Here's an idea to show that Uber is serious about their game and the community. Host a raffle on the steam forums to give away ~10-15 steam keys for PA:T. I have no idea if this is acceptable business practice but I don't see why it would hurt. If people complain that "boo hoo i didn't get a key, this is an unfair poll" or "this is rigged", then i've lost all faith in humanity. If you say no, please explain
Don't give people who are whining the thing they are whining about. It doesn't work like that. I'd much rather keys were raffled out during the eXodus stream.
No. This won't justify giving keys free to 44k backers, and will make EA backers feel like they have to do tricks just to be treated equally. It's a bad idea.
this. If Uber should do anything it has to be something you get because you were early access buyer. Not because you had luck in a raffle.
They should just give me a key, because I am the greatest person of all time. Nothing is more than my egomania.