Also feeling a little disheartened

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by TehOwn, August 18, 2015.

  1. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Don't blame him for wanting the free updates we were originally promised and backed.
  2. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Total bullshit. Nothing in this expansion was ever promised. It was actually said to never be in the game from the start. PA vanilla is totally feature complete. Go play that and stop whining. Also, i'm blocking you because damn all this whining is annoying.
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Please quote the promises that lead you to this conclusion...

    Remember that:
    - classic PA will still get updates to the engine and bug fixes
    - titans and classic players can play together in multi player

    Titans doesn't mean the end of classic, so if you feel the 13 dollars isn't worth it no problem.
    philoscience likes this.
  4. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Erm, we got 10 months of free updates, and they are supposed to continue, no matter if you buy titans or not. Literally continued development.

    There was never any talk of not adding fleshed out DLC.

    Btw: As for network, you want actually dedicated servers. Those servers are in PA since almost a year, but I think the GUI is still delayed, so setting them up is tricky.
    cdrkf and philoscience like this.
  5. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    I'm not whining at all. I'm complaining about a shoddy business practice that is wrong and shouldn't be allowed to continue.

    You can't hide behind the excuse that "Nothing in the expansion was ever promised", what was promised was free updates, content and patches. That's something I would happily put money towards, and did - over $200 of it. TITANS is just a patch/content update sold separately and masked as being some kind of expansion.

    PA Vanilla is not feature complete. Not by a long shot. There are still bugs, problems, compatibility issues, missing content, optimization issues, no true resolution support, graphical artifacts, buggy texture loading, sound cut-out glitches, freezes and game crashes when playing over an hour, or loading more than three planets, still no actual planet annihilation, broken AI and poor path finding.
  6. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    ^^^ look folks, a perfect example of the cognitive bias i'm talking about! gee, ain't the internet grand?

    It's really a simple issue. There is a vocal minority of users who have serious buyers remorse for shelling out >90$ dollars for a game they don't like that much. That is fine. Gaming is subjective. Lots of people don't like good games. PA ain't perfect but it is a lovable little scamp. Personally paying more than 50$ for a game is stupid, I would never do it, because I value my money. No game on the planet could possibly be worth that much. Now that the game is finished, they don't like it, because they have serious buyers remorse for spending that kind of money. They project this feeling onto Uber because their young, selfish, and why not? The game has to be what they want, and nothing else. Anything else is seen is a total failure. Regardless of the fact that folks like me who spent a reasonable amount of money loved PA even back in Beta and got more than my money's worth out of it. I never expected PA to be perfect because I didn't drop an absurd amount of money on it. I suspect most of the hate brigade is young, and obviously extremely entitled. Arguing with them is pointless although I do it because it's kind of funny to watch them jump through hoops to say the same thing again and again:


    If you hate PA that much, learn your lesson and stop buying early access. And go away. /thread

    I think uber has truly learned what the early access curse is.
    Last edited: August 20, 2015
    Quitch likes this.
  7. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Then why are you not going to the support forum?

    Want to know why your game crashes? RAM usages. The more and bigger your planets are, the more memory is used. It's actually quiet hefty, since the planets are round and producerally created. So you want to check your task manager and disable memory heavy background processes like browsers if the RAM goes low and the game freezes or crashes.

    Problem solved. Instead of asking for help you're trying to convince us how terrible everything is. Do you even want help or just to complain?
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  8. farmtool33

    farmtool33 New Member

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    This is a quote from a deleted post, I totally agree, so I repost.
    I will not buy Titans because it should have been a content patch.

    Also this will spell the end of modding because they'll have to prevent us somehow from modding vanilla to include the titans units and features.

    I feel betrayed and I strongly dislike the obvious and effective attempt to divide the community right down the middle into plebs and elites based on who paid Uber more.

    I've already seen comments from people I previously respected that rendered such respect past tense.

    Defense of this behavior is just more proof that devs have no accountability and that no matter what any developer or group of, chooses to do, some one will defend them like a battered wife convinced she was asking for it.

    I'm tired of being called an entitled parasite because I demand some semblance of ethics in business.

    And don't tell me they deserve to be paid because work. I don't see you asking uber to pay the better modders. (I'm quick to add my mods are not that class.)

    This just breaks my heart. I feel like TA's legacy died today.

  9. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Okay so, the game is either 32-bit and so is limited to 2 GB of RAM, to which I can increase that to 4GB - OR, the Game is 64-bit, as a game of this size should be, and needs more than 16 GB of ram to handle 3 planets.

    So, Are you insulting the game's poor optimization or..?

    And why should I go to support? "Help, your forum is full of people who think your marketing and development decisions to go against your original promises and discussion and videos is a good idea and I don't like it!"?
  10. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    1. believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
      "kids who feel so entitled and think the world will revolve around them"
    temeter and philoscience like this.
  11. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    Cool story bro, EA are not backers.
  12. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Just please stop. He is entitled to his opinion, as are you. However, that does not call for being incredibly childish\competely ignoring the other side of the argument and instead strawmanning the **** out of them. Sorry if this seems a little touchy, but this is completely idiotic.
  13. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Look, someone who doesn't understand what strawmanning is. There is no substance to his argument. He's an entitled brat misrepresenting reality because he hasn't gotten what he wanted. Look at you go, Mr. Forums WhiteKnight.
  14. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Strawmanning is the act of attacking a position by creating a weaker, obviously flawed version of that argument and then attacking it, no?

