Modding documentation?

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Greendolph, August 19, 2015.

  1. Greendolph

    Greendolph Active Member

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    Is there any documentation on the modding environment for PA Titans? Is there at least a comprehensive change list from PA?
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    None so far. @dom314 identified a few, I'd imagine @wondible will have a whole write up on all of them soon.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    It's like a big patch in terms of how the modding stuff works.
  4. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    This got dropped on everybody, so no, we were all caught flat-footed.

    It's pretty much the same engine - zx0 was finding things for the last few months. As people have noted many mods still work.

    I'm on line 509499 and 56% of my diff. I think I've gotten through the /pa stuff at this point, so here is a partial.

    ## AI

    - Most vars removed from ai_config. Rest of changes too numerous to see easily
    - New personality tags: 'Tutorial', 'SlowerExpansion'
    - 'PlanetIsGasGiant' might be new

    ## Planets

    - brushes have biomeColor
    - platform csg have no_features set
    - new attributes in biome csg placements
    - 'group' option; 'basic', 'organic', 'structural',
    - 'required_content; 'PAExpansion1'
    - tree elevation range reduced

    ## Units

    - push_class removed from some ammo
    - Other changes to base missile effects
    - Animtree and effect changes
    - New files for commander animtrees
    - New default explosions
    - possible new effect flag: effect_world_aligned
    - scorch features lifetimes drastically reduced
    - lots of setting files included
    - nav.json has per-move-type settings
    - push classes tweaked
    - syntax for LOC changed
    - selection_icon: {diameter, vertical_offset}
    - possible new attribute is_moving_laterally
    - park_stamp: object (probably replaces park_stamp_*)
    - fighter has a death effect in selection_response?
    - new attribute polyAdjustCenter (ex: gunship_jets)
    - avatar commander no longer has idle sound
    - base commander no longer default move sound
    - UNITTYPE_Titan
    - UNITTYPE_Desconstruction
    - UNITTYPE_Hover
    - UNITTYPE_SupportCommander
    - UNITTYPE_MissileDefense
    - Twoboots fixed
    - some units changed to brake -1 (instant)
    - storage line builds
    - combat fabs have names
    - force_snap_to_feature_orientation (ex: mex)
    - catapult no longer "Important"
    - flip_drag_orientation (ex: teleporter)
    - weapon: exclude_unit_types (ex: attack_sub_tool_weapon, Hover)
    - naval wake pfx
    - naval turn-accel tweaked (new attr?)
    - damage_target (ex: bot_nanoswarm_ammo, "Metal") so it's not reclaim at all. There is an unused 100/0 build arm lying around though.
    - navigation type hover
    - model.animations.hover
    - ragnarock has lots of possible new stuff with tons of possibilites
    - planet_impact_spec: {delay_time}
    - ammo_source: time
    - auto_fire_when_charged
    - only_fire_once
    - start_fully_charged (ex: titan_vehicle)
    - has_death_effects
    - buildbar images located in pa/units directories
    - teleporter attributes for orbital tele spawn_radius, type:eek:rbital
    - Titans: torpedo moved from narwal to orca

    - unused units removed
    - amphibious_bot
    - base_unit
    - tank_amphivious_adv
    - tank_hover
    - orbital_egg
    - fabrication_sub
    - sonar
    - sonar_adv

    ## server-script

    - some new AI names. Beware "jables".
    - content_manager.js - rejects clients without expansion mounted
    - broadcasts message when disconnect/reconnect. Also looks like general auto-pause
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
    doud, dom314, stuart98 and 1 other person like this.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Nuu not the sonars and fabrication_sub!

    I'll have to back up the files before I update PA to Titans.

    bot_artillery, bot_artillery_adv, and tank_heavy_artillery are all intact you're saying?
  6. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Does this mean you have a repo with all the past builds data in them D:?
    I would like to get my hands on all the /pa files for past builds so that I can make an auto update tool for old client mods.
    stuart98 likes this.
  7. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Must have missed those. I've got empty directories.
  8. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'll have to backup the bot_artillery directories too then.

    What about bot_aa?
  9. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I have a git repo of the readable files (actually, two - one formatted and one not), and .dmgs of major builds from the OSX version. I asked about publishing the repo once, but didn't get a clear okay from Uber. Could probably arrange something more restrained with a known owner.
    stuart98 likes this.
  10. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Oddly enough, still there.
    stuart98 likes this.
  11. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    I am only interested in the unit json. I understand that distributing the rest is very shady, but just the unit json data is mostly grey-area to me. Is that a private repo you own? Since we both have copies of the game, could you perhaps share it with me?
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'd like to have read access to this repo as well.
  13. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Im still waiting for the official Import/Export tools for PA, Now I gotta wait for PAT. lolz.

