What kind of support are you?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by SpcTorres, February 12, 2011.

  1. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I've noticed that there are some supports who only stay in their base, they give me as an assassin a lot of problems, healing their turrents. Then there are those that will go out someplace and setup their firebase and hide somewhere while constantly healing it. Which one are you, and which one do you consider is the best.
  2. Izziness64

    Izziness64 New Member

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    As I demonstrated to Ninja Wallace tonight (before i stormed off =/) it goes like this:

    1. HEAL EVERYBODY IN DAH BASE. Kinda like...a cheerleader "yay go get em team!"
    Hmm... (tongue noise) :roll:

    2. Turret and Hack to lvl 2. Make some cash while you're serving your purpose.

    3. Drop it somewhere strategic. Under a roof or a "pain in the a$$" spot like at a sweet spot in Ammo Mule Dome.

    3.1. Heal EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. Your team mates like their vitamins on the go!

    Proceed for the win until Pro Tanks and Assassins get too close to my personal space. :twisted:
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I am not really any of those supports. Usually, I block a bot lane with a 2.2 firebase. After placing and overhealing the fb, I shotgun and airstrike bots on the way back to my base. When I get to my base, I build a rocket turret in the node nearest to the lane that is not protected by my fb. I then upgrade myself totally as I run around the map airstriking turrets, building gapshots and longshots, and moving/rebuilding my firebase wherever I see fit. I get my kills by ambushing weak pros or by two-hit-killing any assassins that get near me.

    One tactic that I have seen a lot of lately is supports building lvl 3.3 lazer blazers. They upgrade and hack them completely in thirty seconds. To my surprise, they are actually really effective. They have a really long range and a fast RoF. I would much rather build longshots, but I will try this strategy.
  4. cq217

    cq217 Member

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    I'm the kind of support who will do either what my team needs (heal base/ camp, attack) or most of the time just be between all the jobs. By the way about the lazer blazers most of the supports who do that are the idiot noobs, but sometimes I do it but only to get that last darn lazer blazer kill protag
  5. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    Almost every support, places their turrets in ammo mule dome. I had my team of randoms one time place 4 hacked lvl 3 firebases in their. The enemy couldn't go anywhere without getting shot. Must have been really annoying for the other team.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    On Ammomule I prefer to run along the side of the map and place my firebase in an opening so that it will kill the enemy turrets and bots.
  7. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Every support should just be healing heavies and set up a firebase mid map to keep map control. Thats it.
  8. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Well, that's pretty much what I try to do whenever I play support.

    And whenever everything in my radius is overhealed and my hack skill is recharged but my firebase still has plenty of hack left?

    I hack whatever turrets are left in base (building a few if there's none) and keeping my airstrike for either small bot pushes or to counter enemy firebases.
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have to disagree, Miracle. Yes, healing heavies and setting the firebase mid-map is very important for a support player to do, but supports have so many other abilities. I push bots all the time. I use my airstrikes, my shotgun, and my bot aura to push bots in little to no time at all. Pushing bots is not always possible if there are enemy pros around, so I let my friendly pros deal with them first before pushing bots.

    Turret-building is essential, but it requires correct timing and placement to make turrets effective. I will usually build a turret or two near the bot lane that I am not in. If any bots push through, they are destroyed by the turret. This strategy also makes it easier for friendly pros to kill the enemy because they don't have to worry about the bots and they can focus specifically on pros.

