
Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Heizmeister, January 6, 2016.

  1. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Greetings PA-Community!

    Since I updated my humble little mod for PA:TITANS, I will be posting any changes here from now on.

    The old mod-thread and a description of the mod can be found here.

    Changelog 1.8:

    -Updated to be compatible with Titans and PA Classic
    -wondibles Hodgepodge-Mod is now required


    - Missing build-icons fixed
    - Fixed crash, that would occur when an armageddon-satelite would fire while deploying

    "Balance" changes:

    -damage increased from 55 to 75
    -splashdamge increased from 25 to 45
    -splashradius increased from 21 to 25
    -energydrain increased from 300 to 360
    -ammocapacity reduced from 6000 to 3600; ammo per shot is now 600 (1000 before);
    reload rate is therefor increased
    -carpetfire enabled; the artillery will reload the full clip before firing again

    Morning Star:
    -splashdamage increased from 250 to 750
    -significantly reduced projectile-speed to justify the increased splashdamage
    -energydrain while reloading reduced from 2500 to 2100; reloading the full clip takes a little longer now.
    -carpetfire enabled; the artillery will reload the full clip before firing again

    Gil-E (Sniperbot):
    -anti-projectile rate of fire reduced from 0.25 to 0.15

    -increased projectile-lifetime to 15 to prevent bullets from despawning at longer ranges

    -splashradius increased from 16 to 21
    -yaw-rate increased from 15 to 20; this should help the Meteor to better fire while moving
    but not as well as the Sheller

    -full damage splashradius reduced from 130 to 80
    -removed AIR as a targetlayer; it is an anti-ground-only unit
    Last edited: January 6, 2016
  2. n3ur0o

    n3ur0o New Member

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    dude ! i´m very thankful that u have updated the mod !!!
    nice work :)
    *directly heading to pamm and downloading because i allways wanted to test ur deff, but wasn´t able because in the past it was a broken mod*
  3. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Thank you! I am glad that you like it! It is true that the mod has been a bit buggy for a while, especially if you played it with PA:T . I hope I could fix it for this build ;)
  4. leadsyndicate

    leadsyndicate New Member

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    Are mods like this not compatible with Galactic War? I did enjoy it in multiplayer and skirmish but would ever so enjoy trying this with an Artillery commander, but it seems it does not let me build any of the added items.
  5. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I believe it's possible to make GW variants with extra work, but GW is separate code path that doesn't load server mods.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  6. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    That is an interesting idea... I could try to add the new units to the GW-deck and maybe add a few cards. However I have no experience modding GW... As far as I know, you would not be able to play with other GW-mods once one is active, so that may be a problem after all. @wondible , do you have any experience modding GW ?
  7. Mirolog

    Mirolog Well-Known Member

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    Well, adding decks/cards/adding stuff to existing cards is easy. And whole mod should be a client mod. But I don't know about adding new units. But you can use multiple GW mods at once.
  8. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Thanks for the info! I plan to add new cards that enable the new units and structures, but unfortunately the "Go to war" button is greyed out, when I add them to the gwc_dealer file...
    I guess I´ll figure it out somehow.
    Last edited: January 12, 2016
  9. leadsyndicate

    leadsyndicate New Member

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    Simply outstanding! Thanks. I thought I was making a shot in the dark but nope, enthusiasm happens.
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I haven't actually done these kinds of mods. It's similar, but all the files have to be in a client mod. Plus there is an enabled unit list gwc_start if you want things on by default. Cards are separate files (yay) but a single code (or two) file lists the available cards in a not really composable way (boo) And of course unit_list.json (though my beta pamm patch theoretically handles that)

    Multiple mods is on a case-by-case basis depending on which core files they override.

    There is probably a syntax error in the modified file or one of the cards. Have you made friends with the coherent debugger yet?
  11. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Changelog 1.9:

    Galactic War support:

    The UI-Mod now contains all necessary files to support Galactic War. This means, you can enjoy the mod in GW now.
    The forum-link now leads to this thread, instead of the old one in the PA:Classic forum.

    Galactic War:

    -added the card "Aurora-Tech" which unlocks all rapidfire-artillery units and structures (not the armageddon-satellite).
    To aquire the new units you have to find the new card, which is only available, if you either start with the artillery- loadout or find the normal Artillery-Tech first.
    -updated all relevant Tech-cards to apply bonuses to the new units, e. g. the artillery ammunition-tech now boosts the stats for the Comet and the Morning Star, and vehicle-upgrade cards as well as bot-upgrades boost the stats for their respective new units.
    -the armageddon-satellite is included in those cards, that unlock advanced orbital units. Starting with the orbital loadout will give you access to the armageddon-satellite ,too. This unit benefits from all orbital-buffs as well.
    Here is a little example: The "Energy-Efficiency" card would enable the armageddon-satellite to reload faster and consume less energy. With the "Orbital-Combat Tech" it would move faster, have more HP and do more damage.

