Ah yes. Star Trek Beyond. What are they Trekking Beyond? Nobody knows. Because the numpty who created the title for those movies decided he/she was too good for colons.
I can't believe I haven't mentioned some recent absolute essentials yet : The Theory Of Everything The Imitation Game (watch the two back to back) EX Machina (maybe the three) Chappie Night Crawler Let's be Cops
So much yes. The Imitation game isn't perfectly accurate, but it does a good job at capturing the essence of what they were doing
I second that. that's exactly it. They really passed under silence the whole English government being utter cunts and murderers to Allan thing, ...but then again, that wasn't the main topic of the movie. and there was a lot to be said. Maybe another movie.....
I just watched it man. I'd seen it before. My subconscious had just occulted that to a deep and dark end of my memory. I don't think there's really any subtext there. It's just pure and unadulterated Hollywoodism and i'ts radioactive to my brain
last i watched was guardians of the galaxy which is suprisingly good i have got to say . equaliser which while the end was a bit dissapointing is overall pretty good ... and of course predator 1 ... cause GET TO DA CHOPPA !!! ... ... it's old but heck it still holds up pretty well actualy