Could we get an official statement from Jables on why the discount is time limited?

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by stuart98, August 19, 2015.

  1. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    No comment from you about "Uber's responses to the many forum posts about better terrain and unit wreckage reclaim. It was removed from PA and suprise surprise it's now in the "expansion"???
    elkanfirst and Elate like this.
  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    It's also now in the base game, surprisingly. Classic PA got a 1GB update.

    EDIT: Terrain was actually not in the 1gb update for some reason.
  3. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Suggestion- provide coupons when timer runs out?
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    It was not "removed". It was never in. It simply didn't work out. Things don't always go as planned.
    Geers, PhoneySpring646 and stuart98 like this.
  5. whiskeyninja

    whiskeyninja Member

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    It'd also be super great to know if you guys intend to extend the deal in October or just kick it to full price, that is the basis of 9/10ths of the arguments against you in the Steam forums.
    aidanofvt, cdrkf and Matster like this.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Titans will go on sale after the deal ends, that I'm sure of (otherwise 'discount stacking' wouldn't have been a consideration after all). It will probably just be a case of wait for the Christmas sale if you miss out on the upgrade deal.
    elkanfirst, stuart98 and proeleert like this.
  7. Elate

    Elate Active Member

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    Well, I mean it was in the update. Just y'know, not playable.
  8. aidanofvt

    aidanofvt New Member

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    Last night I returned Titans to Steam for this very reason. I am uncomfortable with the idea that someone could crawl out from under a rock several months from now and get shafted like this.

    Uber: you are literally losing business over this. Amend it.
    elkanfirst and Elate like this.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    That's a bit of a stretch though, right? I dunno I'd imagine someone would find out about something this big pretty early on, especially with all the press buzzin' around.
  10. Elate

    Elate Active Member

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    People might just not be in the financial situation to buy it within the next few months, it is back to school season after all, there are other things money goes towards.
  11. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Let's not freak out about this please? I'm sure @jables isn't going to let people get shafted just because they slept in a cave for 3 months.
  12. aidanofvt

    aidanofvt New Member

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    It seems to me like that's exactly what's going on, but I'm eager to hear a counter-argument. I like to think that I'm pretty much freak-out proof, despite how I might seem.
    Elate likes this.
  13. Aniaran

    Aniaran New Member

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    Couldn't help but want to throw my 2 cents in so here goes.

    I will not be purchasing this, under any circumstances, until something about the way you guys are selling this changes. I'm not going to be be leaving a bad review and I'm not going to be trying to undermine your sales on steam or any other digital medium but honestly I can't trust you with my money to be quite frank. I've told a couple of my old TA playing friends to not go near PA, and recently a couple have asked me about Titans and I've told them the same, and I'll continue to do so as I don't believe in your business model or how you're proceeding.

    Essentially this timed upgrade is absolutely ridiculous. As someone else mentioned Dark Souls managed to do an upgrade system so I am honestly at a loss for why the timer is necessary to avoid additive sales from making the game unsaleable. Past that removing the original game from Steam I find somewhat irritating since your reputation for the game at release point was more than justifiable and I've yet to see any other studio pulling this to amend poor reviews.

    Furthermore, while I understand that you guys need to eat, pissing off your already dwindling community even further in any regard is probably the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in a marketing campaign. You guys had a ton of fans originally then had a poor launch and now I don't even see mention of you in most game media and even those I know who used to support you 100% now either couldn't care any less about you or are at a bare minimum wary. On top of this it's been proven time and time again that minimum cost (sub $10) drives sales tremendously on Steam, though I'm not sure if that's solely due to price point or sales percentage it's still irrefutable. So, if you guys are truly desperate to make some money back why would you actively shoot yourself in the foot by time limiting a purchase from already wary previous fans while splitting what loyalty they have left and then also pricing what is essentially a dlc or expansion out of the general populations interest when you have poor reputations to begin with?

    Regardless, that's the sum of my input. I LOVED TA, TA:K and SC, played them at lan parties and all through my life growing up. They were staples of my home and my circle of friends. Sadly at this point I don't trust you with my money any longer and this bullshit time limited upgrade just solidifies my decision that you don't deserve my loyalty, especially given the fiasco that your last full release was.

    For what it's worth good luck, hope you guys get your act together and rebuild your reputation to what it was in the Cavedog era.
    elkanfirst and karnaloth like this.
  14. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Hold off.

    HOLD UP.

    Jables has said they had to do the timed thing due to Valve's policies. They could have done coupons, but they decided it would be much, much easier to just throw up a timed sale. Now, here's an assumption for you: Uber will have a sale once the timer is up (yay!) and then reset the timer OR just reset the timer for longer. I see no reason for them to remove the discount for those already owning PA in two and a half months.

    Also, the majority of the community couldn't care less about the extremely fair pricing system that Uber put in place for Titans. Many of those who were plaguing the steam forums and posting troll reviews have been either banned from the steam forums or had their posts removed. That tells you something - Valve, king of the we-don't-moderate-our-forums crowd, had to BAN these people because they stepped way over the line.

