Jables 3 questions chat log

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by cola_colin, July 28, 2015.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    They're all in the OP.
  2. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    It's not a problem, maybe just a bit easier to read ;)
  3. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) Your only friend/[ONET] Bakala: Is there the possibility of a naval [or air] teleporter?
    jables: #1 no plans for a naval or air teleporter currently. they were never designed with teleporting in mind.
    Your only friend: Fair enough. Would be a nice way to compensate for speed
    jables: yeah, we did speed them all up considerably back in January to help there too.. they used to be very slow hehe

    Q2) Thurgeron: how about a titan that burrows through a planet and appears on the other side (titan, or teleporter-tunnel type thing for other armies)
    jables: #2 - no plans for a burrowing unit. Would take a decent amount of design to figure out how to do it, and in the end would most likely end up being a teleporter with different art as having a path through a planet would most likely play havok with the pathfinding

    Q3) wondible: Have you considered offering larger servers as an additional income source?
    jables: #3 - we are looking at possibilities on server changes. nothing to mention publicly as of yet as we are still in exploration stage and it's possible nothing will come from it still

    11:52:58 AM Your only friend Is there the possibility of a naval teleporter?
    11:53:33 AM [ONET] Bakala +1 and air
    11:53:58 AM jables We'll do those as 1 question
    11:54:11 AM jables #1 no plans for a naval or air teleporter currently.
    11:54:29 AM LTDominator [Ger] watersplash 3v3 shared pls join fast
    11:54:51 AM Your only friend Lack of want?
    11:55:57 AM jables they were never designed with teleporting in mind.
    11:56:14 AM Kimberlee hey all! :D
    11:56:18 AM LTDominator [Ger] hi
    11:56:34 AM LTDominator [Ger] who wanna test a watermap with me? :)
    11:56:36 AM Your only friend Fair enough. Would be a nice way to compensate for speed
    11:57:03 AM jables yeah, we did speed them all up considerably back in January to help there too.. they used to be very slow hehe
    11:57:17 AM jables 2 questions to go~
    11:57:51 AM Your only friend They were. Well done on naval, Pacific is my favourite now.
    11:59:26 AM Kimberlee no questions here atm. sorry
    11:59:38 AM Thurgeron is there any chance of a tier 2 teleporter? ie. a larger one
    12:00:09 PM Thurgeron if i only get 1 question, please take this one instead:
    12:00:09 PM wondible Have you considered offering larger servers as an additional income source?
    12:00:38 PM Thurgeron how about a titan that burrows through a planet and appears on the other side (titan, or teleporter-tunnel type thing for other armies)
    12:00:48 PM Thurgeron ?
    12:01:38 PM Vazok I have a question: is there a possibility to see a multiplayer version of the galactic war mode?
    12:01:39 PM jables Thurgeron #2
    12:01:45 PM jables Wondible #3
    12:02:55 PM jables #2 - no plans for a burrowing unit. Would take a decent amount of design to figure out how to do it, and in the end would most likely end up being a teleporter with different art as having a path through a planet would most likely play havok with the pathfinding
    12:03:30 PM Thurgeron ok thanks
    12:03:40 PM jables #3 - we are looking at possibilities on server changes. nothing to mention publicly as of yet as we are still in exploration stage and it's possible nothing will come from it still
    Remy561, cdrkf, Quitch and 1 other person like this.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    reposting since it seemed to not have been answered anywere
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    The answer on teleporting is disappointing.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    And it won't, unless you're in chat and ask it.
    xanoxis likes this.
  7. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    Heh... if Uber were to do a "buy this commander to show you want beefier servers and that'll help us pay for them" commander, I know 100 of us would instantly do it, and 100 of those on the Steam forum would instantly post 1000 word essays on why Uber is Satan.
    philoscience, jomiz, ljfed and 2 others like this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    1000 words? You grossly underestimate our friends on Steam :p
    devoh, ljfed, burntcustard and 2 others like this.
  9. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I was thinking more of a private subscription service, but that's a novel way of running that works with their existing billing system.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    logged questions of the 11th
    Remy561, stuart98 and Quitch like this.
  11. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) [RLM] Walrusstorm Are you guys going to fix the invisible unit glitch?
    jables #1 Walrusstorm is it in the forums? Will need to get repro steps for it and then yeah we'll get it fixed

