The Sunny Dove Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat Gameplay Videos' started by sunnydove, February 16, 2011.

  1. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    You just got subscribed (oh my God :D)
  2. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Well, I had him in mind when I decided to post a game where I go for the win hardcore. Otherwise, none of my references to the BK Randies* were any particular person.

    * = Bad kid randoms
  3. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Nice nice nice. Love it.

    I do enjoy the long games as well, but only the long games that legitimately take that long because the team skill is closer. But these types of games are less likely to spawn a "hay guyz check out my awesome skillz!" video because you'll have more deaths.

    GrenadeIII does seem to encourage those steam roll kind of games though. There are two very well defined lanes that actually encourage grouping up. Getting a few people together and pushing is quite powerful, especially when you had 3 others nearby (unheard of on a pub!).

    The other maps have lanes with a lot of space around them that allows a lot of random fighting over meaningless stuff. GrenadeIII is far more focused. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing though.
  4. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Yeah, keep stomping them in 2 minutes and watch the community continue decreasing. The 50-0 vids are far better to attract more players.
  5. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    For Ekanaut (and anyone else bothered by my world detail and shadow settings) :mrgreen: . Got a quality test up with some new settings I'm running. Watch in 720p for best results. The shiny graphics will come at the price of occasional frame rate hiccups during hectic situations.
  6. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Sunny, after playing with you a few games the other day and watching your latest video, I gotta ask:

    Why do you play so passively? You never press your advantage when you have map control and rarely take risks.

    I suppose this fits with your KDR metric from your video... But the thing is, while you do have a 4+ KDR, it appears to be a result of playstyle rather than actually winning. For instance, if you have a bunch of games that you go 25-1, 30-0, etc. in, your playstyle indicates to me that these are steamrolls but you are unwilling to risk a death or two to actually crush the defense and instead concentrate on killing anyone attempting to break contain. This is fantastic for KDR but pretty useless overall for winning.

    In closer games I didn't really see outlandish KDR. Good but not 4+.

    Here's the justification:

    When my team is contained and you hang out outside my base with a juice the only option I have is to make you pop your juice defensively. Letting you use it offensively is going to be all bad for my team. There is absolutely no upside to having this occur. Thus any money or time spent on forcing you to use a defensive juice is worth it. You are quite happy to oblige this weakness by not pressing. You in effect give me many chances to prevent loss by simply not doing anything.

    Sure you gain kills in mid but these are not really relevant. Really. My spawn time when I fail in a contained situation is 5 seconds. Minimal loss at best. There's pretty much no way I'm going to farm a juice. I may be able to buy one if there is some weakness in the contain but I can't bet on that. Your cost if I succeed in burning a juice: $500 or 2-3 minutes farming a juice back up. Incredibly expensive. Hence the way to break a contain: force the enemy team to constantly deal with players that take initiative.

    The thing is, this is very easy to prevent: dive into their base and kill stuff so they can't risk outward pressure without dropping their shields. Juice runs to kill turrets and players *in their base* meaning they have nothing stopping your bots. Once this occurs, keep those shields down even at the cost of a death or two or twenty.

    Moving to the "economic victory" topic, I must say that this is junk as well. It will work against classes and players that have not created proper builds and classes. People that believe you must have 3/3/3/3 before ever attacking or buying the annihilator or jump pads or whatever. Your strategy will crush those players. But you know what crushes those players just as well? Everything. Because they are bad players.

