Snipers Wtf!!!

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by nosebreaker, August 27, 2015.

  1. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    They do not play right...
    The lobbing shot looks dreadful...
    Return them to Their previous version.....

    They feel horrible as they are.
    The Nosebreaker grants you dox changes in exchange for fixing this obvious mistake on
    Guys of all the good calls you have made ...

    You done gone *&^%^ the goat on this one.... And THAT IS ILLEGAL!
    except in Nederlands and Germany.

    For Gods sake your spose to be ......


    Developers !!!!!!


    The Nosebreaker works construction ........He knows better then you Developers on how you should fix your game!!!!

    Fix the Dam Snipers .....Joke is over........

    The Nosebreaker is annoyed
  2. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Wait they changed the sniper projectile?

    Holy cow it looks awesome now! Much better than before. I always hated their hitscan weapons.
    cdrkf likes this.
  3. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Look what I made for you

  4. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    My beautiful Percival has returned to meeeee!!
    dom314 likes this.
  5. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    So good. That definately solves the problem of it looking a bit wonky at the moment.

    But yeah sniperbots were my favorite units and right now they're basically in the gutter. The balance between them and shellers was really good. Shellers we're army vs army wise better then sniperbots however as soon as you came close to someones base they would start to target the buildings and you'd notice that you were losing your army pretty quick.

    Sniper bots on the other hand were better when raiding the base simply because they targetted the units that came the closest so defending a base against those was way harder then with shellers.

    It was the reason that I started mixing in shellers and sniper bots together in FFA games. This however isn't really worth it anymore. Vehicles simply are better.


    The only thing you'll miss in a composition is anti orbital which is something bots do have. Maybe some dox too against boombots that is however t1.

    Buff the Gil-E!

    Or nerf the Sheller!
  6. nateious

    nateious Active Member

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    minus the armor.
  7. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    Honestly I would just like to see snipers become more. Longer reload time, maybe an energy cost to do so, maybe a little longer range, and significantly more damage. Make them hurt. Balance their damage output with overkill, so they are only really efficient against vanguards, buildings, and titans.
  8. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    The Gil-Es price was lowered by 33%, tho. Shouldn't that make the changes more of a general buff?

    That said, the projectile is a bit bland. Luckily enough, I just decided to check the pew pew mod anyway, looks quite interesting. Probably doesn't change much about T2 vehicle superiority too.
    Last edited: August 27, 2015
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    They were nerfed in a number of other ways. I'm not sure why they were fiddled with and Shellers were left untouched.

    The GIL-E change is my second biggest WTF, the first being the changes to naval T1.
    stuart98 likes this.
  10. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Original sniper fired a projectile, but it was so fast it couldn't be seen. It often lived and died in a single server tick so it never got sent to the client.

    Work on orbital allowed time to get instant hit "beam" weapons to working properly with client effects. This was obviously desirable for the sniper whom needed fast hits but visible effects.

    A little history; the first unit in the game, the light laser tank, is so named because it originally shoot a laser. However we realized on a sphere planet they spent most of their time shooting the ground instead of each other. I'm doing to dig up an image from a 2013 post about this very topic.

    So, unsurprisingly the same issue came up with the sniper bot. The design solution to this was to just make them not hit the ground. Problem solved!

    But now the sniper was shooting through mountains and walls. This is obviously broken and wrong, but it's how the sniper bot worked for quite a while.

    Lots of options were discussed, but all of them required some amount of engineering time, time that would of meant giving up something else. So, we're back to projectiles, just slightly slower.
  11. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    I can't stop coming back to the thread to watch this video over and over again
    dom314 and stuart98 like this.
  12. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    nosebreaker likes this.
  13. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    You people keep forgetting that Snipers completely wreck Cats because they shoot down their missiles. Tac bombers too, though no one uses those haha.
    igncom1 likes this.
  14. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    The Most serious Post That The Nosebreaker shall make!

    We have metal planets that shoot other planets and kill them in a split second any where in the gameverse
    We have teleporters teleporting units to any where in the gameverse
    We have units being made by nano bot dust clouds in factories
    We have resorces being collected and "magically" being transported "magically" to any factory placed any were in the gameverse requiring metal
    We have energy being collected and magically being tansported to anything that needs it..

    We have lots of things like those listed that we use imaginative accountability to explain it!

    Is it sooo Hard to apply these same graces of explanation, to have a sniper bot that hits in one server tick and shoots through a limited amount of obsticale, to hit its range defined intended target............................................................

    No it is not!
    Is it code beautiful ... probably not.
    As a gamer does The Nosebreaker care about the code... No
    Does The End result Justify the means... Yes

    To address the concern of the opposing player.
    The First thing he should be aware of when a sniper is about .... Is Unit death.... That is All.
    Snipers can use silenced weapons, Not every single shot ever fired by all Snipers in any army, in The Entire world Ever, in the History of our Earth, Always Had The Sound civilians attribute to a Normal Rifle shot.
    That is to this day and history past.