    I don't understand why Uber has a bad rep among both the generic layman population and game review sites in general. A lot of the indie reviewers that I have seen (wayward strategist, for example) either love or hate PA. That's quite understandable because it depends on what they expected to begin with. However, it doesn't excuse the hypocrisy coming from a LOT of these folks. They hold Uber to an almost impossible standard that is much higher than any other developer I've heard those same people speak of. It's disgusting.
  15. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    if someone is in all honesty hurting on money for 3 months unable to get 13$ for titans at the discount and they never could have put 13$ towards PA Ttians instead of a burger, then well sucks for them. if there hurting that bad sell your comp.
    walmartdialup and stuart98 like this.
  16. silmarilwest

    silmarilwest New Member

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    What an amazingly condescending paragraph. You must be a real treat a parties and social gatherings.

    As I read it, there are two major issues the player base has with Uber:
    1. Time limiting the discount for "upgrading" from PA to PA:T. There is no way a person owning PA should ever have to pay $40 for Titans. Other members have already pointed out that this process has been handled correctly by other games on steam. The fact that this problem arose from their attempts to bury bad reviews makes us even less sympathetic to the supposed complications. I have no issue with the upgrade price, assuming it were made permanent, but don't give me a ticking clock. I will NEVER buy Titans while this limit exists.
    2. Not gifting the game to EA users who payed upwards of $90 for the privilege of accessing a soon to be abandoned game. Is this user base really so large that Uber can't afford to give them the same treatment as a $20 kickstarter backer? Can anyone say with intellectual honesty that at $90 they haven't already paid enough? I didn't buy during EA, so I have nothing to gain. I just hate to see others treated so poorly.
    Have I missed something?
    • I don't think Uber is the devil, and I don't think they they are twirling their mustache maniacally.
    • They didn't break the law or defraud us.
    • They did make some unethical decisions, and I see no moves to correct them.
    epicblaster117 likes this.
  17. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Did they remove SupCom 1 after FA was released?
  18. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    For the last goddamn time:

    This isn't SUPCOM.

    Neither of those two are unethical decisions. One was brought about due to Valve's policies on sales, the other because the free Titans copy was NOT about who paid what - it was about who paid when.

    I've paid over $100 for this game. I'd gladly spend more (if I wasn't broke as crap right now).

    That said, I'm clearly biased.

    Now, Gandalf can be very salty at times, but he has a point: You're offended at spending $13 (the equivalent of an XL pizza from PapaJohns) for this awesome expandalone?

    Grow up.
  19. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Honestly I will admit you hit spot on on why people are complaining, which honestly came off as really unethical decisions more so the second point than the first.

    In terms of #1 like Mered said that's sorta Steams fault to an extent, of course a coupon to those with the game would have honestly made a lot more sense.

    And the second point, hell, even when the game was fist put onto steam for 90$ people got pissed because they felt it was way too much for the Early Access of a unfinished game and they honestly had a point. But the reason Uber made a decrease over time price point for Early Access is this: The Kickstarter backers at $20 didn't even get the alpha, not even the beta, to get into the Alpha a not-so-hefty-for-the-time-in-kickstarters-infancy price of $90 and when PA came to steam they didn't want to screw over those that forked over the 90 bucks originally to game that didn't have a Alpha over the newer guys at Steam, and so the game started at $90. The weird thing being that, the $20 backers did NOT get the alpha NOR Beta but did get the expansion, while a $90 steam EA buyer DID get Beta/Alpha, but DIDNT get the Expansion.

    The problem with the whole situation is the split of content VS price spent that the kickstarter caused, and no one can deny Uber didn't really do their best to amend it otherwise this problem wouldn't be here. However, they didn't do the worst ever considering the complications and misunderstandings the kickstarter tier system caused.
    mered4, cdrkf and stuart98 like this.
  20. silmarilwest

    silmarilwest New Member

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    [Sigh] You didn't fully read, or you fail to comprehend what I said.
    • I clearly stated that $13 was not too much, but that the temporary nature of the discount (caused by their attempt to purge poor reviews) is an unethical move. Straw man arguments give off the impression that you have no intellectual honesty.
    • You act as if the decision to give free copies based on "who paid when" is immune from critique. We already know they based it on "who paid when" (that's precisely what we disagree with).
    • I will concede that ethics are a somewhat subjective construct, but I'm clearly not alone in my judgement that some of their behavior is unethical. A reminder, being legally right and being ethically right are not the same.
    • Your willingness to drop over $100 on this game is not a valid argument, merely an affirmation of how biased you admitted you are. As stated before, price isn't even the issue for me. Fixing the two major issues I listed would not save me a cent, but I won't give Uber my business unless they do.
    Do I expect anything to change? Probably not :rolleyes:

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