galactic war commander unlocking

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by Angel9001, October 27, 2015.

  1. Angel9001

    Angel9001 New Member

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    So I manged to unlock all but 2 commander layouts befor pa titans got relesed...

    All those commanders was unlocked in less than 5 won wars....

    but after in pa titans i find the commanders I'm ment to kill... but they keep showing up on the same system every singel war... close to 10 wars completed and the commanders have been in the same systems allways....

    allso have a buch of "not fished wars do to when i found the commander i was looking killed him and didn't get the unlock the other commanders was just a waste killing
    tryed on normal, hard and relentless whit all diffrent factions...

    makeing it so i can't get the last 2 unlocks for my commanders setups....

    is considering how fast i unlocked they all the other back befor titans did something change in titans?
    and if not how low of a chanse it it to get them on the right planet/system?

    the 2 i keep not getting is the
    "commander commander" where u are ment to kill First seeker Osiris on Xianyao
    he keep spawning in a system whit 1 metal planet and 3 moons

    "Bionic Augmentation Commander" that u are ment to kill on Entara system
    he keeps showing up in a "2 planets" and a gas gianat system...

    Is this normal or
    am i just super unlucky?
    komandorcliff likes this.
  2. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    maybe it has to do with the faction but i dont know really
  3. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Yes, but I don't think that this is the problem.

    My advice: Don't play Galactic War? Not worth the time put into it (by players or developers).
    huangth and ace63 like this.
  4. scifiz

    scifiz Member

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    The equivalent of the Single Player campaign is broken.

    They changed the System lore to Commander Lore in Titans, so none are appearing in the required systems. You can't unlock anything.
    Pokletu likes this.
  5. Pokletu

    Pokletu New Member

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    Well are they gonna fix it???? That's the way I like to play this game!
    Angel9001 and sgrock like this.
  6. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    Bumping this because I've been playing GW hoping to unlock more commanders. Now it seems that is impossible due to changes made? Can this be fixed, please?
  7. Heizmeister

    Heizmeister Member

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    Although you can no longer see the system names, unlocking new loadouts is still functional.
  8. stylisticsagittarius

    stylisticsagittarius Active Member

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    I also have problems with this.
    I only have unlocked 4 commanders and i played like 20 galactic wars...

    And eventough pa is made for multiplayer games i do like the galactic war also.
    So sorry stuart but they brought it in the game so they can also make it an enjoyable experience.
    Maybe it can be encouraged with a few unlockable commander skins (next the the purchable ones in the armory).
    If u play offline mode you see that they have plenty of commander skins that aren't in the game right now...

    However it is a shame the start is very hard and the ending is very easy.
    The should let you choose from a starting difficulty and increase the ai difficulty each time a faction is destroyed.
  9. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Unless you have no internet, have no better single player games to play, and are truly desperate for something to do besides....reading. Don't play GW, I only ever recommend playing it to newer players just so they can get use to it.

    After the acclimation I tell them to get into multiplayer as now like many other games. It's the only part the development team really focused on.

    I praise uber for their good effort on making the GW but as I said before,it's only a training wheels bit that pretends to be a "story"
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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  11. Pokletu

    Pokletu New Member

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    Thank you, @wondible !!

    I'm sorry.... How do I use this? The ReadMe didn't say what folder gets what, etc...
  12. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Typically you use PAMM. This mod is basically a one-liner, so it might be easier to explain the debug console than the file paths and two text files that would need to be edited to enable it manually.
  13. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    somewhere in my heart, I'm hoping that they're still working on galactic war - I know it's a false hope but I hope nonetheless

    Do you think it is possible to mod a complete overhaul of galactic war, into something like the total war campaigns (with multiplayer support)? If I have 5 or 6 free years I might do that.
    tunsel11 likes this.

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