Increase in No-armor endorsement builds?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, February 12, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have been trying some gunner builds without armor and RoF. I find that Accuracy, Armor, Crit makes a great gunner or assault build. I have also been experimenting with Accuracy, RoF, Skill Recovery on assault.

    Im Hudson and Xenonox are so good because they use good endorsements and they know how to use them. Im hudson replaces armor with speed. That makes a big difference in the tank's ability to chase opponents. Xenonox plays sneakily, often attacking from above or from behind. With his endorsements, he really wreaks havoc because he can kill much more quickly than normal.

    One thing that I have been noticing lately is that accuracy tends to beat RoF in most circumstances. I have found that most battles start at mid-long range, and then they tend to get closer. Being able to put more hits in on your opponent before they get within their effective range is a big help. If they are stupid enough to get close to you, they are an easy kill. If they run away, you gain ground.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Allow me to correct you good sir.

    Xeno is just plain weird. But, even so, he only picks, and finishes, a fight when he gets the drop on them. Very smart, and very effective. However, what happens when someone of an equal skill level appears? He's left to pushing bot lanes, and zipping around the map. A head on fight will almost always result in his death, and getting the drop on a wary opponent, while not impossible, is much more difficult.

    He can pull it off in the same way the most can pull it off in pubs. His actual skill level is higher than others. Thus, he compensates with his own skill. The issue with armor in general, especially in my opinion, is that if it's between two people with equal levels of skill, the one with armor, or higher armor, will nigh always come out on top.

    I cannot comment on Hudson, as I have played very little with or against him, and unlike Xeno, I haven't seen many/any of his videos against other competent players. I DO recall him saying, however, that the Speed set up is for fun/convenience more than anything else. Whether or not he wears armor, I have no idea. Still, the idea of him, let alone anyone, taking down players consistently without ANY armor at all when they're of an equal skill level is without fathom to me.
  3. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    the only class i use no armor on is my gunner

    Just my own preference not copyn anyone else
    I could run armorless tank but i hate spending cash on passive 3.

    Alot of assaults with no armor are created from xenos vids or people without custom classes (sniper gold crt etc..)

    Make sure you check the default endorsements then reconize the difference.

    Thats just my play style..

    XENONOX New Member

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    It seems like I'm often referred in these topics related to assault and armor issues with the class.

    I will say that many people have watched my videos, they mimick what I do, they fail miserably, then they go back to what they like to do.

    It's like a monkey-see-monkey-do, but on the other hand, I believe we may be simply neglecting the fact that there are people with just really dumb endorsements and it has nothing to do with anything.

    But as far as I'm concern, just think of the videos as entertainment.

    I am, indeed, a weird one, without a doubt.

  5. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    An important factor is that it gets tiresome using the same endorsements all the time. My custom classes never stay the same for long.

    Often I do not take my games seriously and will be found using ridiculous endorsement combos just because, I know they will not be particularly successful. I'm sure I'm not alone.
  6. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    You also got to remember that each class has a different hp over the others and speed..

    slim pros = sniper/assassin have the quickest speed but only 100 hp

    med pros = assault/support have med speed and 130-150 hp

    heavy pros = tank/gunner have slowest speed but 200 hp.

    slims should have gold/silver
    med should have silver/bronze
    heavy should have bronze

    All at min for armor not that bronze does a heck of alot for hp
    Armor adds hp and doesnt reduce damage.

    Deploys reduce damage/add hp total

    Big difference...

    Also gold armor and being over healed = big health..
    tank passive 3 and gold armor over healed = 500hp.. 430 without overheal
    See the difference?? thats pretty much withstanding 5 sniper shots to the body that don't crit.

    If you can play your class and not be a target/dart board then go ahead and run no armour. If people single you out in a match and say... That guy has no armor and is an easy kill most people jump on that person like a boxing day sale.

    Once you get speed pickups there is no need for speed but if you die you lose it all. Speed endorsements do alot of things in my opinion for heavy classes

    They let you fly farther and as a tank you can double dash glide...

    If you can dodge bullets then theres no need for armor

    But a good support over healing players makes up for no armor :>

    But hey what do i know right?
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Based on some of the "data" you posted...
  8. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Miracle had it right:

    As far as Assault goes, you go no-armor and you play competently against pubs. Against players that know how to play well, you'd better be running gold armor if you want to live long enough to do your job.

    The same goes for most classes. If you're not running some form of armor, you'd need to get the jump on EVERY pro you come across, which is highly unlikely to happen against pros who know what they're doing.

    I used to think that armor was a crutch for most classes, and did okay as a gold speed rifle Sniper. I eventually figured out that even random shots from good players can take you out when you have no armor, and you'll need some level armor to survive long enough to put up a decent fight.
  9. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Which is why I hate it. A single endorsement should not be mandatory to play. It's just... no.
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    It isn't. Glass cannon ftw.

    In all honesty, if you are damn sure you can prevent a good hit against you, you don't need armor. My opinion.

    As gunner and tank especially, I can outdamage gold armor without gold armor. Especially gunner, he has some outrageous damage output.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    This opinion is correct. But, for this situation to remain constant, you either need to be much better, or you need to be damned lucky.
  12. mulletmann21

    mulletmann21 New Member

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    I usually run Armor on all my classes. That's just to anger all of the Assassins on the other team :twisted: .
  13. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    This is probably the reason why people have the same endorsements, because after the DLC you got to see what endorsments the enemy that killed you was if they get 40-1-0 its likely that people will copy them.
  14. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Playing no armour means you're generally reliant on your team to win, imo. If your team are good enough to maintain some map control and push the objective, your offensive boost will work wonders. And if the enemy are rubbish you can probably slay enough to almost single handedly carry your team to victory. If your opposition are half decent however, you'll spend a lot of your time retreating and healing. That's fine if all you want to do is heal up and continue getting kills, but it means you can't maintain map control, push a lane or attack their base as effectively. You retreating gives them time to recover and regroup that they'd otherwise not have had.

    This is based on experience of playing mainly solo in pub matches. If you always play with friends you can rely on, or if you just want to play deathmatch and get kills and don't care about winning, no armour could be a better option.

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