Hi Guys, New to the forums but a player of both PA and PA Titans since their releases! I'm not sure if I'm posting in the the right sub forum but is their a chance of uber releasing a hard copy of PA Titans? Its a little bit of an OCD of mine but every game I own, I have always bought the hardcopy of every game, I already have PA on dvd but I would love to have PA Titans as well on my shelf. Any news will be appreciated. Cheers!
Wanting a hard copy of a piece of software is utter madness. I work in the software industry and no client has ever asked for a "hard copy" of the software we sell them for £100k. Get over your physical possessions, the things you own end up owning you.
Perfect - but I bet you they keep a local back-up hard copy or one on hard-disk or something (ideally several). In general gamers like hard-copies because download only always runs the risk of the game vanishing in the future. Yes Steam is pretty strong and a lot of us (myself included) are well invested into it to the point where it would be quite a big cost to replace all the content were Steam to go down. Whilst I've not bought a physical game in ages I do sympathise and realise that some people do prefer to have the disk - although I also recognise that a lot of games today have very little on the disk and its mostly an activation code that gets enabled on Steam. There are also those on very limited bandwidth - big games are a major problem for them if they can't get a disk copy as a single came might be a whole months worth of bandwidth for them - heck some of the biggest games might even be two months worth!
A "normal" hardcopy these days is simply bullshit, paying for a code in a plastic box simply is nothing anybody should be interested at all! What still got some legitimations are collectors editions, but why should PA:T recieve a CE?
Bandwidth is partly the issue, I give my computer a good format every 6 months and so I will always back up programs, movies, game saves, pictures, music onto my second hdd. After reinstalling steam, origin and battlenet, I would half atleast half a dozen games or more that i'd like to have installed, just so its readily available if I or a friend would want to play at any given time. Having the dvd's / cd's allows me to get the base game files on my computer before I get hit with a gig or so worth of updates per game, not to mention windows, programs, firmware updates etc, I would go over my bandwith half way through. Also if for arguments sake I would be out of internet for a few months or so, I can install my game whenever I want to and play offline, its a back up for various reasons and I just would have liked to have it if possible Its not a big deal, but its nice having it there, even as a collectable.
The game is DRM-free, therefor you can simply copy the whole game folder to an external drive and copy it back in afterwards... ...it´s not as comfortable like if there´d be a GOG-Version, which you could install fresh everywhere, from every drive and course of that probably ways faster than from a DVD. (course USB 3.0>USB2.0>fastesBluRays>fastest DVDs)
The whole "What if steam went down" argument is bullshit. It is more likely that your house burns down that steam goes down.