For those who don't own it already : get it now while it's hot! < 2€
Worth a go if you like RTS games. Quite a bit different from PA but it's still in the same style. Both OxideIon and I have been frequenting the game lately if you ever want to hop on for a game (should you get it).
by me..... maybe. the rest of the time it gets more undeserved flack than anything. much like PA and some people still ranting about it being 90 bucks.
Ikr. There really isn't any flak, there just isn't any massive publicity like there is for StarCraft and co.
WHEN people go lookup the reviews. but they don't. Reviews doesn't mean a good game doesn't get flack. just a day ago someone on the steam ashes forum said please dear god don't make the camera like FA : It only zoomed in and out no up and down angle as well as rotation. If I had a dollar for all the undeserved FA flak comments I saw online.... ...I'd be Millionaire. So imagine just how many there are that I Don't see. And I did say unwarranted. that accounts for the facts FA's reviews are crushingly positive. by that metric, FA's by no stretch of the imagination overhyped. It is however simultaneously very talked about and ....very very few people have actually played it extensively. And there's so much GUI features that in 9 year's worth I haven't found them all. (which if you use your head, you can probably surmise has nothing to do with the reason day-two reviewers gave it the high score they did so imagine all the stuff that's not gui). just take a step back and consider that.
Also, for anyone who remembers the launch. FA got all kinds of hate from the playerbase. GPGnet was very much against it for splitting the community for a while there. Press loved it, players (initially) hated it.
Why the actual **** is splitting the player base getting so much hate? Most successful RTS and MMO games have published expansions that put up paywalls between sections of the player base. This isn't new.
Oh no I definitely know that! I just mean to say that by now SC and FA have gotten to that status of being old enough to be considered godly my most people who've played a lot of RTS games.
listen squishypon it really doesn't have anything to do with age. I know much older games then that and I would never recommend them to you for knowing that they are crud. FA's a game I play every day to every other day. TODAY. not yesteryear with fond memories. TODAY. I recommend this game even to a gamer of today's era.
Paywalling directs hate at the Developer/Publisher, not the game. At least, long team that's what happens. People will give negative reviews to a game out of spite if it's been paywalled. Give it time and people will conveniently forget what they were angry over.