A Petition was made on steam.

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by brandonpotter, August 19, 2015.


Are they nuts?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    After seeing all the reactions on steam, it makes me very ashamed of how entitled, greedy and toxic gaming community can become. There are two options : Stop PA development, patches and bugfixes because real world doesn't have infinite money cheat code or pay some money so the staff is being paid and doesn't have to look for an other job. What do you choose?
    No wonder why people like the creator of fez stopped making video games when there are many disgusting and toxic people out there.
    Bsport, Quitch, proeleert and 2 others like this.
  2. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    @superouman I've seen people arguing that Kickstarter backers should have their TITANS keys taken away because "they backed PA, not PA: TITANS"

    The more of the arguments I read, the more I feel like this is less a case of people genuinely feeling like TITANS should have been a free update and more a case of "someone else got something and I didn't".
    igncom1 and squishypon3 like this.
  3. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    My Personal point is that for me the main requested feature has been just ignored.
    game speed controls

    Has been requested here 2013.

    Why hasn't his been done ? I personally don't see any development here.

    Look, after around a year they sell a patch as full game. Its same game with just 8 random big units.
    No new story missions, no options to lock units, no flat maps. Just same stuff.
    DLCs are here to bring more content for the game like Factions or Story missions, not to bring basic content.
    The volume they did here by Titans, belong for free in the main game.

    A fan base has to be treated equal. Stamp Early Access buyers as second class owners is an insult.
    Again , people don't want game for free, they want equal treatment.

    Über doesn't invest no real work in the game.
    8 Units for 40 Euros, or 13 Euros for people who do own PA explains itself.

    Look maybe real Addons like The Core Contingency for "I payed 60 D-mark = 30 euro"
    campaign of 25 missions
    75 new units
    53 multiplayer maps

    At this point I am not happy. Uber Entertainment is for me personal now on same list as Electronic Arts.
    1 There are obviously no plans to fix the game
    2 I don't see reason to buy 8 units for a not finished game.
    3 Really catastrophic community management.

    Every good RTS game manages to bring in "speed game controls" or "game speed adjustment",
    like Starcraft 2 or Wargame Red Dragon.

    At this point it seems like Uber Entertainment can't do this or more worse, doesn't even care.
    It's not game developing here, its money milking from too loyal fans.
    I don't see future for this game series.
    planktum likes this.
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Why does everyone keep saying it's a lower amount of new units?

    It's 21 new units, new maps, new effects, balance changes, and new terrain features.

    Your argument about being treated equal is irrelevant when people aren't equal. Steam backers are not kickstarter backers and they have no reason to expect special privileges like this.

    Also, I don't see why game speed controls are so important, but maybe that's just me because I play multiplayer only.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Uhm game speed controls are in the server mode and i think there is probably a free mod available to expose them. If not speak nicely to some of the excellent modders like @wondible, @cola_colin and so on and *maybe* they can sort this for you.

    Also as a very experienced TA player I can tell you with *absolute certainty* that 'The Core Contingency' never added more than a couple of units (such as the dreaded Krogoth) from the vanilla game. It had a campaign and a load of maps and that was about it. Battle Tactics also added more maps. I do not know where you get the idea Core Contingency added all those units though?! (edit: I think I know where you got that number from- the Wikipedia article: note they point at that *almost all* those units were added in the free V3.1 patch for OTA, so on that logic Uber could also claim all the additional units since launch as new content for TA: Titans).

    As for story missions- PA has never, at any point, ever promised a single player campaign or story missions. It's something they'd like to do but it's also one of the most expensive things to develop. As for flat maps, this is a game *dedicated* to playing in whole solar systems on spherical planets. Why would Uber create flat maps exactly? It sounds like you want SupCom FA rather than PA- luckily for you, that's available and you can play it.
    EdWood likes this.
  6. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Loved that Krogoth though!
    EdWood, squishypon3 and cdrkf like this.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    For single player offline play I think you can mod it. Basically you need http access to the server and I think run it with some flag or something.
    squishypon3 and cdrkf like this.
  8. enderdude

    enderdude Member

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    5 random big units*

    EDIT: Also, the game was never promised story missions, or flat maps, what we have is what we were promised, and Uber has been successful in giving us what we were promised
    (besides 40 man free for all, but mods can enable that so i look past it)
  9. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    What can I say? Majority of Steam-only users are a bunch of 10 year old, spoiled kids...
  10. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Don't be quick to dismiss EVERYTHING they say. There are valid points which are easy to overlook.

    Mind you out there it's bloody no man's land with little to no regulation, so make of that what you will.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  11. ornithopterman

    ornithopterman Member

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    It does seems like their petition is going to make it...but then what? It's not like it's legally binding or anything, and Uber isn't a democracy so what's the point really? Haters are gonna Hate, players are gonna play.
  12. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Change.org has become a bloody farce anyway.
    squishypon3 and ornithopterman like this.
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    change.org petitions dont "make it". All they do is get more signers. In the end you have a list of people. In this case a list of people who demand games for free. Yey.

    Somebody should make a change.org petition to stop the abuse of change.org.
    maxcomander and squishypon3 like this.
  14. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Somebody has, funnily enough. I'd post the vid, but I already just did that and I think I'd call that spamming.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  15. xxdeathmonkeysxx

    xxdeathmonkeysxx New Member

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    Thank God Someone has some sense in what uber should do. They already fucked EA backers and now they are doing it again!
  16. xxdeathmonkeysxx

    xxdeathmonkeysxx New Member

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    Entitled? Steam user (albeit not all) are EA backers, we paid up to $120 for the game and we've been treated like **** by uber. Its the people like you who are Entitled. Most KS backers payed $10-$20 and get Titans, wtf?
    Toxic? Yes, we are being harsh but are we gonna support and be nice to devs that **** over their customers?
  17. sonofcaveman

    sonofcaveman New Member

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    The difference between KS and EA is that with KS you are supporting the idea, something which doesn't yet exist in a full form and might not even exist if things go awry, with early access you have a product to look at that functions in some way and can be played by other people, and when you buy into EA you are supporting the game, which now exists in playable form, while with KS, what you put your money into may never exist in a playable form.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  18. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Just checking, don't you get your money back if the KS doesn't get fully funded?
  19. ghostflux

    ghostflux Active Member

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    This is an argument that has been repeated lots of times. But what is considered "playable" is very subjective. Even objectively speaking you could say that many Early Access titles never really become playable to the point where they can truly be considered as "released". They might forever be stuck at a sub-par quality. Whether the game does not exist, or whether it's subpar doesn't really matter. In both cases you're stuck in a situation where you're unlikely to play and/or enjoy the game you paid for.
    planktum likes this.
  20. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You do. But many kickstarters of the past actually have failed after they were funded.
    There are lots of example of kickstarters that collected quite a lot of money and then ran out of money during development so hard that they never delivered anything at all to their backers apart from a "sorry, didn't work out".
    PA is really quite successful if you compare it with most other kickstarter projects.

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