I am play PA in iMac 27", latest MacOS. nearly hanging every game after 10 mins in mac, here is the log http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntEK9jN, please save me
There doesn't seem to be anything unusual in those logs that I can see. How much memory do you have installed? Can you also keep the Activity Monitor open on the memory tab? There should be a graph that check "Memory Pressure". How does that look when PA hangs? Still green?
i meant 'nearly hang every time'. I have 16GB ram, the game just closed automatically, jumping back to the mac os, thanks
Sadly the logs you posted don't contain any crash data. They just seem to stop without outputting an error. So I'm not sure what's causing those crashes. Has it always been like this, or did it start after the latest patch?
Oh yeah, that should be helpful. It shows that thread 10 has crashed at the function ClientGame::updateAndPresent So that should be something that Uber can look into. (@mkrater : I hope. )
Can you run the game with this command line parameter and submit another game log? --apple-mtgl-mode=off In Steam: Right-click the game in the Library Select Properties In the General tab, select the Set Launch Options button Type --apple-mtgl-mode=off and select OK Thanks!!
Hi mkrater, that's make the game much more stable, but hanging is possible, before apply your option, it nearly every time in mac within 5 minutes. Now 1/3 of change hang and it hangs after 30 mins play. thanks
It sounds like that command line is helping a little. Are you able to submit a new game log with --apple-mtgl-mode=off applied?