PA Ettiquette?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jd95, October 11, 2015.

  1. jd95

    jd95 New Member

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    So I've been watching some gameplay of PA and from what I've seen alot of people neglect use of mounted turrets, even though, overall, I think they're incredibly helpful in holding perimeters and pushing the advance. It occurred to me that perhaps there are some things you could do in the game which could be considered "punching below the belt" in PA. What are some things that get you peeved during a session of gameplay?
  2. ikickasss

    ikickasss Active Member

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    My opinion is. If it's in the game then you can use it. If somebody spams nukes vs me then shame on me for letting them. If somebody bombs me to death then shame on me for not making anti air and so on.
    Remy561, Nicb1 and tracert like this.
  3. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    It's good etiquette to always let me win. Also #NoRagnaroks :)
    totalannihilation and jomiz like this.
  4. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    I don't have a problem with any gameplay style or unit.

    I do take issue to those that whine and moan in chat, especially when people are on the same team. There actually seems to be quite a culture in PA of noob shaming.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Gameplay wise there aren't any restrictions I'm aware of.

    Overall I'd say:
    -be respectful of all other players, irrespective of relative skill to you (shouting 'noob' at a new player isn't helpful).

    - if you have a new player on your team (or as an opponent), offer them help if they're struggling (but don't force it if they don't want it :p).

    - never self d your or a team mates commander unless everyone is in agreement first (too many rage quitters), and also allow your opponent they're kill if you've lost and they're imminently going to win.

    - don't prolong a lost game with pointless tactics, e.g. planet hoping a transport with your commander between planets when you have nothing else left and no free planet to run to. That isn't to say a last minute escape isn't cool, do it once if there is somewhere unoccupied on the map to flee to, but using the 'bounce' between planets technique to extend the game 30 minutes isn't fun.

    Finally, don't be an idiot in the lobbies. Constantly unreadying, jumping teams and so on just prevents everyone else getting in game. The lobbies can be tricky at the best of times so best avoid making it worse!

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