This kinda backfired

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by killerkiwijuice, August 25, 2015.

  1. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    @Uber this might be a bit of an issue but meh.
    Remy561 likes this.
  2. mysticalfists

    mysticalfists Member

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    I actually have a post detailing this that's been hidden by mods. Been waiting for Uber to respond as I have a cheat mod that makes use of this; however, I still haven't been told if I can have it up or not. After 3 days of no response I just uploaded today. I've been playing with titans, my cheats, and it does work in multiplayer (MF AI Skirmish Titans Cheats unlocks it).
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  3. Elate

    Elate Active Member

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    Honestly, allowing people to play it single player might not actually be a bad idea, as the person said, single player demo. Might actually bring in some buys with it.
    tehtrekd and dom314 like this.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    hold on WHAT??????

    it works in multi??

    dude not cool. why?
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  6. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Commenting now. Sorry I missed it earlier. Been a busy week.

    Single player isn't too big a deal, though of course if you enjoy them, we'd love for you to actually buy the full expansion. If you are making use of this on multiplayer, we'd say this would be sidestepping copy protection.
    Remy561, ace63, probodobodyne and 5 others like this.
  7. mysticalfists

    mysticalfists Member

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    In that case I'll ask that the AI Skirmish Titans Cheat is removed from PAMM. I did not consider it sidestepping copy protection as the latest update added everything needed to my game. All I did was add corrected build buttons.
    Quitch and tatsujb like this.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    To depublish mods use the same interface you use to publish them, I think there is a "remove" button when you put in a link to a mod already published.
    Quitch, stuart98 and mysticalfists like this.
  9. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Thank you :)
    tatsujb and stuart98 like this.
  10. mysticalfists

    mysticalfists Member

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    Thanks Colin, mod disabled and no longer available in PAMM.
    Quitch, stuart98 and jables like this.
  11. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    I sent Jables a fairly detailed post with information regarding the extent of its capabilities; it's very easy to set up, just by copy and pasting, but as there was no response I assume that 1, it's acknowledged and 2, what I outlined was acceptable to their DRM-free policy.
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Yeah, this is a pretty silly and hacky way of doing it. If you were trying you could make it practical for use in MP, and I imagine that that's when Uber would start handing out the game bans.
  13. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    The monumental greed. The nerve. Calling a mod that undoes your cripple job on PA piracy.

    So if you steal my tv and I take it back, I'm a thief. Dev entitlement much?

    This is obviously proof that titans is nothing more than an update with a paywall. You even pushed it to base game owners because it's the exact same game. PA is now nothing more than a crippled demo for titans.

    I didn't pay for a demo.

    So tell me, when are you going to start loading DRM into PA to further punish only people who have already paid you? The only people who would ever want this mod are people refusing to pay you for a second time for a product they rightfully should have taken delivery of.

    If I make a mod that simply shadows the files that you provided from one directory (outside of PAMM obviously since they are your puppets) and I share a link on steam, are you going to ban me like apple trying to criminalize jail breaking?

    You gonna ban everyone that uses it?

    We had faith in your company. We stuck with you. I wrote mods for you. I defended you in countless hate review comments and forums posts.

    You all should be ashamed, white knights, mods, devs, management MBAs, everyone who has a hand in saying this is ok or making it happen.

    Regardless of what your free copy bought off layer of white knight insulation says.
    planktum likes this.
  14. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Quitch, Remy561, ace63 and 5 others like this.
  15. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    Yeah because mockery is the last place you can go in this debate.

    We both know they crippled base PA, relaunched completed PA, tossed up a pay wall, and bought off half the community to defend them from the inevitable backlash of the other half.

    They put a padlock on my property, and then left a bill for the key.

    Then someone offers bolt cutters and the padlock owners start crying piracy.

    Quit defending ethical bankruptcy.

    Skip to 0:45 "You can always hire one half of the poor to kill the other half."
    Last edited: August 25, 2015
    eagle722 and planktum like this.
  16. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Nice straw-man.

    If the word 'obviously' is the basis of your argument, then that doesn't really work, does it? Try a real argument please. I would like to discuss that, instead of making my own statement + 'obviously' to make it true.

    You payed for PA, and you got PA.

    This is a bit like saying, as long as the door wasn't locked, it is ethical for me to take your tv and car. It's not theft, it became mine because there was no DRM and I feel like I should have had it. A better analogy for what you are saying is this:
    You bought a tv, plus some channels. After reading the advertisements for the television which talk about giving you 12 channels, you end up expecting 13 anyway. Now you have 12 channels, as advertised, and someone walks in and says, oh we've made some more channels that were never promised for the price you paid for the 12. The channels are a bit extra though because it took money to make.

    And you say, well, since the channels are on the same TV, I already paid for it right? I'll just circumvent the fact that work went into the extra channels and steal that.

    I don't see how circumventing copyright law is an ethical thing to do.

    Not worth replying to this blatant instigation.
    Remy561, theseeker2, igncom1 and 4 others like this.
  17. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Ok let me take a serious stab:

    The TV was never yours in the first place, it wasn't promised, and in fact it was actually (insert imaginary antonym to the word "promise" here.). I respect your opinions otherwise, but this is a fact.
    stuart98 likes this.
  18. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    Fixed that for you.

    No one who got a free copy has the right to debate me on this. You're biased and bought and you should recuse yourself.

    It's like talking about campaign finance reform with the Mitch McConnell.

    Really? I didn't pay for the full version of PA? Pretty sure I did.

    Look. They pulled PA and then released it with extra stuff. If it's not meant to be a replacement, why is PA no longer for sale? Why is it even possible to activate titans in PA via a mod with no assets

    You offered to buy me a copy of Titans.

    If I'm such a greedy (literally laughable apprently) whiner, then explain that offer.

    You KNOW we're right.

    1819 of us at last count.

    How bitter you all must be living in that republican fantasy world full of aggressively lazy people.

    Do my daily replies strike you as lazy? I've dumped hours and hours into the defending the honor of normal people who demand some ethical business practice.

    No other industry on earth has the freedom to screw its customer base like the gaming industry.

    Yeah, games are trivial. These principles are not.

    I can buy titans right now. Do you people seriously think I'm not, but rather spending hours and hours talking to paid opposition for free because I'm lazy? Greedy?

    None of you genuinely think that's true. You'd be on our side if you hadn't been bought.
    planktum likes this.
  19. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Incorrect. I payed $90 for steam early access. Did not get PA:Titans for free.
    So, you should try responding again with that assumption that is incorrect nullified. Perhaps use a logical argument this time instead of trying to disregard my comment because you assumed wrong.
    nateious, radimentrix and stuart98 like this.
  20. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    My apologies. I was genuinely not aware of that.

    I'll compose a reply now. It will take time, which is I guess further punishment for not paying Uber.

    In the mean time you can read this:

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