    Sometimes it is necessary to play defensively. If a support cannot get to mid-map without getting killed, they should build a firebase under a bridge in their base and start hacking turrets.
  10. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  11. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Im crying laughing because i started reading wazupwiop's post and was in my mind saying "no, no, no" the see officer fb's post. pretty funny stuff. But yah here you go, in a competetive match there is no time for a support to push bots and a shotgun kill is very rare.
  12. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    You guys are the first one's that i go after, when i'm playing the assassin. Nothing is more annoying then a heavy being constantly overhealed. I keep attacking the supports until they change their strategy. BTW, what does the supports bot aura and level 3 passives do?
  13. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Bot support aura is seen in the effect of a antennae being attatched to the bots, this gives them some bonus (uncertain) and makes them stronger. passive 3 just gives your support more health, dont forget it can be used like the tanks clutch passive.
  14. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    IIRC, 50% bot health and increased bot fire rate. Might be wrong on the amount of heath increase though.
  15. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have never really played competitively. Every time I try to make friends with high-level players I am dismissed as a noob and rejected. PeachyPony accepted my request though and we pub stomp quite often.
  16. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    i heal everyone in my zone if i see a team mate sit on low life i try to get him healed as long i dont will die then. i allways dry to have an helpfull firebase up wich help Controlling my Team the map if we get pushed back i try to hold up the base as long i can. and at least i spawn some gabshoots when i feel my team need it
  17. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  18. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    When I first started playing MNC, I thought the key to helping your team win was to build the best defense possible. I would sit in my base healing EVERYTHING for Juice. Once I had earned Juice, I would run out and clear out some of the Pros pressuring my base. I usually died in the process. Then I would respawn, build a lazer or shave ice and repeat. When overtime came, I would set up my fire base so it could defend an area that the turrets couldn't see, like on the spawn ring at the outer front entrance. If anyone rushed the base, I would throw an air strike at them an hope it connected.

    A few million in lifetime earnings later, I realized that turrets don't mean a damn thing if their bots aren't anywhere near our base. I changed my play style quite a bit after that. I went from healing turrets and bots to healing pros and being a far forward on the map as the other team would "allow".

    Once I realized that Overtime provided a greater chance for the enemy to win, I would do everything in my power to end a game before Overtime.

    In short, I am neither kind of Support you mentioned. I don't think either kind is any better than the other. However, there is a third, more elusive Support out there. He's the one you have to watch out for.
  19. mute

    mute New Member

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    Lies. Competitive or not, Assassins, Gunners, and Snipers will die multitudes of times from my shotgun. When you are trailing someone and overhealing constantly and have your FB in a decent spot as you mentioned already, you become a primary target for the above mentioned players and thats when the shotgun comes into play. The people you are healing should also be watching your back so if you dont manage to blast them in the nuts as they come for you, they can take over.

    In the best case scenario, they WILL continue to keep running into you, spawn after spawn, head first into your shotgun. Those games rule. You've also failed to mention the stickiness of my airstrike to other people's domes.

    I love how some people always try to reduce other classes to A & B, as if it is ever that simple or black and white. I can do it too: All an Assassin should do is 1) Spam (sword/shuriken take your pick) 2) Die from Assassinations 3) Juice, spam opposing base 4) Run away
  20. Moe Fwacky

    Moe Fwacky New Member

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    My support tactics vary from game to game and map to map.

    I typically use the following endorsements:

    Gold: Rapid Fire
    Silver: Skill Recharge
    Bronze: Armor

    I always start out by upgrading hack and firebase, the order in which the rest of my upgrades come varies depending on the match.

    This combo gives me a good range of tactics. I can hang back and keep the base defended (and usually end up buying all the turrets in random matches). I tend to maintain the rocket turrets on the interior and lay down a lazer blazer and long shot outside (along with my firebase somewhere in there).

    Sometimes I rock out the offensive support, dropping airstrikes and keeping my firebase in a location to keep the enemy bots from advancing outside of the enemy base.

    In spunky cola arena I have a specific tactic. I stick my firebase right on the bot line, two lazer blazers to the right and left of the firebase and a longshot (or two) in the back.

    Again though, tactics are always changing depending on circumstance. I play a lot with random groups, so much of my time is sometimes spent counteracting poor tactics.

    If I'm in a good match with friends who are actually communicating and/or a solid gunner or tank, I'll spend a good amount of time supporting them pushing into the base.

    edit: about the shotgun, I've made quite a few fantastic shotgun kills. usually against assassins who grapple me from the front and fail to kill

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