We need mass cargo plane like in Supcom.

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by Aakkonen, August 22, 2015.


Should there be mass cargo planes?

  1. Oh yeah

  2. meh

  3. I dont know

  1. Aakkonen

    Aakkonen New Member

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    As title says, I think PA: T needs cargo plane that can carry like 10-15 T1 units or 5-7 T2 units like in SupCom. Pelicans are bit too hard to use as they can carry only 1 unit at time... just my 2 lines.

    CMDR Aakkonen
  2. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    You can use area commands and select-all-same-units (double click or keyboard shortcut) and other styff to manage Pelicans quite easily.

    But... Do want.
  3. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Don't teleports work better in most cases?
    pieman2906 likes this.
  4. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    If you think about it, one of the most useful things supcom's transports could do was the ferry command, now imagine, if instead of manually flying back and forth with handfuls of units over and over, if you could, with two transports, one sitting in your base, and the other at your destination, move unlimited amounts of units instantly between the two points.

    They're called teleporters, and they're sick.

    Also, I'd argue that the Helios basically plays the role of the best mass cargo transport we've ever seen.
  5. pieman90

    pieman90 Active Member

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  6. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    But.. does the teleporter have the same amount of "AWESOME" as 40 multitransports with air support flying toward yous base to totally destroy your cosy cave.
    MrTBSC, ace63, Elate and 1 other person like this.
  7. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    It's actually very similar. Air transports need a secured landing zone and a bunch of transports being able to go there, a teleport needs a worker being able to reach said landing zone and build a teleporter. You just cut out the flight over the map.
    pieman2906 likes this.
  8. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    I would say having multiple Helios Titans dropping into orbit and spewing units onto the surface, maybe aided with some unit cannon drop pod support rates pretty high on the awesome scale.
    rivii likes this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Well if we're judging awesome by numbers then you're better off using Pelicans :p

    With the existence of area commands I don't see how a mass cargo plane is any different in terms of ease of use.
    rivii likes this.
  10. stylisticsagittarius

    stylisticsagittarius Active Member

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    pelicans are indeed the unit that i litterly NEVER see in a multiplayer game.
    Making them stronger and with more units would make them more usable. The area commands are easy enough for pelicans to use but it just look like **** and a pelikan that could carry around 8 units would be cool enough to use.
    + it takes a long time to produce pelicans due to their roll-off time in the air factory...

    P.s. same goes for the orbital transporter!
    ace63 likes this.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You should see them on some maps as a means to quickly move fabbers about. It's not unusual to see them used on Meso or Pacific for example.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Mass transport use can be cool, but most of the time marching your army across a world is better because you can hold all of then territory your army's drive through, rather where the transport pick up from and drops off at.
  13. probodobodyne

    probodobodyne Active Member

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    But then you run into the issue of paying 400 to transport a Bolo worth 150. Making the entire thing 550. Yeah sure you can place more valuable units in it to reduce how much of the entire cost is the transport, but with how fragile those things are (both transports really) I don't see the point.

    I think the Astraeus should cost no more than 50 metal, also the Pelican. Or give both a massive health boost so they are more reusable and more usable for aggressive operations.
    ace63 likes this.
  14. stylisticsagittarius

    stylisticsagittarius Active Member

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    health boost is needed and still the capapbility to carry more units is essential!
    Does not even matter how cheap they are cuzz you pay to much time in creating them due to their roll off time...
  15. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    with the exception of helios ... too static ...
    otherwise always requires you an exitgate ..
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    it would help to get an army plus fabbers to be able to do that otherwise you are limited to orbital or low numbers of units ...
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    problem is its friggin expensive and timeconsuming ..
    multiunittransports may be cheaper and quicker to build while allowing only a limmited ammount of units would allow you to land and attack from mutiple angles ... and when done you could easily send them to the next area ..
    it adds more flexibility even if it requires traveltime ...
    otherwise for everything else you will always be dependand on gates .. which is a bit annoying imo ...
  18. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    My thought process is, you wouldn't send a mass transport directly into combat, so they don't get shot down. Planetary travel time alone requires some secured foothold, so there isn't suddenly a huge orbital/air army intercepting your transports, and even in secured territory landing transports would be vulnerable to air raids.

    And if you got a bridgehead, then you could just plant down a teleporter either way, which is a much more secure and faster way to get transports.

    Only viable option for transport would be if you can't get to build and keep a teleport becaue of the planetary defenses... In which case landing should be too dangerous for mass transports.
    This was the original idea of the unit cannon: Drop down units anywhere without worrying about transport. Which is a bit hard with the current implementation.
    Last edited: August 27, 2015
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    generaly scout
    have any kind of aa with them be it spinners storms or phoenixes.. it matters that they manage to land .. build up more aa with fabbers build towers then go for the gate ...
    the fact that you could bring multiple transports would allow you to set up gates on more places than the opponent could be able to react to and we are speaking about a mid game situatition (maybe even early to mid) were the enemy doesn't have full control over a planet ... .. the thing simply is to get an army upfront for the setup ... because lets be honest ... when did you see that with the helios ? ... when people go helios they generaly go ham with it ... be it full telespam or more likely manhattandrop ...
  20. fredegar1

    fredegar1 Member

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    As much as I love the aesthetic of giant airborne or amphibious assaults, I don't see mass air transports filling a needed role in PA what with teleporters/Helios. I loved the mass transports in some of the Spring mods, but they didn't have teleporters.

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