Everyone has different opening builds and enjoys playing different playstyles. As I am currently considering rebalancing the game I thought I would ask everyone how they enjoy playing. Personally for myself I enjoy going dox into air and staying on T1 factory spamming with a bit of orbital thrown in. Not saying that is the best. It's just the units and playstyle I like. How do you love to open in PA? And what is your playstyle like?
if the map allows it bots for harrass and expansion then air for scout and aa into vehicle for push so 2 bots, 1 air then 2 or more vehicle the rest would be adapting to what the enemy does ...
Two bot factories building booms and then go commpushing still is my favorite. Won't always work though. A bit more safer: bot factory, two mex, two energy and then go air.
I like to give my commander a bit of a walk to warm up, you know, just go between the mexes, make sure I have all of them! In all seriousness.... this question is quite open ended, I'm sure many people are like me where they use different builds for different maps, sizes, mental density, amount of csgs, etc. Not trying to be smart, just a little hard to say imo =)
To be fair I did say favorite so yeah kinda doesn't matter what the map is like and/or how many different builds you use. The question was intentionally open ended. Was just wondering what people enjoyed not really caring about what people play when they go tryhard mode. Not trying to be smart, just a simple question imo
In that case, 1 bot factory, 1 fab, 1 energy, 2 bots, boom bot push comm to other base and boom bot snipe the other comm.
definitely gonna have to go with my all time favorite, star air then make air fabs to assist out more air fabs!
start with a bot factory that spend the rest of the game only building bot fabbers. then 2 groups of 2 bot fabbers to claim all of the mass points (more if there are really a lot of mass points) then immidiatly start with 4-5 vehicle factory's to build an army since im quite late with the army building. but then again if u look at replays of some games some players wait even longer to start building some army units, and mostly they die an early death then... I only start with building air after the first few battles so when i start having a larger airforce i strike with it hard because the opponents isn't used to me using aircraft. this tactic i don't use when i'm being scouted alot but fortunatly for me most people don't scout alot.
I like to spam energy plants into words or symbols then a bot factory building only fabs with my commander assisting. Works great in shared team games.