I don't see any crashes in those logs. Does it freeze at login accepted or crash to desktop? Have you tested with --no-mods?
if you're using steam go to your library then right click on Planetary Annihilation: Titans then click properties then click set launch options then type --no-mods then run the game again
In the past crashes like these were caused by having a display name with UTF16 characters in them. Do you have any special characters in your name? If so, can you try a really simple one with only "normal" letters and numbers?
From the logs: Code: ERROR [JS/game] coui://ui/main/game/start/start.js:698: Failed to update display name to match Steam name (XxX_BiGb00tydesTroyEr_Xxx): {"ErrorCode":400,"Message":"Invalid Request Parameters","Errors":{"DisplayName":["The field DisplayName must be a string with a maximum length of 25."]}} Try a simple steam name. Also check for anything blocking local network connections: Code: INFO Could not connect to server at Refused Check this list: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/
how do i check if anthings blocking it and how do i undo it if i do find the thing thats blocking it?
By checking the list that @mikeyh linked to. If you don't have any programs on that list, you can still try a clean boot. Instructions for that are here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135/
So two things you could try: 1. Verify the integrity of the game cache. Instructions for that are here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 And if that doesn't help: 2. Could you try running PA outside of Steam? To do so, navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planetary Annihilation Titans\bin_x64". There should be a PA.exe there. Then click it and while holding <Ctrl>+<Shift> drag it to the desktop to create a short cut. Then right click that short cut and choose Properties. There should be a Target file. Move the text cursor all the way to the end and add "--nomods" there. Click Ok to safe. You can now start PA from that short cut and PA will start in off-line mode without any mods. That is, it won't try to log into PlayFab. Can you start an AI Skirmish now?