    Q2) PAG_Matiz are there any plans for tournaments by uber?
    jables #2 Matiz honestly with the resources we have available, Exodus has been doing a better job than we'd be able to on tournaments. we will be glad to help support them however
    PAG_Matiz so are there any plans for more tournaments by exodus supported by uber :p?
    jables mikeyh would be the guy to ask for that one :)

    11:53:40 AM jables Have a few minutes before meeting. Let's do 3 questions. Will answer first 3 questions to best of my ability starting now~
    11:54:21 AM [RLM] Walrusstorm Are you guys going to fix the invisible unit glitch?
    11:54:41 AM PAG_Matiz are there any plans for tournaments by uber?
    11:54:57 AM jables #1 Walrusstorm is it in the forums? Will need to get repro steps for it and then yeah we'll get it fixed
    11:55:11 AM [RLM] Walrusstorm Ok
    11:55:29 AM jables #2 Matiz honestly with the resources we have available, Exodus has been doing a better job than we'd be able to on tournaments
    11:55:38 AM jables we will be glad to help support them however
    11:55:55 AM [RLM] Walrusstorm And I think its on the forums :P
    11:56:26 AM PAG_Matiz so are there any plans for more tournaments by exodus supported by uber :P?
    11:56:44 AM jables mikeyh would be the guy to ask for that one :)
    11:57:32 AM jables 1 to go~
    12:02:42 PM jables annd meeting time. Will try to come back for last one later :)
    Quitch, cdrkf, Remy561 and 1 other person like this.
  12. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) [RLM]Mot9001: Question: Will it be possible in the future to make a toggle button for symmetrical mexspots/spawns and csg because at the moment you can only disable it and you can't enable it.
    jables: I don't see why not.. I'll add it to the list. Seems like a reasonable addition (though an engineer may yell at me for saying that)

    Q2) N30N: jables is the any planns for a automated tournament system, like this?
    jables: no plans for that currently, though it's cool

    11:25:49 AM jables Let's do a game of 3 questions :) Will answer first 3 questions to best of my ability, starting... now~
    11:28:03 AM [RLM]Mot9001 Question: Will it be possible in the future to make a toggle button for symmetrical mexspots/spawns and csg because at the moment you can only disable it and you can't enable it.
    11:28:12 AM jables Mot #1
    11:28:13 AM [RLM]Mot9001 Oh hello btw :)
    11:28:16 AM jables and hello :)
    11:28:35 AM N30N jables is the any planns for a automated tournament system, like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiXO7c48xnk&t=3032
    11:29:02 AM jables I don't see why not.. I'll add it to the list. Seems like a reasonable addition (though an engineer may yell at me for saying that)
    11:29:08 AM jables N3ON #2
    11:29:18 AM [RLM]Mot9001 yay!
    11:29:19 AM jables no plans for that currently, though it's cool
    11:29:56 AM [RLM]Mot9001 i could do some more in detail talk about it, it would make mapmaking easier specifically on metalplanets
    11:30:20 AM jables 1 to go~
    11:34:13 AM Tracer Tong will someone who bought PA Classic before the launch of Titans ever have to pay full price for Titans?
    11:34:37 AM friendlyengineer yes
    11:34:45 AM friendlyengineer its a timed thing
    11:37:04 AM wondible Is the automatic energy mode that briefly appeared currently on the schedule to be revisited?
    Quitch likes this.
  13. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    @mot9001 you should use the mod DirectEdit made by guest1. It lets you disable and enable symetry (and many other things) on the fly. You can use it to have assymetrical stuff on your planets
    aevs likes this.
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Thanks @wondible for your help. Logged questions of the 17th myself
    Remy561 and Quitch like this.
  15. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    What Jables said should be, like, everywhere, so people stop saying stupid stuff about developing games and how everything UberEnt made should be free forever for everyone, even your cat.
    stuart98 and cdrkf like this.
  16. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Ive got no clue what you are trying to say here. Anyways if it is offencive against me I just want to say that it was not in any way meant neggativily. After ive taken a second look at my question I understand that it was kind of bad formulated. What can I say though? second language right. Anyways I just tried to ask why the whole ladder wasnt public and it came out a bit wrong I guess. I dont critizise uber in anyway I just tried to ask wheter thats a thing they want to do :)
  17. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The cat is always first priority. You think this is a democracy? Pshhh.

