
Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by Uke, August 19, 2015.

  1. Uke

    Uke New Member

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    As steam alpha backer I feel like beimg treated the worst.

    90$ KS Backer gets PAT for FREE.
    15$/20$ KS Backer gets it for FREE.

    45$ Steam Launch Buyer gets 66% off.
    5$ Discount Buyer gets 66% off.
    90$ Steam Early Access Alpha Backer(me) gets 66% off.

    My intuition sais:
    90$ Steam Early Access Alpha Backer == 90$ KS Backer (maybe 90$ KS Backer is a bit better)
    15$/20$ KS Backe < 90$ Steam Early Access Alpha Backer
    90$ Steam Early Access Alpha Backer > 45$ Steam Launch Buyer > 5$ Discount Buyer

    It just don't seem fair to me. In no way.
    And I don't even have a problem with paying 13$ for it (40$(no discount) would be too much though).
    I am getting the short end of the stick and it sucks. It's unfair to me and makes me mad about it.

    Steam EA Backers should be treated equally. Because I felt good and like supporting you and the game when I saved my money for it to buy a more expensive tier.

    Seeing those who supported you less getting more is like spitting me in the face for trying to help you.

    Last edited: August 19, 2015
    bradaz85, iscin, radongog and 3 others like this.
  2. enderdude

    enderdude Member

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    im having the same problem too, and so are others, its not that theyre giving us the short end of the stick, i think that the keys or games didnt get sent out properly to some of the backers.
  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    It's just because they were the initially people funding the game, without then the game wouldn't even be existing.. At all, I paid 90 originally and was in a similar boat as you with commanders- Alpha early access not getting the Alpha commander that is (what the original KS backers got)

    I got into alpha at least a month after the game first showed up on Steam and paid 90$ thinking I'd get the commander too, I didnt.

    It's just a little bit of bad timing and bad luck.. They just can't really afford to give away so many free copies, heh.

    Thirteen dollars really isn't that much, aye?. =)

    It sucks, but I guess thats life :<
    cdrkf likes this.
  4. stofferstoffer

    stofferstoffer New Member

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    I couldn't agree more that the backers who paid 90 $ should be rewarded as well. As someone who supported them before steam but after KS and paid 90 $ it doesn't really sit well with me either. The whole without-Kickstarter-it-wouldn't-exist argument seems kind of a stretch as well. I don't remember it as if they were on the brink of not making the game.
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
  5. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    If you are a KS backer then you should get a key, if suggest contacting support @uberent.com however if you got the game in alpha on steam or the Uber website you don't get a free key, however you get a large discount on the expansion.
  6. byrnghaer

    byrnghaer Active Member

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    I too think that Alpha purchasers should get the expansion for free. In the end they paid as much as the Kickstarter backers to get the Alpha access, as such even though they got there later (which might be for various reasons), they are still a fundamental part of supporting the production of the game.

    That said, I am not an alpha backer. I bought into the beta on Steam when it launched and interplanetary gameplay got introduced. That is what I was waiting for. As such I don't mind NOT getting the expansion. But for those buying the alpha at 90 dollars, KS or no, should be treated the same imho.
    bradaz85 and Uke like this.
  7. Uke

    Uke New Member

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    Not all KS backers were needed to hit the funding goal.

    You even got the Alpha commander for the same KS tier :/

  8. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'm torn on how I feel about this. While it certainly seems unfair how they're treating the "pretty early" supporters, there is no way in heck that this expansion isn't worth $14. As someone who equates dollars spent to hours of playtime, the idea that one wouldn't get 14 hours of playtime out of this is to me completely ludicrous.
    cdrkf, xankar and squishypon3 like this.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I know but ultimately I didn't care too much that they got it and I didn't, I ended up paying another 200$ for the commanders (buying the cosmic edition or whatever it was) on the very last day it was available.. ;P

    I just feel like honestly paying all that money wasn't for getting things- It was to help support the game. It would have been great to get something for free, but I honestly completely understand why I nor any other people in early access got the same things the KS backers got.

