Sniper: Body shot damage reduction

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by bhaal177, February 24, 2011.

  1. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    All explosive rounds do is add a radius to the damage when it's dealt. 170 is the amount of damage the rifle does when zoomed in. When a headshot is scored it get multiplied by 6.7.

    The 100 for both is when the rifle is zoomed out.
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Thank you for the clarification. So if you headshot a bot then you will do ~1200dmg to any pros near the bot as well?
  3. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Headshot multiplier is only added to the target of the headshot. So no, they will still only take the 170 damage as explosive damage.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I admit I learned something from this.

    As a bad sniper, I always no-scoped into a crowd of bots if too close, as I ran away. Now I know I might as well try to aim. Especially with the nerf, eh?

    Well, guess I will join the guy that didn't know headshots work on bots now...
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    so it deals 170 damage PER explosion (so if you hit 2 bots and someone is near them both thats 340 damage to them?)
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I believe if a target is within 2 explosion's radius, he will recieve only the splash damage value as long as it is the same bullet. Therefore, he is only damaged 170 even if the same bullet hit 3 nearby bots.

    People thought hitting 2 bots with explosive rounds on xbox killed assassins, but I found it never did. People also thought headshots did headshot-damage to anything in range of the explosion too, and they were wrong.
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    fair enough cause i shot into a group of bots and killed an assault earlier and i thought he was in green health but maybe someone lowered it without me noticing
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    it doesn't deal full damage in explosive rounds, it deals a percentage, though I admit I do not know what that percentage is, but it is certainly not 100%, it feels more like 25%
  9. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Too be fair, if they got that close, the sniper should not have the power to stop them easily, rely on flak and SMG, or deal with the penalty for missing head shots..

    This is kinda the point of the nerf, snipers now have less chance up close, due to the difficulty of hitting a targets head at that range, that nerf applies to bots as well.

    Other class's excel at killing bots up close, snipers do not. Tanks/assassins can deal with them at that range "IMO"

    besides, Ice trap > Flak can handle them no problem.
  10. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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  11. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    This will be my only post in the thread (don't want to get into an argument, and, frankly I'm over Sniper talk for the next year I reckon), but I will state that:

    The change doesn't solve all the possible problems of the Sniper that I have perceived, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it.

    I still believe it is a welcome change and will test it out when I play ^_^

    Thanks Scathis :)
  12. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    If you kept reading you would have found out that you were wrong (as was I)

    It does the full 170 damage(or 100damage if unscoped) as explosive damage but not headshot damage multiplier or juice damage multiplier.
  13. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    This change does make the sniper weaker, but I disagree with the method behind it. This makes bad snipers worse. They were already really bad, its the good snipers that are problematic, and they are going for headshots most of the time. This is actually a slight improvement for headshot damage, although I think all snipers (even the best) will be marginally weaker due to the difference in explosive shot. I think we will still see the best snipers dominating matches, with no real direct way to shut them down since they are still lacking in the hard counter department.
  14. Sigmars

    Sigmars New Member

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    That's what I think as well. But you can't have it all and if you step into dev's shoes, that's exactly what you would do, too. Means, do not modify the essence of the class, nerf it on the auxiliary side a bit, so you actually address some unbalance. It's not how hard they do it, it's the direction they take. I only wished it was done on the quick scoping side, which is not the essence of the Sniper but an exploit of a technical gap.

    On a side note, it would be great if some valid Uber source explained more about the numbers that are often cited here, like Scathis did. Its ridiculous to see people interpret them or the mechanics behind them witout any verification. The harder they are convinced about their interpretation, the harder they look like idiots. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
  15. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    It's kind of funny to hear you say that after the past few weeks you've spent trying so hard to convince everyone that the sniper was fine as-is, that the problem was just that they were bad players, and that any change whatsoever would GIMP THE CLASS FOREVER.

    I guess we know to summarily discount anything you have to say in any further discussions on the subject, eh?
  16. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    No if you were reading what he said he said a RoF change would gimp the class. Which this isn't.
  17. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    He's fine with it, because it doesnt effect him or other snipers like him, nearly as much as any other change would.

    if you can make headshots, this change only really effects bot spamming (body shotting jack bots) and missing.
  18. Raconteur02

    Raconteur02 New Member

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    I'm pretty sure he also never said "GIMP THE CLASS FOREVER" per se, but that's the risk you run when you use hyperbole for effect.

    Regardless, it's a bit hard to deny that the claim that the class was nearly perfectly balanced and that the problem was just bad players is awfully incongruous in conjunction with the claim that the class still is after a change made specifically to rebalance it. And a lack of consistency in one's argument without acknowledging that the previous position was incorrect is a good indicator that what's being said isn't very well-considered.

    I could mine quotes here, and I think we both know that, but for one, I'm not even playing MNC much right now and don't care enough, and two, I think Scathis would prefer this not turning into a slugfest like that.
  19. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I can approve of a change that doesn't affect me without making me look incongruous, my personal opinion was that certain types of changes would be detrimental to some aspects - which I adressed and explained (not always on this forum, pms work btw) to people who wanted to listen.

    This change alleviates a concern for players I consider to not have grasped the game in a way that others have without changing the skill-ceiling in a practical manner.

    If you insist to question my integrity feel free to pm me but leave it out of this topic, I mean it.

    Scathis was very clear and this thread should probably be locked.
  20. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    This is one of a few changes that could have been made, that only gimped bad snipers, and left good ones nearly unchanged.

    The only effect is a smaller reward for a missed shot.

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