As per the subject... I'm a kickstarter.. still grumpy I paid for them to reinvent the wheel (aka steam friends/chat/etc) ... 2003 rang.. wants to know when we get in game voice chat?
I second Igncom1, i think the nice thing about pa (in someways) is that there isn't voice chat, it can be annoying having to type but i've played like 3 or 5 hours of dota and CS.... i just left because #harassment #twelvies #immature >.< Oh well ^^
I just instantly mute voice chat 99'9% of the time in all the games I play. It's bad, it's annoying, it breaks the immersion, the audio levels are usually fucked up and I don't like talking to strangers. Plus most people have annoying voices, fucked up microphones or noisy backgrounds. **** voice chat. Also, it's annoying as **** when you're actually talking to a friend on TS or something like that.
I would much prefer the ability to use TS/Vent/GVox/...Etc, shortcuts in game lobbies. Taking the pain out of arsing around with domain names and passwords when all you want to do is play and/or get someone on voip. Perhaps some options so teams can enforce compliance perhaps. That strikes me as a win/win solution as it avoids the need for Uber to get reamed on 3rd party licensing and players that are interested can join a voice chat for team games. This way it is at least guaranteed that team members have control over their own channel. Rather than having to deal with a barebones 3rd party implementation.
So I'm nether for or against this as I usually don't talk to people outside of my stream anyways so here's my 2 cents... Pros: Improved communication between player. Friends will be able to explain what and why they are doing something quicker than typing. Immediate responses for something you see or need to address (incoming units etc) instead of ping spamming a match and bothering everybody. Teaching a new player will be much easier than having to type a paper out in the game chat box and hoping it doesn't disappear in 20 seconds. Cons: Sound grievers exist for the soul reason mic integration became a need for games (DayZ, Cs:russian, Dota) and I PRAY to uber that they enable a incoming audio adjuster, player mute button, and anything else to balance the noise. People from different places have different internet (The mic audio could cut out frequently due to internet strain),different mics have different quality(Like the previous one but audio can be really quiet or very loud) Most people don't know how to set a mic to "tolerable" levels. So what may seem quiet to one is very loud to another. Basic set up for a mic may be skipped unless PA makes you go through set up tutorial. (If given the ability to skip this most people will ignore it and assume THEIR MIC IS FINE AND IT'S YOU NOT ME mentality). So I think this is a good idea but like when they finally fixed GW uber needs to be very through and make sure they have every base covered. (Still don't have the ability to chat mute other players which is still needed). Also uber has I would assume other things they still have to polish so this is a good thread but just another thing they need to put on the list.