    The reason? Because the cut off date is always arbitrary, if they gave it to us alpha backers then beta players would complain, if beta got it then gamma would complain, and etc... It's just a big spiral. I just want you to know 5$ backers got the expansion for free (I'm guessing anyway, it just says backers) so does this mean the people who ended p just buying the game yesterday should get the game free as well? No.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if the game haven´t been funded it wouldn´t have existed .. simple as that .. there would have been no early access either ... or do you see human resources available anywhere on steam?
    this not a stretch at all imho ...
    cdrkf and stuart98 like this.
  11. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Kickstarter supporters made the game possible. Early access alpha players basically did the quality testing, helped Uber optimizing the game for different system specs and gave valuable feedback (+ they paid a lot of money). That is something 20$ backers didn't do. Isn't that worth anything? Early access players and kickstarter backers shaped this game. I am not mad that I don't have the same commanders as the 90$ KS tier but as OP said, it is really disappointing to get this kind of second class treatment. Now I basically have a worthless game (because I can't play multiplayer with friends who have TITANS or play on the TITANS ladder or in TITANS tournaments) I paid 90$ for.
    bradaz85 and stuart98 like this.
  12. Uke

    Uke New Member

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    It's not really about getting things. It's more about the fairness.

    If the KS Backers of the same tier would also just get the 66% off it would be fair and I wouldn't complain. But at the same time I don't want to request that they should get a lower treatment than they were promised initially.
    bradaz85, iscin and stuart98 like this.
  13. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    As a 40$-DoubleKeyBacker (therefor, I shall be counted as a 20$ Backer) I believe in the same underlying principles.
    Anyways, I can UNDERSTAND why Uber did this (course the initial backers were the ones making it possible), BUT it´s not clever nevertheless. The Alpha- and Beta-Folks should get at least a heavier discount that the launch and after launch folks, as they did bring in important money for the game as well!

    And we got the problem that just once again the shitstorm might be overshadowing this awesome release...
    bradaz85 and stuart98 like this.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    early access buyers paid for getting early access ... that is it ... you could have as well decide against it ...
    ultimately those 20$ backers helped fund the game too ...
  15. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    60 % is not heavy enough ?
    also HOW MUCH money should that have been? ...
    because i don´t believe that THAT many were willing to go into EA .. we are still speaking abot a 90 and 60 dollar paywall for a back in the day unfinished, unoptimised and heavily featurelacking game ...
  16. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Well there was no mentioning of this updated game in the 20$ backers tier because 20$ tier backers just paid for Planetary Annihilation and not for TITANS. They didn't fund TITANS, they funded Planetary Annihilation if you want to be so exact. And they still got TITANS for free for helping funding the base game with their 20$. I paid 90$ and alpha tested the game. Didn't my money help the development of the game? Do you want to say 90$ early access buyers didn't help producing this game? Did Uber spent our money for other games? What is your point? The reason for the 90$ asking price was the 90$ kickstarter early access tier. Both didn't pay for TITANS but 90$ early access buyers are now asked to pay for TITANS. Don't you see why this is disappointing? Don't you see why people get angry about this?
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
    bradaz85, stofferstoffer and stuart98 like this.
  17. Uke

    Uke New Member

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    Thats not the point. The point is that there is not even a difference between Steam Early Access backers and Steam Post Launch Buyers. Just a shady KS or non-KS difference no matter how much a steam user paid and how much less a KS becker paid.

    In the end my 90$ helped more than the KS backers 20$ did.
  18. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    it didn´t help fund the game ... and that IS a difference ..
    simple question (and i know the answer)
    but were have you been while the KS was running ?..
  19. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    Discounts aside, I am THRILLED with all this content! I would have gladly paid 40$ for it, as it feels like a fully-fleshed expansion. The option for newcomers to buy it directly and skip the requisite is even better.
    cdrkf and radongog like this.
  20. nizoox

    nizoox New Member

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    Every kickstarter backer got something for free and should be happy. But don't tell the early access people that they didn't support the game. Did a 20$ tier kickstarter backer report bugs in early alpha? Did they browse the forums, comment on the game? Did they basically do free quality control of the game in alpha? Isn't that critical early support? Many early access buyers did that and now they hear: Just buy this expansion for 13€ more, we gave it for free to the kickstarter backers.

    So early access allows for earlier sales. What happened with the money Uber made from early access? Why did Uber have to let people go during development? Why did they rush out another kickstarter? Basically you claim the sales did not support the development of PA.

    Early Access players are basically free quality testers. Uber changed many things based on their feedback. Uber got many data from different system specs. Isn't that also a kind of support? It is support no 20$ backer gave to the game, so... Nevertheless Uber decided to gift this updated game to their backers (it is not in the reward tiers!) and Uber decided that early access players are not worth this gesture. Based on that decision I decide that Uber doesn't get more money from me. I am disappointed because they don't seem to value my 90$ early access contribution as high as a 20$ backer contribution. What is so difficult to understand here? Why can't you accept that people critizise Ubers decision?

    And no, we not only pay for early access, in the ea notification is always the text that you support the development of the game! The "without the backers the game never exists" is true, but the early access ppl can say "without our $90 the game never finished"
    bradaz85 likes this.

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