    That Cat rules the house. It's a dictatorship of fluffiness.
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    I was not negative toward you. Just pointing out what Jables said, because I think its important.
    stuart98 and andreasgg like this.
  19. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    To translate he's saying 'if everyone understood this reality about cost and time, they wouldn't whine about developers how easy things are all the time' :p wasn't anti you andreas
    stuart98 and andreasgg like this.
  20. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Q1) wondible: There was an auto energy mode briefly, maybe only in PTE. Is it on the list to be revisited?
    jables: currently no. had issues which got it pulled. it may show up later, but would be up to design to make that call

    Q1.1) iamstudent: May I talk about the balance?
    jables: i'm production side.. so won't have many good answers on balance
    iamstudent: Do the balance side come here and play the game?
    jables: he does. watches streams a lot too

    Q1.2) wondible: Maybe we should get you and tvinita to take alternate days ;^)
    jables most devs are nervous talking to players :p as what you say can be held as a promise.. which makes it tough to just chat

    Q1.3) P Roeleert: who's your favorite in the able gamers tourney tomorrow?
    jables: hmmm. that sounds like a trap :p there are a ton of crazy good players. i'm actually curious to see how it plays out. now that people are used to titans changes

    Q2) |⊰iller|⊰iwi: Is there a possibility of new maps to the ranked queue?
    jables: that is a possibilty yeah. i know tvinita had some he's been working on. also possible for new gw maps. it'll depend on if he's happy as to how fast they show up :p if he decides they aren't fun they'll need rework

    Q3) P Roeleert: do you think you'll have to do a hotfix for changing the T1 tank name anytime soon?
    jables: Ahh the Ant. we do change it, it'll be tied to a match against Marshall. and that will come down to timing on both sides making it work :\ but yeah i think it requires a hotfix.. so it'd go out with the next update.