    Also, Mr. Fourms WhiteKnight. That's new one. White sucks, all they have is a bunch weenies and exiles. Red is where it's at.
  15. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Wait aeriously? Out of curiosity, why? Or does Poe's law apply here.
  16. tanksy

    tanksy Member

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    Are you.. Okay?

    You don't seem to have read many of the posts I've been making in regards to how I feel about the game, to which I've stated I don't dislike the game - I dislike the developers.

    I've also stated where the game is clearly suffering, being broken or glitchy.

    I also have not once stated any complaints from me about paying for TITANS. I am a backer, who gets it for free regardless. I just need one email to support, and it's mine. On the other hand, I feel it's not right to charge so much for the same game, plus a few extra features.

    The simple fact that these new features "weren't planned" doesn't give the company an excuse to re-sell a game to people. This new expansion is simply for two reasons:
    1 - To remove the old store page and censor the negative reviews that affected the over-all score.
    2 - To make more money by charging people who already owned the game, to re-own the game with some additional features which will become a necessity in the future once support for vanilla PA is non-existent.

    What I want, is for the game to be what they said it would be and what I paid for.
    What I want, is for Uber to provide the backer rewards they promised.
    What I want, is for Vanilla PA to be fixed and working, worth the ridiculously high price-tag it started with.

    PA is the only kickstarter I have backed that has had a negative turnabout. The other kickstarter being Pulsar, but that game actually is fully supported and the developers take a monthly Q&A to get ideas and make statements about what they can, can't, will and won't do.

    PA is now just an example of poor business management. Uber have a potentially brilliant product that they've shipped half finished, and don't act like they'll continue to provide whatever little support they originally did. TITANS is where it's at, they'll move every effort to getting people to purchase it, and they'll drop vanilla PA entirely and pretend everything's fine. It doesn't take a genius to see how this will play out, we see it countless times.
    maskedcrash likes this.
  17. scouser

    scouser New Member

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    As someone who waited for PA to come to the final stages of Early access, I have no issue with buying PA:T as a £10 DLC. SupCom2 nickel and dimed harder than that and I haven't seen anyone mentioning it's horrendous DLC strategy (admittedly because most people like me probably wrote SupCom2 off as a horrible sequel to an amazing game).

    As for SupCom:FA, that came out nearly a year and a half after SupCom and not only added a few units, but an entirely new faction with their own strategies. PA:T is only priced at £35 if you're buying it as it's own game and not as an expansion. I'm fairly happy with the value for money I got on my purchase.

    Honestly I would of like to of seen this just been DLC to the base game, but oh well, I'm sure Uber had their reasons.
    Last edited: August 20, 2015
    cdrkf and philoscience like this.
  18. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    A reasonable opinion. Such a refreshing and rare sight. Like a unicorn.
    xanoxis, cdrkf and tanksy like this.
  19. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Tell me about it.
    cdrkf and tanksy like this.
  20. thompsonshunter

    thompsonshunter New Member

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    You know, it's a shame really. I had high hopes for Uber. Now i'm going to watch your promising company burn. I wish you folks would think before doing silly things like this. I would love to see whoever thought of this move find himself with a box out on the curb by the end of the day. For heavens sakes, you guys are smarter than this. This will not work, and you're not fooling me. I loved CnC since I was a kid. I have TA, SC, SCII, Starcraft, Starcraft II... and I bought PA. Well, I see what you did there. I am not pleased at all with how you folks have gamed us with your games. The original steam entry on PA had plenty of people panning your game. I bought it even when I knew better. Now, you've gone and made this decision, and I'm not buying, and I'm never going to purchase another game from you. I don't care if you guys come out with the next best RTS. I will not, EVER, reward disregarding reviews by re-releasing a game with 21 new units. It's not a new game. You folks have had those units sitting on the shelf this whole time. How come the Spring engine can have 300,000 different units (sic) and you guys want $13 for 21? You split your own games community over $13 bucks? You know what you're going to net from that move? A big fat uninstall from the majority of your fanbase. Forget that. You folks are really lame. It's the same repetitive nonsense. I do not reward you screwing over your steam backers, and I don't reward underhanded market manipulation. The strategy side and micro management game theory of PA needs a metric ton of work. After seriously 4 skirmish matches, I don't want to delve into this game anymore. I still can't figure out the best way to select these stupid, annoying, in my damn way, orbital units. What were those stupid units called? OH, Anchors. Yep, the most annoying unit in the game. Purposely put there to excrement on your units. Oh, you want to kill it? well, You'll need more than a few lazer gunships to knock a lazer tower out of orbit... er, not in orbit... It throws this game off kilter for me. It makes no damn sense either. A chickpea in orbit would destroy that stationary target... IIRC... I would love to let folks know my personal opinion of the game I just bought, but oh that's right, You split the game! Great idea, now you've awoken the nerd hate god. He's going to eat you folks alive. When are you going to get it through your skulls that we are not stupid?

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