Welcome to PA TITANS!

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by jables, August 17, 2015.

  1. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    OOOHHHH YESS! Just got an update through steam, nearly missed it....wait what's this? expantion...uber...titans...
    OMFG .......head explodes !!
    Remy561, cdrkf and doud like this.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    The only reason the anger seems silly is because it was obvious he wasn't intending to hurt anyone, it was just a joke. Moderators are people too, im just saying he's probably pretty excited and wanted to make a silly comment around his peers over here.

    Probably wasn't even expecting a big influx of people to come over here! This place's been rather quiet for the past few months.

    Just.. take a moment and create a thread in support for your issues, or contact support@uberent.Com (link might be wrong >.<)

    I promise you an insult wasn't his intention, those of us who have been here for a long long while just have a little running joke about the Steam forums and other media surrounding the game, we weren't really expecting anyone to pop on.

    I hope you can understand and maybe we can all kinda calm down a bit? =)
  3. proudlikeagod

    proudlikeagod New Member

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    Bug threads created where it seems sensible to do so.

    You must be aware that the kickstarters are by definition those that were most seriously interested in PA back in 2012 (or at least a subset that could justify the payment too), and thus fairly likely to be in the first wave of people currently promptly returning to check out what the noise is about. I can't see why we wouldn't all be experiencing the same account status confusion.

    Yes, I'd like to feel entitled to mods being on best behaviour around such an influx :p
    Ofc mainly for Uber's chances of promoting their latest release to a new generation of paying fans.

    It just seems a bit poor that no one took a few minutes to test that the account status machinery was ready to clearly migrate the vital original mass-backers to Titans. Really unfortunate that it's with another tinge of disappointment.

    But Titans for free seems cool! Need to find time to enjoy it soon!
    dom314 likes this.
  4. KnavishPlum

    KnavishPlum Active Member

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    please tell me that my commander can ride one of these things.
    tatsujb likes this.
  5. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    To be fair I feel like at any big launch there will be tons of problems, no matter how much time went into bugtesting. I don't think I've ever had a game work without any bugs at launch! (Gta online servers, Diablo 3, Halo MCC as some examples I guess) even older games like the original Halo and Doom and such have glitches you can use. XP

    I'm sure they checked to make sure that issue you have was impossible three thousand times.. And yet it's still popped up! Damn you people always having to break everything perfect, haha. X3
  6. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Enemies are massively nerfed in the tutorial, also your build speed is buffed through the roof :)
    stuart98 and Remy561 like this.
  7. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    OMG! How do I get ahold of this?!

    (Im a 90 Dollar KS backer)
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Patch PA. Make sure to spam verify in the launcher.
  9. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    - https://www.kickstarter.com/project...ihilation-a-next-generation-rts/posts/1327672
    Last edited: August 18, 2015
  10. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Oh thank you :D I didnt see it in my library since I only have installed games marked as visible :D
  11. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    I need your help guys,
    Now that i had a cold shower to realize that frucking amazing suprize (announcement and boom release) i want to buy it but i wasn't an original Kickstarter because i missed so i bought the deluxe version from uber store, not the steam. Isn't it fair for us bought it from uber directly to have the same discount? And how do i get that with the discount since there is nothing for titans on the uber store.?.. :(
    Last edited: August 18, 2015
  12. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    You can buy it in the store in-game (the same one you buy commanders in)
    Not sure if that's discounted too, but it should be.
    Vernam7 likes this.
  13. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    Damn its midnight, i am in another country i am in my hotel room tired ready to crash and i have seen the announcement but my gaming laptop is in an office....so i have to try what you say tomorrow, and find time during my honey moon (that i am actually into) to play the game without let the wife find out...... i think i will call sick tomorrow and skip the museums and site seeing for 1 day and try it
  14. pownie

    pownie Active Member

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    Me a few days ago when I learned that my buddy won't have time for our Tuesday PA play session:
    "Yeah, don't worry about it. Doesn't look like there'll be any major updates soon either, there isn't even anything on PTE yet."

    I'm starting to feel pretty silly about now.

    But that dumb, priceless look on my face when I saw the trailer...

    And props for the snotty tutorial lines. "Thank you for not dying" was so... rewarding. Love it. :D
    MrTBSC, cwarner7264, cdrkf and 3 others like this.
  15. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    OMG that was unexpected!
    I didn't even believed that i could be so excited by some PA update, pretty much like while the PA KS... :eek:

    Titans? Spaceships? multi-level terrain? :eek:

    Does the scale problem has been fixed? (if not i already fear of having titans biggers than planets...)
    Can we finally invade planets using interplanetary space transports?
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you were a kickstarter backer you get it for free. If you haven't been notified email support@uberent.com and they'll sort things out I'm sure. :)
  17. lazeruski

    lazeruski Active Member

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    Well...as nice as it looks...for me this isnt "strategy" anymore, its just "rush for the asteroid halley", "rush for the annihilaser", "rush for the titan"...all on flat marbles.
    actually i lost interest with the last asteroid update...i dont like the new smashing :/

    well, maybe a future version will have content for me again, but right now...nope.
  18. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    You know you can build systems without asteroids or halleys and if you harras early it will be very difficult for your opponent to build experimentals..

    And you still can play the original Pa without the new unit's.
    cdrkf likes this.
  19. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    This is one of the reasons an exclusion list like in Supreme Commander in the lobby would be a good idea.
  20. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Goddamnit I've been making a horrible mistake. I've been calling it TITAN instead of TITANS.

    Woe is me, for this wonderful update :(
    temeter likes this.

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