    The Future is not limited by the past but is to our wonderfull imagination...............
    The Nosebreaker Thinks with This dam fine game we have.
    Why can we not Have a sniper weapon that shoots almost instantly and passes through all obsticals with in its designated weapon range...................................! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! one more for good measure !

    The Sniper unit is not a run and gun unit
    It does not make up part of a standard section or squad
    It does not have a fast sustained firing role.

    Got Dramas remove its ability to shoot missiles....That makes more sense
    You are a Developer I respect that ...

    Regardless of code or how pretty it looks to your Developer buddies.
    Your Sniper Is Not a Sniper.

    You are breaking the fourth wall.

    The Nosebeaker implores you to fix the sniper Return it !

    The Nosebreaker
    Last edited: August 28, 2015
  15. badfucatus

    badfucatus Active Member

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    As self appointed acolyte to the nosebreaker, Uber hear his words!
    Never has the nose breaker been so close to being remotely understandable, his wisdom is unquestionable.
    Bring forth the mighty buff cloth, so that his bidding might be done.
    nosebreaker likes this.
  16. wheels12

    wheels12 Member

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    Gil-E is insane right now, buffing makes no sense, you can wipe out armies of t1 units with 5 of them, and by your own logic, this isnt a sniper, its a robot with a gun for an arm. It can fire and move if it wants too. and for all you know, the bullet is guided so it can curv if it wants to too.
    igncom1 likes this.
  17. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    Good point wheels12 it could be .. but it retained its previous name though not the role
    Do you know what the name is in reference too?
    If not self educate.......................

    It doesn't take out armies with five though seen that first hand.
    and its currant form is not a sniper........
    Snipers don't take out armies......

    Snipers are a wtf just killed XXX unit
    Nothing is seen visually..... Dam hes got some/ a sniper.

    Were is my scouts ... spot the sniper
    Sniper seen ...... arty that position........
    We have now another grenideer like unit that shoots bombers with its ordinance.
    and runs and guns with everything else. Which isnt a sniper
    If the intent was to kill the sniper class entirely ?
    The Nosebreaker missed that point and would be putting his point across incorrect, That was not indicated in previous post by uber and the problem was technical.
    The argument is The previous iteration is truer to form than the currant!
    As you point, no real counter argument across other than confirming What The Nosebreaker made abundantly clear in His previous post.
    The Nosebreaker hopes you find satisfaction in This post?
    While your statement is right you are not making much of a counter point because your agreeing with The Nosebreaker Though Do not think that was your original intent! Cheers for the support.....

    Rather we see the sniper return as it was.
    Cost to build big increase.
    A stealth field added to the unit that is disrupted when fired, slower rate of fire.
    A drain on energy to run said stealth field Non optional there by in effect limiting amount of fielded snipers....

    Or just return it as it was before hand..................

    Just so we are clear ...Dont care that Theoriticaly it shot through the ground instantly!!!!
    Didnt see it dont care.Also dont care about the limitless supply of ammuniton every unit has either.
    The End result was good.

    The Nosebreaker likes this post
    Last edited: August 29, 2015
    avatar100400 and imperatorurist like this.
  18. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    Also Dont care that

    Subs are not actually subs but a surface unit........
    That all air units reside on the same altitude.......

    That There is no fighter bomber only either a fighter or a bomber.......
    That all objects in the orbital layer is just that a single layer......
    Space ships cant land on moons.........

    All of these are broken and wrong................
    All of these are broken and wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!

    But you have work arounds to ensure That the end result is satisfactory to the player

    Why did you guys suddenly apply a different set of rules to the sniper........
    To end up with a terrible result...................

    The whole game is an illusion...............................................
    Why did you try to suddenly get realistic with ballistics on the sniper?
    When the end result you had before was perfect!

    The Nosebreaker likes this post
    avatar100400 and imperatorurist like this.
  19. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    Why does it Have to be a ballistic
    Why does it have to be a laser

    Why cant the effect be an slow repeat charge build up firing, directed , almost instant electro magnetic Force.

    Like microwave/ radiation that has no trouble moving through obsticals. The explosion is from the reaction of the internals of the bot frying and exploding......
    That way the ground wont need an effect for its pass through....................

    Just solved our problem.............
    change the weapon designation....................
    retain range and effect simply cant be argued with then........

    The Nosebreaker likes this post
  20. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    The Nosebreaker should learn to use the edit button and how to properly punctuate and parse his posts if he doesn't want to get his nose broken.

    The Nosebreaker despises this post.
    temeter likes this.

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