TITANS PTE build 87224-pte is now live!

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by mkrater, September 3, 2015.

  1. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    Most of the current modifications aim at the bug fix.
    I am more willing to know about the balance changes, especially for asteroid and halley.
    I just feel that the asteroid causes some major problems in custom games with multiple planets.
    Could we get more information about how the developer thinks?

    The following opinion is just my personal feeling.
    Since I am just a platinum player rather than a uber rank player, my opinion may be wrong.

    The overpowered units or building:
    • Asteroid with a single Halley

    The underpowered units or building:
    • Icarus
    • Wyrm
    • Hornet
    • Zeus
    • Omega (impractical price)
    • Energy storage (capacity too small)
    If I am wrong, please tell me more about these unit/buildings.
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Any chance of getting box scores back?
    tracert and davostheblack like this.
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Crap I need to learn all the new names.

    Icarus: I tried an Icarus only energy build against a very new player and still couldn't win. Much too fragile, slow, low line of sight. Not as efficient. Their weapon looks nice though.

    Hornet could do with a nice range buff alright. Or at least be able to kill one aa turret without dying.

    Zeus could have a little speed buff, nothing crazy but they are so easy to kite it makes them lose heavy to an opponent watching his stuff.

    Energy storage feels fine in my opinion.

    Grenadiers would be nice if they had a little better accuracy. Right now they are best used to defend against players killing mex from lower levels.

    T2 flak vehicle. Longer range. If you lose the air battle and decide on mixing these in with your forces. By the time this happens they can be easily be one passed by an average sized air blob.

    Point defenses: This seems to be a big issue now. Only one that's worth their weight and cost is the t2 turret when backed up by an aa turret, I like the idea of the defender in total annihilation, attacked air and land.

    An example of this is seen on water maps in particular. You defend an area with say 1 torp launcher, 1 aa and now we need turret too. 2 destroyer ships (yeah I need to learn the names) can kill all 3 and not die. If no aa, air kills other, if no turret, hover tanks kill the other without loses. if no torpedo, a sub kills other no loses. So to defend a point properly costs a lot. Doesn't pay to build defenses.

    Pelter: increase rate of fire/ hp / range/ turn speed or something.
    Give it a job. Should it kill tanks dox/ infernos / shellers etc. with its current stats is give it a range boost to 280-300. At least then you can kill one or two Shellers before they get in range and one shot it. Or give them a hp buff to take a couple of shots from shellers and be able to defend against 4 dox.

    T2 bots need a tank killer. Gil e's are fine but they have been nerfed hard. Higher ROF and lower dps.

    Blue hawks range should be a lot higher. Both basic and orbital.
    Last edited: September 4, 2015
    huangth, temeter and ViolentMind like this.
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Also, speed controls are broken in replays.
    tracert and ViolentMind like this.
  5. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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  6. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    I would say it is sometimes broken.
    Especially after a jump, the speed becomes 1x and may be unable to speed up later.
  7. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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    Doh! Why can't we just get along with our Machine/Robot Overlords?! :)
    Last edited: September 4, 2015
  8. Skaltum

    Skaltum New Member

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    I crash every time when logging in for multiplayer.
    After logging in through the main menu I get 1-2 seconds of interaction with game and then the game freezes up. It has been like this for a little over a week now.

    I can play single player without problems if the game is launched in offline mode.
    In the main menu I can see live twitch streamers / news updates.
    Failing the login (wrong password) is detected and the game does not crash.
    I was able to play PA Titans fine until the end of last week. I have more than 500 hours in the game.

    I tried the following steps:
    Verify game
    Delete %localappdata%\Uber Entertainment
    Reinstall game
    Clean boot
    Run as Admin
    Run in Win8 compatibility mode
    Reinstalled windows
    run with PA --coherent-options="--single-process"
    Disconnected peripherals (monitors/headset)

    This happens in the live version as well as the on the pte.
    Crash logs of my earlier attemps can be found @ https://forums.uberent.com/threads/crash-on-login.70232/

    Crash report Launch while signed in in uberlauncher 235129
    Played a game of single player than signed in through main menu. Got to select a server and saw the server browser loading planets (got further than before). Than after 5 seconds the game crashed. 235551
    run with --coherent-options="--single-process" 000550
    run as admin 000757

    Attached Files:

    warrenkc likes this.
  9. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    did you try running with --nomods?
  10. Skaltum

    Skaltum New Member

    Likes Received:
    I can actually play singleplayer with mods. But yes, I tried that. I haven't installed mods since reinstalling windows.
  11. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    You might have backed it up. Check %localappdata%\uber entertainment
  12. Skaltum

    Skaltum New Member

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    Did a full reinstall of windows. definitely no backup. Also manually deleted it a couple of times.
  13. sevmek

    sevmek Active Member

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    @masterdigital : Bug report (Linux/Nvidia Driver):
    Sometimes, the top left planet/system preview is white or black (with strategic icons), or the PiP is white or black. Switching windows (in the OS) or hitting F5 (in game) can fix it (or not) see those screenshots:
    2015-09-05 13-44-16.jpg 2015-09-05 13-43-46.jpg 2015-09-05 13-40-28.jpg 2015-09-05 13-38-01.jpg

    It seems there is some kind of animation (like a fade out from white to the actual planet). I guess it should be quick but I noticed sometime it was very slow (several seconds long). My guess is the bug lies there.

    Steps to reproduce:
    - Start a AI skarmish game.
    - Open the PiP
    - Place the pointer to the top right planet and hope for the bug to show up. This do not happen 100% (it was ~50% on 7 tries here)

    Some logs are attached, all where done using this command line (in the Steam environment):
    $ ~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/run.sh /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary\ Annihilation\ Titans/PA --coherent-log-level=TRACE --gl-debug --nomods 2>&1 | tee PA-LOG7.txt
    PA-LOG1.txt.zip, PA-LOG2.txt.zip and PA-LOG3.txt.zip do not have the bug, I posted them as reference.

    PA-LOG4.txt.zip : the top left preview was white.

    PA-LOG5.txt.zip : the top left preview was black. Switching windows in the OS fixed it.

    PA-LOG7.txt.zip : the PiP was white, after hiting F5 the PiP was black.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: September 5, 2015
  14. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    I've never seen it occur with a white background before this release (only got it once so far). But the delayed fade from black has been about for a long time and (both) are not limited to the PiP (it effects the main window too).

    I've only the one occurrence without luck to reproduce it here.
    Last edited: September 5, 2015
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Commander can shoot Kaiju with its torpedoes, while Barracudas cannot. I haven't tested with Drifters.
  16. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    Can he shoot them with torpedoes on the land too? ;)
  17. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    No, can't shoot them with torpedos on land, yes, can also hit drifters.

    Commander torpedo weapon needs "ignore_unit_types" array.
    huangth likes this.
  18. sevmek

    sevmek Active Member

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    uggla88 reported this issue with the main screen too here:
    tracert likes this.
  19. Skaltum

    Skaltum New Member

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  20. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    I've seen this on stable 86765 a few times now:
    This was on Windows 7 with an integrated Intel GPU in windowed mode. It looks like PA can not allocate some render buffers, which ultimately leads to drop all rasterized 3d content for that holodeck. Maybe this should be handled a bit more gracefully ;)

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