    Hurry up Uber :D I wanna get my Titan bot ingame :D
    tristanlorius likes this.
  14. zx0

    zx0 Well-Known Member

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    Papatran.exe is an official fbx to papa converter, comes with the game. I doubt that there will ever be official papa to fbx importer, Uber doesn't need it.
    stuart98 likes this.
  15. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    @dom314 @stuart98 I'm not set up with a private (paid) service at the moment. Maybe it's something I should get for misc uses.
    stuart98 likes this.
  16. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Got bitbucket? It has free private repos. :) Plus it's got mercurial (which I prefer xD)
  17. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    I was meaning tools for 3d programs. Plugins for Blender and 3D Studio Max for direct .Papa import/export would be great :D

    Something a guy named Robotnik made back on the GPGnet forums for .scm modelleing. If Uber came out with something like that, Mods would exploooooode XD
    tristanlorius likes this.
  18. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    We just use papatran. It's the only tool we have apart from scripts that do batch exports of units to fbx and png. Everything else is just hand authored text files, even the original planet specs before we got the system editor in. We have no need for an import tool as it's almost never something you want to do. Formats for games are usually by their nature lossy; we have the original source files so we always go back to those.
  19. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Would you mind finally releasing some of the source files as a reference? Raw, uncompressed textures would be optimal, but for starters, at least a single .fbx file for each single asset type using all features.

    You know that to date, still no one has e.g. figured out how the .fbx files need to be structured to work as terrain brush / feature.

    To quote someone on that:
    stuart98, KNight and killerkiwijuice like this.
  20. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Missed UNITTYPE_MissileDefense earlier

    ## UI

    - lots of files have ^M now
    - bunch of new files in global - require_contexts, api/content, api/memory, api/steam, helpers, localization, ko_bindings
    - Localization using regular strings instead of underscored versions; so every loc strin changed.
    - looks like new lore for GW subcoms
    - new strategic icons from atlas:
    - special icons added icons_command_mass_teleport
    - paths in atlas are now absolute (coui://)
    - KO session extension replaced with memory (at least sometimes)
    - handlers.economy_handicaps
    - UIMediaUtility
    - Found the AI config: moved into personality
    - Player guide set up for localization
    - Bunch of new alerts
    - live_game
    - new helper files
    - player_info.js
    - preview.js
    - html refromatted - not sure if anything changed yet.
    - locAddNamespace removed (unless it was moved)
    - htmls has meta locns attribute
    - js has // !LOCNS attribute
    - unit model added eco info
    - broadcasts player_data
    - panels can subscribe to unit data, player info
    - I think the UI nuke cost hasn't be adjusted for Titans
    - server can send camera_focus states

    - live_game_action_bar - new mass_teleport command
    - build bar has six columns
    - something about clip handlers note: "// volunteer to let the preview holodeck be in front of us"
    - group icons for commander
    - group bar looks like it has pip previews
    - planets panel looks like it has planet previews
    - eco bar and players panel can show eco modifiers
    - build icons should be gotten from Build.iconForSpecId(spec)
    - chronocam lost reverse time UI
    - live_game_tutorial is a panel
    - lot of JS behind the combat alerts
    - ai personalities extended with config params, and localized display_name
    - uncached:// prefix used for background that change based on version
    - model.devMode being replaced with DEV_MODE defined in boot prefix
    - default waterDepth 50 -> 100 in system editor
    - heavily rewritten, haven't investigated.
    - keybindings for history_back and history_forward
    - api.content, wrapping new engine calls
    - api.debug.log - wraps console.log, with enableLogging/disableLogging calls
    - api.debug.reloadRoot, in addition to reloadScene; global handler game.reload_root
    - api.memory - I think like session, but stored in engine
    - engine net.connect takes an object instead of an argument list
    - new keybinds
    - chronocam at 10% and +/- 1 sec
    - disconnect csg twin
    - toggle show water
    - debug methods wrapWithTiming, profileAllTheThings
    - most of boot suffix removed, shared/js/helpers.js perhaps
    - BuildHotkeyModel -> Build.HotkeyModel, plus some other methods

    ## GW
    - update GW cards
    - reference to nonexistanc titan loadout
    - require -> requireGW
    - galaxy size difficutly mod
    - gw_extra_loc_strings hints at mod loadouts, "protocols" and AI commander mod traits. Haven't found the cards though
    - Each AI commander has lore, and a custom commander choice
    - Looks like a save format change
    - 'tutorial' is an attribute of systems (which unfortunately means a lot of quoted html)
    - System/planet generation redone

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