    Overall, budgeting time is probably the most important aspect of this game. Giving away time to the enemy team is never a good idea. It gives them time to prepare a counter attack and they take initiative and now you are stuck reacting instead of acting. Reactive situations can work in your favor but given the fact that the other players have probably practiced their actions far more then their reactions, they will be playing to their strengths and your weaknesses.
  8. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Most likely a bad habit from the 360 version. If you don't drag out the game, it will only last 3 minutes maximum, which gets really boring after awhile.
  9. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    That's part of it, Buck. I've taken a long while to think about how I should respond here so I hope it is well thought out. I -do- want to win every game that I go in to but they are just pubs. When it comes down to it, I am happier with losing a game with a strong individual performance than getting destroyed repeatedly trying to play all-out for the objective. I think we can strike a balance here. I do not snipe from my spawn ring and hide in the spawn room as soon as trouble shows up. If I were trying to stat pad, I could easily have a much higher kill/death. What it all comes down to is how I find enjoyment in the game. I enjoy it the most when I win and feel like I played well. But if I have to give up one or the other, I'll go without the win.

    Anyway, this all just goes for pubs. If I were playing competitively, I would obviously toss KDR out the window and go for the win.

    I've always played pretty conservatively in every shooter I've ever played. Although I think I press appropriately in MNC. I use juice offensively much more often than Xeno for example. Not really certain what else to say here.
    We approach the game quite a bit differently. I can agree with you that KDR doesn't lead to a win. I have a 59-3 sniper game that I haven't posted where we still lose on Grenade III. I had one lane on lockdown the entire match but my team couldn't/wouldn't actually press that advantage. Instead, they poorly defended the other side and sat in our base. Thus, we lose. But, eh, I'm okay with that.

    In closing, it was fun playing a number of games with you :). It provided a challenge that is usually absent. Unfortunately, I feel like the only class I can play well against assault is, well, assault. I had pretty uninteresting games when I played any other class that evening (aside from a 15ish-0 support game playing defensively). I am pretty certain I pulled out a couple 25~30 and single digit death games when I did play assault but it's been a while since then so I might be off. Anywho, we'll play again I'm certain.
  10. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Yeah, stat padding is kinda nubbish anyway. When I am doing good, I like to watch the other team squirm rather than quickly end the match. :lol:
  11. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    These videos should be on the first page so ill give it a bump.
  12. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Thank you, sir.

    Also, I can't resist linking to this video I posted last night:
    Some people say I have a pretty decent Nappa voice. I went for the TeamFourStar Nappa (Takahata101) since it's funnier than the original one. Oh, and it's solid tank gameplay on Tully's to boot ;).
  13. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread


    or, to be more specific; a showcase of what awesome shizzle an assault can pull with his mobility on Uncle Tully's.
  14. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    I know what youre saying about the assassin being the choice for newer players, but on paper it looks like a cool class and it is but most never realise its a game changing/winning role which is a shame especially when you have two split screeners who will take it in turns to face grapple me as a tank from start to end.

    Chickey cantor looks like a lot of fun but i think appearing twice is a bit much as the reward it gives is massive. Also what was that tank thinking just deploying in a high traffic area such as the tunnel lol

    Keep making the good vids Sunny.
  15. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Sin is for noobs...... like me.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    learn2aim :)
  17. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    Yep, high five!!! When I face skilled players, however, I find I do much better with Assault (I almost never play him) than I do as a Sin (whom I main).
  18. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread

    I'm working on the bomb jumps. I do them more frequently than I used to but mostly just to get to the moneyball quickly. I have done a couple clutch "oh **** there's a spun up gunner *bomb + charge + jump* to get way out of their range." Those were fun :). Unfortunately, I did not catch them with Fraps.

    Anyway, definitely something I'm trying to improve in my skill set.
  19. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Re: The Official Sunny Dove Thread
    Haven't posted a video in a while as I've been feeling down about MNC's dwindling population. The topic is "What can we do to build up MNC?" I really would love to hear what you guys think WE (both Uber forum-goers and the folks that collectively form my channel) can do to help. Please leave a comment on the video or reply in this thread with your suggestions.
  20. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    How bout a Juggernaut-like game mode call "Steal the Bacon". :D The maps for said mode would be designed more vertical.

    Maps based on a new type of setting would be cool too. Perhaps a "recently discovered" ancient ruins that has been modified for use in an MNC special.

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