Feb 24 update

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Mastah, February 24, 2011.

  1. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    Thank god/uber/indistinguishable overlords for the bodyshot update, it's more of an incentive to get the headshots first.

    While a lot of my bodyshots have mostly been to make enemies panic, I still like to finish off with the Headshot. I wonder how far some nerfs/buffs would go, but either way, i'd probably just adapt and still be able to declare love to Uber.

    Also, the Smedley's Medley video is out too :D
    Looks awesome, and so much more respect for Hudson and Hoang (on top of pre-existing respect.)

    I love how we've at least got the scoreboard ping, would mean a lot of excuses are now void. The bot kills would definitely help show who knows how to play their roles and who really is helping the team.

    I wonder how the dedicated Blitz servers would end up like, since there'd be a large possibility of grievers/bad players.

    The thing I love most, the extended time-out settings, so many times I attempt to join a server with 1 or 2 open slots and it times me out, even if I return to the browser and end up getting into that same server.

    On a final note, would your "victims" see your custom slot name when you kill them?
  2. cEv

    cEv New Member

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    do your bot killls go up from your turret kills?
  3. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Whilst i appreciate your point and agree with you that on the crying front nothing will change whatsoever and this was an unncescary nerf I am not completely against it.

    This nerf will certainly help highlight the really good snipers, and im not against that, as long as the devs realise this is now based on skill and not gold RoF, not neccesary but welcome nonetheless as it will not affect me in the slightest.
  4. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    Very nice update. Finally all my bot killing will be recognized. :twisted:
  5. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    No new arenas? how long can this game go with only the same 5 maps?
  6. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    No honestly, <3 to you.

    You're of of the few developers who legitimately try to improve their game based on their players wishes while still tempering it with your own opinions and desires, which will always be a bastard.
    Every update is a monument to the fact that you actually care.
    You have my utmost respect.
  7. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    I'm excited to see the Bot count added to the scoreboard.

    Maybe this will encourage other's to play the game, instead of always trying to get kills.

    Loving the extra effort put into this by the developers after it has been released. Thanks!
  8. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Anything you get credit for.
    So kills via turrets you built, ejector kills, annihilator kills, etc, etc.
  9. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    explain plz
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Headshield at lvl3 deploy for gunner, means no headshots. Therefore, deployed at lvl3 with a support healing means a sniper physically can't damage a gunner enough to kill him. Rate of fire on the sniper may eventually do enough damage, but not for a long while, the gunner may outdamage him from that range lmfao.
  11. Maktaka

    Maktaka New Member

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    I may have run into a couple bugs after this update and I'd like to get confirmation (or explanation):

    1) I got the gold beta gear after this patch. I DID preorder, but it was on the day of release and only managed it because the release was delayed a few hours. I'm not complaining, but I wasn't aware of this patch intentionally enabling the gold kit for anyone new.

    2) I may kick myself for saying this, but I don't think Sniper headshots with explosive shots are doing their proper damage. I've been hit by (I think) headshots as a Gunner with silver armor (so 900 health) and dropped to what looked like about 100 health remaining. This has happened a couple times during a handful of games tonight. Either explosive shot headshots are doing reduced damage, or the bodyshots are doing a ridiculously huge amount, but it seems to be the former.
  12. Dendari

    Dendari New Member

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    Good update men.

    Just one question: why all the ping are just wrong? In my case: using the "stat net" command my ping average is 4x times bigger than the ping on the scoreboard.
  13. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Could be something similar to ping listings in BadCompany2
    In BC2 the browser listing is a ping between you/server while the ingame is time to server, server process and return to you

    In regards to MNC, I remember a comment for other UE powered games that statnet vs listed will always be a 4x difference
  14. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    The ping shown on the scoreboard is way off than what really is, at least for me.

    In game it always tells me that my ping is around the 30-40's, but that's humanly impossible considering i am overseas from all servers and i am on a less than average connection. In a lucky day i might get a server with a 100+ ping, but that's as low as it gets for me.
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Same here. I'm in the USVI and while I get playable ping to the united states and europe I dont think its really that low.
  16. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    We're looking into the ping issue.

    We changed the exact time of the beta gear award. We felt it was better for some people to get it who may have bought it slightly later than someone to not have gotten it when they feel like they should.
  17. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    I dunno if this has been said or not but since this update I've been doing literal air grapples. Like grappling people as we're flying through the air.
  18. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    Now that you mention this, i haven't had experienced this issue but someone on a server yesterday was complaining about getting grappled in mid air a couple times.

    I'll try to get some more game time today and see if it happens to me, i just need to get away from MvC3 for a little while.
  19. G4-

    G4- New Member

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    The same thing happened to me a few times yesterday. Once an assassin and I floated off the map during the facestab, so the ring-out killed me.
  20. x gr1m x reap3r x

    x gr1m x reap3r x New Member

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    not omg HAX? lol jokes my snipers name is gonna be GrImxMLxReApEr cause im darn good on xbox as him (not a bodyshotter before you ask :) )

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