    11:35:30 AM wondible There was an auto energy mode briefly, maybe only in PTE. Is it on the list to be revisited?
    11:36:09 AM jables currently no. had issues which got it pulled. it may show up later, but would be up to design to make that call
    11:37:12 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi Is there a possibility of new maps to the ranked queue?
    11:37:39 AM jables that is a possibilty yeah. i know tvinita had some he's been working on. also possible for new gw maps
    11:37:52 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi nice
    11:37:53 AM jables it'll depend on if he's happy as to how fast they show up :P
    11:38:04 AM jables if he decides they aren't fun they'll need rework
    11:39:04 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi i just think we need more variety
    11:39:15 AM iamstudent Wow, jables and Kiwi
    11:39:27 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi whet
    11:39:37 AM iamstudent May I talk about the balance?
    11:40:00 AM jables i'm production side.. so won't have many good answers on balance
    11:40:06 AM iamstudent OK
    11:40:56 AM iamstudent Do the balance side come here and play the game?
    11:41:21 AM jables he does. watches streams a lot too
    11:41:30 AM iamstudent oh oh
    11:41:38 AM jables 1 question to go~
    11:41:55 AM wondible Maybe we should get you and tvinita to take alternate days ;^)
    11:42:43 AM jables most devs are nervous talking to players :P
    11:43:08 AM jables as what you say can be held as a promise.. which makes it tough to just chat
    11:43:59 AM |⊰iller|⊰iwi lolyep
    11:44:24 AM jables 1 more.. anyone have one?
    11:44:29 AM jables need to prep for a meeting :(
    11:44:43 AM P Roeleert who's your favorite in the able gamers tourney tomorrow?
    11:45:41 AM jables hmmm
    11:45:47 AM jables that sounds like a trap :P
    11:45:57 AM P Roeleert haha
    11:46:05 AM jables there are a ton of crazy good players
    11:46:08 AM P Roeleert oh another one then
    11:46:11 AM jables i'm actually curious to see how it plays out
    11:46:24 AM jables now that people are used to titans changes
    11:46:37 AM P Roeleert do you think you'll have to do a hotfix for changing the T1 tank name anytime soon?
    11:46:43 AM Ziggymore oh sweet people actually use this mod
    11:46:51 AM jables Ahh the Ant.
    11:47:08 AM jables if we do change it, it'll be tied to a match against Marshall
    11:47:19 AM jables and that will come down to timing on both sides making it work :\
    11:47:34 AM P Roeleert well it's before able gamers
    11:47:52 AM P Roeleert if scathis get's up in time :)
    11:47:57 AM jables yeah.. just getting that in stone. we've tried to do this a few times :P
    11:48:12 AM P Roeleert well it was confirmed normally
    11:48:17 AM Ziggymore i still forget what the tanks name is q.q
    11:48:41 AM jables but yeah i think it requires a hotfix.. so it'd go out with the next update.
    11:49:14 AM jables i will remind scathis right now though.. just to help it along
    11:49:34 AM Ziggymore wait theres gonna be a titan like the scathis?????
    11:49:44 AM jables noooooo
    11:49:49 AM P Roeleert lol
    11:49:49 AM jables this is how rumors start :P
    11:49:54 AM Ziggymore omg i was gonna say you ruined my sleep schedule
    11:50:25 AM [RLM]AndreasG Jables you should take a look at this: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/a-suggestion-to-uber-on-how-to-improve-ladder-maps.70378/
    11:50:42 AM jables there should be a jables titan.. it just monitors your economy and auto changes things to make sure you stay within budget.
    11:50:48 AM jables but noooo, design didn't like that idea
    11:50:55 AM [RLM]AndreasG the community is behind it, and i think it is a easay and crazy good way to improve 1v1 ladder and make it funny :)
    11:51:03 AM Ziggymore the jables titan, a giant bear with nukes and artillery.... beautiful
    11:51:20 AM jables I'll pass the thread to design Andreas
    11:51:25 AM P Roeleert man that sounds like a fantastic titan :
    11:51:31 AM Ziggymore XD
    11:52:14 AM iamstudent Could uber buff some uncommon units, such naval carrier and Wyrm?
    11:52:27 AM [RLM]AndreasG Thank you jables<3 means a lot... ive heard a lot off players from the comminity tank around about it and it is something people are tagged for
    11:52:37 AM [RLM]AndreasG talk*
    11:52:45 AM iamstudent it is finished now?
    11:52:50 AM WPMarshall | Marshii I heard talk that Scathis has puled out of our duel?
    11:53:01 AM WPMarshall | Marshii So I win by default right? :3
    11:53:13 AM jables |⊰iller|⊰iwi QA reproed bug. on the list
    11:53:19 AM jables nooo he just confirmed he'd be there
    11:53:24 AM WPMarshall | Marshii Aha ok
    11:53:28 AM WPMarshall | Marshii How good is he Jables?
    11:53:32 AM jables T1 Tank name.. JABLESTANKLOL
    11:53:34 AM P Roeleert sweet :)
    11:53:35 AM jables if i won
    11:53:38 AM WPMarshall | Marshii As you can see, I am a mere gold leaguer
    11:53:57 AM jables don't tell him I said this.. but i'd bet on you :P
    11:54:13 AM WPMarshall | Marshii I'm petrified I'll lose haha
    11:54:22 AM WPMarshall | Marshii but seriously though, is he any good? :P
    11:54:26 AM WPMarshall | Marshii Do I need to train?
    11:54:32 AM jables he's got a style
    11:54:38 AM jables you can beat that, you beat him
    11:54:41 AM WPMarshall | Marshii Speaking of which, Uber ladder folks online, anyone up for training me in a few hours this evening?
    11:54:53 AM WPMarshall | Marshii his style? o.O
    11:54:55 AM P Roeleert yeah you better notify tvinita to change the name already in preperation for that fix :)
    11:54:59 AM jables is it best of 3, or 1 game?
    11:55:06 AM WPMarshall | Marshii 1 for timings
    11:55:09 AM jables ahh
    11:55:13 AM WPMarshall | Marshii otherwise Ablegmaers gets delayed too long
    11:55:17 AM jables well.. i still think you have it
    11:55:31 AM jables if best of 3, np, you'd see his style first game and counter
    11:55:51 AM Ziggymore first jables now marshall. All the people i love are coming to 1 place O.O
    11:56:01 AM jables lol
    11:56:05 AM WPMarshall | Marshii <3
    11:56:14 AM jables i have 4 minutes.. then afk off and on rest of day
    11:56:33 AM WPMarshall | Marshii Ok, er... how do I say this subtley
    11:56:37 AM P Roeleert be sure to watch able gamers if you can :)
    11:56:41 AM P Roeleert it's going to be fun
    11:56:50 AM WPMarshall | Marshii Can you possibly give me hints as to what his style entails? :P
    11:56:58 AM jables noooope :P
    11:57:06 AM WPMarshall | Marshii *scathis, this is not underhand, "Rules, there are none"
    11:57:16 AM P Roeleert I bet his style is like mine failing at winning :)
    11:57:27 AM jables that's my style for sure
    11:57:29 AM Ziggymore i work a 14 hour shift (ovetime) on saturday so i will miss the inital release of the video but ill have something to finally come home to
    11:57:40 AM jables trash talk, lose.. the jables style
    tracert, stuart98, Remy561 and 5 others like this.

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