A good sniper endorsment set?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Turnip, August 14, 2010.

  1. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    Is this a good sniper build?

    (I mainly snipe, an half-camp.)

    Gobi-numb (Armor)
    A front stab with a level 2 knife, or level 1 back-stab, won't stop this! Basically it gives me a chance to grapple back that assassin and practice my swing.

    Dr. Trigger (Fire Rate)
    Lets me make up for my missed shots. A bit of a crutch, but, meh.

    RegeneGreat! (Health Regeneration)
    Ehhh... could really be anything. I chose this as a lack of anything else.

    I upgrade my sniper and grapple first, then max the sniper, then either max the grapple or upgrade the trap depending on the map.

    Decent build?
    Or not?
    Dr. Trigger is probally going to be bumped down to bronze as I get better.
    And what does the critical boost do??
  2. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I would go

    Skill Recov

    RoF is REALLY important as a sniper, and I use skills a lot. Just use your traps and stay in your base and assassins are no big deal.
  3. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    I told you I don't camp. Besides Sniper Grapple, why would I need skill recovery? e_e
    And RoF is a crutch, and I used something like that before, but as I got better I didn't need as much.

    And juice?
    As a sniper?

    I think the juice power is dumb enough, unless its over-time and you have oodles of cash.
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    A maxed sniper (minus lvl 3 grapple) with juice can level half a base with traps and sniper fire. With max fire rate and 2nd highest clip size, an unshielded moneyball is destroyed in about 10 seconds or less.

    I don't bother with juice endorsements with sniper since you can sit back and sniper turrets or bots and fill up quickly normally.
  5. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    Ok then, I understand rate of fire (Eh, on the clip size.) but im glad you agree on the juice boost ._.
  6. Rebz

    Rebz New Member

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    Lol the rate of fire endorsement is not a crutch. Yeah it allows you to 'make up' for your missed shots but that doesn't mean its a crutch. It also allows you to take out turrets and bots faster with sniper fire and that's a good way to help your team and get a lot of money.

    I use
    Gold - Skill Recovery
    Silver - Armor
    Bronze - ROF

    And skill recovery is VERY useful for an aggressive sniper too. Im very aggressive when i snipe, im always on their side of the map usually shooting into their base. But no matter where you snipe you always need ice traps around to catch assasins or anyone else that gets close, and frozen enemies make for easy headshots, so i like to be able to constantly have up to 3 ive traps where ever i am. Its also nice to have the flak available more often bc that thing does a ton of damage and is good for turrets.

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