Superouman Systems Inc.

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by superouman, February 8, 2015.

  1. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Welcome to Superouman Systems Inc. !

    I finally took the time to make some systems after many bugs, crashes and other adventures.

    I will showcase my systems here with dl links. you can also find them on System Sharing. My systems are desgnied for 1v1 so far but i will probably make some systems for team-games someday.

    (Radius)(Game type)Name


    (600)(1v1)Red Line

    I was annoyed by the lack of height terrain tool to make water and ground where I want so I decided to do something about it.
    I used craters to shape the water from a small lake. The edges of the craters are pathable so there are no pathing issues for the Commander and Doxes.

    The short path features a huge amount of small CSG to make a lot of tiny paths. This enables grenadiers to shoot over the csg and hit the tanks which can't fire back. The ground metal is placed on the large sea side and the sea metal is placed on the shore.

    You are more of a tank person? Then take the wide and open longer path. On that side the ground metal is placed on the smaller sea side and the sea metal is far away from the shore.

    The shortest path is by ship and it will be useful to wipe some enemy units huging the shore while on theit way to your base.

    The back of the planet features a large sea and one large island with quite a lot of metal.

    Short ground path

    Long ground path

    Smaller sea

    Back of the planet with one large island

    North pole view

    Some nice pics


    I learnt to use @guest1 's DirectEdit mod to change CSG options on the fly. I used it to make large but not absurdly tall csg.

    Both players start on the equator on a very large plateau with two ramps on the north and south. At the bottom of those ramps, the players can choose to expand on a highground or a lowground path. Between the starting bases and the highground path, there is some lowground innaccessible by land.

    The air distance between both bases is much shorter than by land.

    A starting location. The exits are at the north and south.

    North pole view. Two startling location exits on the side. An entrance to the highground path between the two bases.

    The lowground passage between bases. Ground units can arrive here by land. You can see both starting locations on the very left and right sides of the view.

    The highground passage view from the equator. Land units can't go to the low ground on both sides. A transport is required.



    This is the planet where i experimented with landbridges but it's too buggy so i simply removed them. That doesn't mean the planet is boring now.

    The map isn't 100% symetrical because it's hand made with a symetry plane going through the poles and not the default equator symetry plane. If the trees prove to create a significant imbalance, i'll just switch the terrain to desert.

    It features a single large valley at the equator with two large lakes at the poles. The plateaus on both sides of the valley can't be reached by ground and they have quite a lot of metal. They also provide a great position for arc-firing units (grenadiers, pelters, shellers, etc)

    You can try to force your way through the valley but your units can easily be picked up by well placed pelters.

    A starting position[​IMG]

    The valley

    The back side with the entrance of the lakes

    One of the lakes. The one at the south pole is symetrical
    RIP tunnels

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: February 9, 2015
  2. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Could I add your maps to a community map pack?
  3. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Yes please :)
  4. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    I need zip file of your .pas's for your maps for map pack
  5. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Map files are available.
  6. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Added (500)(1v1)Diadem to the map list. It is the map which had originally tunnels and viaducts but they are too bugged.
    reptarking likes this.
  7. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    These look great, can't wait to try them.
  8. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    I made a few maps this afternoon now i have Titans. I noticed the current ladder maps are quite small, cramped and don't have a lot of metal.
    This is why this batch of maps have very wide startling locations so you don't need to play tetris when you build your base. The map are a bit larger to attempt to give players more opportunities to go T2. And a lot more metal for more robots, more explosions, more fun.

    The OP post has too many pictures so i won't update it with this batch.

    The maps files are available in the OP post. I'll probably package my map pack into a mod Soon™


    Do you remember the Lush world from Total Annihilation with the rivers? I tried to do the same thing.
    The ground paths are long but the ones through the water are short. Doxes and hovers will be powerful.
    It was annoying to create because i had to make sure i had multiple small bodies of water all other the planet to be able to carve the rivers.





    I stumbled upon this seed with a nice "C" shaped body of water. So i build a map around it with a nice focus on the water while keeping the rest of the map interesting. From this map, my starting location will tend to be very wide with a lot of metal.




    (500)(1v1 and teamgames)Monty Hall

    This map feature 4 very wide paths linking the two wide starting locations at the poles. Each path has its own twist.





    This is a map i wanted to do for a very long time. It is very simple, there are only two different wide paths between you and your opponent.





    Each players starts in his fortress which has a lot of place to build and a reasonable amount of entrances. The more you expand, the more entrances your base have.






    I originally wanted to create a chess-like pattern but it didn't go as planned but it's still a nice map.


  9. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    How do we find the map files we make in the editor? I can't find them to upload.
  10. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    There is a "Export" button in the map list in the system editor ingame.
    stuart98 likes this.
  11. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    Those new maps look great!
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You really need to put a pack on PAMM.
  13. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    It is now available on PAMM as "Superouman Map Pack"
    Quitch likes this.
  14. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    This map emphasizes on the very close air distance between the bases but a relatively long and easily defended ground path. Longer ground paths give better attacking positions.
    The sea contains a large amount of metal.
    Lobs and long distance units can attack the enemy base directly.



    Pelter range

    Lob range
  15. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Closair's CSGs reverted back to their random state for no reason and i'm far too annoyed to replace the CSGs. Since the update too of PAMM works once every 50 times, i am even more lazy to fix it and it will be done BlizzardSoon™
  16. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    New batch of maps inbound!

    (500)(1v1, Teamgames, FFA)Orianna

    This is a four players map with three distincts scenarios. Close air, close ground, long ground distance.






    This map features a tight ring of pathable terrain sanwiched between a small sea with a reasonable amount of metal and a large area of mountains.







    This small map has all its metal concentrated on high ground






    This naval map has no metal in the water outside of the starting location. All the metal is concentrated on the islands.




    Last edited: September 22, 2015
    cwarner7264, stuart98 and Clopse like this.
  17. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Should this be moved to Titans mapping?
  18. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    (500)(1v1, team games, FFA)Sinnet

    This is a map i wanted to create for few years now but i didn't get the courage to make it since the default symmetry would give a sub-optimal result and thus i had to make the symmetry by hand.

    There are 4 starting locations enabled for 1v1 so you can get one match-up with plane symmetry (the opponent is in the same "pocket" as you) or a match-up with rotational symmetry (the opponent is in the other "pocket")

    Since this symmetry is done by hand, it is not 100% perfect but the potential asymmetries are negligible.

    I hope you will enjoy this map, i certainly did when creating it.

    Half of a pocket

    Starting locations with rotational symmetry (The Ying-Yang pattern wasn't intended)

    View with 3 starting locations at the same time

    View from a pole

    How the map was built.



  19. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    You are like a human map factory man! :p
    Alpha2546 likes this.
  20. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Hi i am necro-ing myself to say thank you to whoever fixed the water on Closair. I just saw it on one of AndreasG videos.
    I got too lazy to change the height map to have deeper water because i would have had to move all the csg. Adding craters is a great fix. Add yourself to credits with water fix by xxx or however you want

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