Classes and how they work

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by raevin, February 25, 2011.

  1. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I had a great game earlier, where I was an assault and I was up against a sniper.

    Every time I stopped moving for even a second I was dead, but when I got close, the body shot he quick scoped me with wouldnt be enought to get me smged before I could get him.

    This went on for the whole match, without the nerf I'da died to bodyshot / smg alot more.

    As it was we ended up even, and his team won the match in OT, simply because they controled the juice dispencer and a tank had juice ready.

    but I didnt feel like sniper was unstoppable, just intimidating.
  2. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    You predicted that people would whine about things on the internet. That isn't exactly a Nostradamus level of prescience, there.
  3. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Thanks for the signature.
  4. raevin

    raevin New Member

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    Okay, so with the sniper...everyone says "oh look you need to learn how to shoot!" now. Wasn't that always the case? If you didn't shoot the person (head/body/etc...), you wouldn't get a kill. So, how does nerfing the sniper even promote "lrn2ply lulz!" responses?
  5. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    It prompts them in reverse

    Pre nerf: a sniper could spam body shots (requires far less skill), or could simply miss a head shot, accidently make the body shot and still be effective.

    This lead to mediocre snipers doing better than they should, people wanted a nerf. They said Snipers were OP and Good snipers said "were fine, L2P"

    Post Nerf: Snipers require better aim to be effective, snipers who were effective before may not be now, they are saying "this sucks we are totally nerfed and can't do anything now" And now we are those who said sniper was OP before are saying "No snipers fine now, L2P"

    does that make sense?

    The thing to take from this? People are never happy, and the internet is for complaining, porn, digital entertainment / gaming, work and intelligent discussion. In that order.
  6. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Not sure how long you have played the game Raevin, but apparently you either don't have enough experience or haven't had the luck of having a good team to deal with said classes.

    Assassin: Support Firebase w/ Shotgun, easily keeps Assassins at bay and keeps your team safe. Need more "oomph"? Get some shave ices up then. Assault and Tank also make a joke out of this class, Tank's charge and blossom is most likely a one hit K.O. . As for Assaults, they just dance around them the whole time and punish sins for even trying to grapple them.

    Assault: A good Tank or Gunner, can easily kill or keep assaults away from your base. If that's not working, then grab support with a firebase, absolutely throws Assaults off and more than once cause them to retreat.

    Tank: The railgun has hit box issues, and it's already a challenge to hit some classes with this gun, if anything this gun is in need of some fixes. Other than that, a gun that rewards you with great damage for a single rate of fire is perfectly balanced.
  7. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Oh dear naive Mastah, you think they won't ask for "seconds" because...?

    People whine about everything. That's my point.

    True, except there isn't one.

    Get out...

    No, really, don't even look back.

    Which is exactly my point.
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I should get out because I feel that assaults are next on the chopping block.

    I love how you assume you are the definitive voice for balance.

    You argued none of his points, all you did was quote him and me and make snyde comments.

    LOL, you should go into politics, you'd do well there.

    When you say no, and I say yes, one of us is wrong. That is why we have facts and intelligent arguments.

    Assaults cooldowns are too short, even without an endorsement, his charge and bomb are too spamable. A good assault can trash almost any class in the game with ease. Only a sniper who doesnt miss moving head shots, or a gunner who catches him out of charging distance from cover can take him down.. Any one else will be hit and run to death.

    That is my argument, I welcome counter arguments, but I expect more likely I will be told

    "no, because I say so"

    and what ever else you can sum up, probably some form of "you didn't play xbox so I win"

    Taking the defense of the status Quo is always easier than the that of change. It's even easier when your only point is that people who want change are cry babies.
  9. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    :roll: Oh tinygod
  10. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Somebody should alert Tag Team, because Whoomp There it is.
  11. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    Just delete the assassin from the game and the game could be balanced just fine

    i dunno about assault nerf i mean they made the jetpack a skill when it could have been like the tank and gunners maybe a tiny bit longer so u couldnt glide for 20 seconds across the map but still be able to do a jump/charge in the air thing to get around corners fast

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