Why am I having to buy this game a 2nd time?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nineball1986, August 23, 2015.

  1. nineball1986

    nineball1986 New Member

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    Like the title says, why am I having to buy the game a 2nd time? Just to keep playing as the player base for this game will now tank with the vanilla game being binned?
    eagle722 likes this.
  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    You're not buying it twice. You're buying the better version, which is optional.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's very poor wording imho.

    You don't need to buy the full game again. You need to (optionally) buy an addon at a price of 13€, which is typical for such an addon.
    Remy561, pieman2906, Quitch and 5 others like this.
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Well, it's true :)
  5. Abaddon1

    Abaddon1 Active Member

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    So I think what they are saying is why have it set up as a separate stand-alone splitting the player-base between vanilla and the "new" version, thus making it hard to find a game if you do not have the Titans expansion (i.e. "forced to buy").

    Though since I think they share a server browser, and you can toggle Titans on/off it really just operates in the same way as a dlc/add-on would work. Its just that the add-on comes bundled with all new copies of the game.
    eagle722 likes this.
  6. nineball1986

    nineball1986 New Member

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    Lets get one thing straight here, when your buy titans you automatiucally get the base version of the game with the purchase, so yes i AM buying the same game again.
    Its been less than a year since its "release" which was in a sorry state when this happened.
    And now I find the game I threw money at early on in its development being what i consider, abondoned.
    Yes I know it will still receive bug fixes etc but ubers choice to stop sale of the vanilla game means i will be forced to purchase the expansion just to contiune playing as the player based will shift.
    Why did this happen?
    Was it to lose the negative views the game rightly received?
    I backed this game early on because i liked the idea and had some faith in the devs because of there previous history with other games but the way this company seem to handle there marketing is well... pretty poor.
    Sorry for complaining, I want the game to do well, i just feel the people who make this companys decisions need a slap in the face when it comes to marketing.
    eagle722 likes this.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Yes the entry in the steam store contains the full game. But if you already own the game you get that part for free. The part that adds new stuff costs 13€. That part you have to pay. The full package would cost something like 36€, which you don't have to pay.
    I assume you did try the base game lately? It has changed quite a lot since the release one year ago.
    pieman2906, Quitch and burntcustard like this.
  8. nlaush

    nlaush Active Member

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    Well I hope you better not have purchased any redux version of any game, Forged Alliance, any HD version of any game on steam, etc.

    I was a huge critic of them releasing the game early before all the advertised features were in, DRM free especially. But this is a huge freaking nothingburger, no one is forcing you to play it, buy it, or anything else. The base game is playable and is very entertaining. Uber has been very, very generous with their *FREE* new features added post launch. Most of the other bigger companies would have charged you for every. single. new. addition. Look at Paradox with their 200 DLC that cost two to three times as much as the base games.

    I will be happy to buy this expansion.
  9. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Uber needs the money to fund a campaign to stop Trump and Clinton getting elected
    stuart98 and g0hstreaper like this.
  10. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Take a look at StarCraft second expansion called StarCraft 2. Some graphic improvements (poorly optimized ) ,a few more units and no new gameplay feature for full price without discount for brood war owners.
    doud and stuart98 like this.
  11. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    + lets not forget HOTS expansion + LOTV both costing newer buyers $60 each....
    doud, pieman2906 and stuart98 like this.
  12. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Glad to see your views have changed. =)
  13. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Are you guys serious???? The amount of content in each of the StarCraft 2 expansions is huge. The single player campaign has so much content, maps, units, cut scenes, and a full story.
  14. Morloc

    Morloc New Member

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    Through the lens of someone only interested in multiplayer RTS, there might me some modicum of truth to those statements. As someone who is strictly interested in single player only (I've logged well over 15,000 hrs of online multiplayer gaming...enough to last me a lifetime) the idea that SCraft2 had no new gameplay features or that $60 was outrageous is, well.....outrageous.

    This probably explains why I never bonded with PA in general. It was tuned toward MP since before Alpha. It'd also explain some of the comparisons of PA-->Titans = SC-->FA. From my standpoint, that's crazy talk, but I'm only looking at the SP aspects. TA and expansion, SC, FA and the SCrafts all had campaigns...huge, massive cornucopias of content. New units weren't even considered content. Didn't TA and/or SC provide free downloadable units every week? It's interesting to think about SCraft and PA from these different perspectives.

    crizmess and planktum like this.
  15. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Ok you get a few updates and a cgi movie for that money.
    I think strategy games should be like chess in the sense that the opponents face each other in equal conditions. That's why I don't care that much about campaigns.

    StarCraft 2 happened eons after brood war for so little evolution. I watched a sc2 game at very low settings and didn't realize it wasn't BW till that sentry thing appeared quite late in the game.

    I find it disgusting how little innovation is valued. People care more about bugs that of course the remake of SC1 won't have cause it's basically the same thing 10 years later with a multimillion budget.

    Anyway SC was a good game and I'm sure SC2 is also good but it isn't going to impress me at all
    stuart98 likes this.
  16. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    A few updates and a CGI movie, LOL you guys are ridiculous.
    elkanfirst likes this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    oh yeah. For a person like me who never even touches the campaign and focuses on mp 1v1 the addons in SC2 really means "bunch of new units and rebalance". Not more than Titans does for PA, but at at a higher price.
  18. nlaush

    nlaush Active Member

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    As long as I don't have to be always online as they promised, I'm good. Satellite internet doesn't help either...

    And I just bought Titans today. Waiting until 2:00 am hits to download....
    squishypon3 likes this.
  19. imperatorurist

    imperatorurist Member

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    This was an attempt by uber for cash and better PR because of the disaster of the original release. The hope for uber is good reviews = more sales, they might even attempt human resources again if it goes well.
  20. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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