    "Balance" changes

    Morning Star:
    -projectile speed has been increased.
    stuart98 likes this.
  12. leadsyndicate

    leadsyndicate New Member

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    Brilliant! Well time to find a new way to turn my foes into steaming holes.
    Heizmeister likes this.
  13. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Changelog 2.0:

    New Effects:

    The Morning Star and the Comet have received new and shiny projectile- and explosion effects. These awesome effects are made by none other than Mirolog, the mastermind behind the "Bigger Explosions" Mod. You should definetly try this one out!

    New Unit:

    -the "Bolide" has been added as a T2 support ship. It is cheaper than the stingray and has almost the same amount of health. The bolide features two weaponsystems: One long-range rocketlauncher that fires barrages of 10 rockets with high inaccuracy and relatively low single-projectile-damage; and a point-defense weapon that intercepts all artillery-projectiles and tactical missiles. This weapon is very similar to the sniperbot´s defense system but has a higher rate of fire and double the range. Although being a T2 ship, the bolide has a high enough speed to keep up with most of the T1 navy.
    The bolide´s main weapon has almost as much range as the Leviathan. However, the bolide is not meant to replace it, as the high inaccuracy and longer reload makes it more suitable for softening up enemy bases or unit-clusters.


    -fixed a bug that would prevent the sniperbot from intercepting sheller projectiles.
    -fixed the release-date in modinfo.json for client and servermod

    Galactic War:

    - the Bolide is now awailable for GC upon collecting the "Aurora-Tech" -card

    "Balance" changes:

    Gil-E (sniperbot):
    -reduced metalcost from 800 to 470
    -increased health from 150 to 270
    -removed air-units as a targetable unit-type
    -increased defense-weapon range from 100 to 120
    -increased defense weapon rate of fire from 0.15 to 1.5
    -added the Bolide´s main weapon to the anti-entity list to be intercepted

    -artillery-projectiles can now be seen on radar. So watch out for any blips that show "unusual" movement ;)
    Last edited: March 11, 2016
  14. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Changelog 2.1 :


    -added a thumbnail-picture
    -reorganized buildbar icons into a more "efficient" layout. (only Aurora-Artillery icons are affected)


    -removed unneccesary files from the Gil-E (sniperbot) and battleship folder.
    -removed github files
    -removed icons and other redundant files from the UI-Mod
    -mod-size decreased from 4MB to 3MB


    -added an explosion-effect to the sungrazer's projectiles.
    -changed the effect for the base_artillery back to normal.
    -changed the Bolide's projectile-trails to make them visually different from the Meteor's.


    -fixed Gil-E (sniperbot) not targeting artillery-type projectiles and tactical missiles in some cases.
    -changed Armageddon-projectile flight_type from "ballistic" to "direct" to avoid targeting issues.

    "Balance" changes:

    Morning Star:
    -reduced full_damage_splash_radius from 30 to 25

    Gil-E (sniperbot):
    -increased buid cost from 470 to 500 metal

    -increased health from 40 to 45
    -decreased guard-radius from 150 to 50
    -added a full_damage_splash_radius modifier of 10 (splash-radius is 25, damage per shot is 12)
    -decreased min_firing_velocity from 50 to 40
    -decreased sight-radius from 100 to 65; the Sungrazer relies more on scouts and radars to utilize its full range now
    (max_range is still 130 )
    -increased turret yaw_range from 90 to 180; the Sungrazer can now fire backwards.
    -removed "WL_Seafloor" as a targetable surface-layer

    -decreased sight-radius from 100 to 35
    -added a max_velocity modifier of 9 for the projectile

    -decreased full_damage_splash_radius from 10 to 8
    Last edited: June 1, 2016
    DeathByDenim likes this.
  15. Azarath

    Azarath Member

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    Tried to use this in my Galactic War game.
    Found the tech-card, no problem.

    But the very moment I try to build any of the artillery buildings, the game crashes instantly.
    I disabled all server mods except for the Aurora artillery mod and Commander regeneration but it still crashes.
    Any idea what might cause it?

    Attached Files:

  16. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    This mod has a missing file:
    Referenced by:
  17. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    First of all thanks to @Azarath for reporting this error. I assume this only happens in GW, since I played it on MP-servers and all seems to be just fine. I'll have a very close look into the GW-modfiles then. Btw, does this only happen when building the structures, or do the new units also cause the game to crash?

    @dom314 : This file references to an existing effect in the vanilla PA-files. I assume this shoudn't be a problem, since it works fine in multiplayer. I'll have a look into that anyway, too.
  18. Azarath

    Azarath Member

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    I can confirm that building anything related to the mod in GW will cause the game to crash. Buildings and units will make no difference. Try to build it and it will crash.

    The mod works like a charm in a normal skirmish game though ^^
  19. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Ahh ok, thank you. That sounds like a major problem in the GW-section of the mod. Since I am fairly unexperienced at modding this will take a while to fix. It is still interessting that everything works fine in skirmish, as this is where I test most of the stuff for this mod. I haven't altered any GW-files (except for the unitupdates noted in the changelog and the removal of old and redundant files) in the last update. Now it seems, that something is broken somewhere. I have checked all the modded files with a json-validator and so far there is now error there... I will continue to investigate though.
    Btw I appreciate any help I can get fixing this problem ;)
  20. Mirolog

    Mirolog Well-Known Member

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    You can look through game's logs, this might help to identify the issue.

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