the screen; from what I hear a few centimetres smaller than the monitor should do. It's not a perfect solution of course, but it will at least allow you to play until it is fixed.
Played at 90% full screen. Sort of locked up right after game win. Could zoom in and out, but nothing else, no menus, unit selections, panning, etc.