Also feeling a little disheartened

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by TehOwn, August 18, 2015.

  1. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Exactly, I'm only miffed why people that paid the same as KS are getting less respect for supporting Uber at such an early stage for such a high price. Marketing 101. It smells like cash grab, no matter how "little" it costs.
    elkanfirst, orici, Sparky134 and 2 others like this.
  2. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    I get THAT, and I understand, but the game does feel unfinished in it's current state. Orbital still has the bare bones, vehicles are fairly bland, air and bots are... okay, actually. Actually T2 bots are fairly solid IMO design wise. But anyway... the game needs MORE. Not enough meat on the bones, and some of the meat that's already there tastes a little funny. This 'expansion' feels like what we need- game enders that aren't fancy buildings, but have style. A whole knew bunch of units to add to the war palette. THIS IS JUST WHAT IT NEEDED, the final push to completion. I personally have waited patiently for the additional units... and I'm disappointed that uber has taken this route. I'm not saying that Uber shouldn't be compensated for their work, I'm saying that if we took the risk and backed a game on early access then we at least deserve the bloody finished product.

    I mean if the game FELT finished before and they made an expansion, I would be COMPLETELY FINE with it. Every solid RTS has had it's fair share of expansions. But that's the finished product, and this kinda feels like a slap in the face to everyone who's stuck with Uber after the kickstarter.
    elkanfirst, KNight and knub23 like this.
  3. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    I think all the kickstarter backers deserve to get the game for free. This is a good move by Uber and I don't think anyone would argue that the kickstarter backers shouldn't get the game. It is fine that you and Cola Colin wouldn't have a problem to buy the game again but I am a different person and I feel disappointed because Steam Early Access buyers were not even considered by Uber.

    Everyone I know has the 1GB patch (even people who paid 5€ during sales), so it doesn't seem that this is Titans.
  4. Abaddon1

    Abaddon1 Active Member

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    Yes all backers got it.
    I can certainly see the frustration if missing it slightly resulted in not getting the free copy of Titans. Maybe a good cut-off would be everyone who bought it before they released alpha or something like that as those who were "early in". Otherwise it just seems like there are too many possible places people could make good arguments for being the "get for free" cutoff. Just doing free to kickstarter backers, 66% off for everyone else also seems to me like it would be the easiest to implement so it wouldn't surprise me if that was a reason why it is how it is.
  5. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    The 1GB patch is balance changes and engine optimizations. Jables said in the steam forums that all that will carry over into the base PA.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I payed 290$ for this game at Alpha and dnot get counted as a backer, but I don't really care- I wasn't a backer and don't deserve what backers get.

    I wish I coulda' backed the game, but I hadn't heard of the KS. It's just tough luck, they can't give you stuff for free.. They need to make money too.

    What I got was the awesome experience of playing this way before other people who paid less, to communicate and work with the devs.
    plink, pieman2906, Remy561 and 3 others like this.
  7. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Your extreme tolerance for nonsense is admirable, but not common.
    Considering that you paid nearly triple what the backers paid for PA (don't shoot me if I'm wrong, just point it out), I think I'd personally be a bit more annoyed.

    It's not really about the cost, it's about the principals.

    (Also not everyone has THAT much of a disposable income)
    bradaz85 likes this.
  8. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I don't have that much money I just wanted to see this game go far I guess.. I told my friends all about it and tried to get more and more interest in it.

    I have hundreds of hours in the game and I just feel that what money I put in the game per hour was worth it. I played this game every day for 3 months, I got to participate in a big tournament and so on... It just feels like I got what I wanted with the game.

    If you look back two years or so you'd see I used to sing a different tune, my first real set of posts wasn't happy- heck it's really similar to what you guys are going through.

    I bought the game at alpha, 90$ and when beta came around I found out my commanders were taken from me.. I didn't get to keep the Alpha commander nor the Progenitor commander and for a while I was so confused and annoyed by this! I paid ninety, why don't I get what they get?... Well after a few people here talked we had a whole thread about it and in the end I just asked myself if it was really that big of a deal... Turns out it was because I shelled an extra 200 for those commanders aye!? Hehe... But I don't know, I decided that I should stop thinking of a small company like this as a big one, one that can just throw out stuff for free. Uber isn't big by any amount and they need the money to.continue working on the game.

    What's more worth it.. Getting an extra two commanders- or an expansion pack for free... Or keeping a company filled with good people afloat?
    Remy561, lokiCML and tommybananas like this.
  9. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Jesus Christ you have the forgiveness of a saint.
    In my personal opinion, when a company has started asking for 100+ dollars for their unfinished game, they are no longer a 'small' company. And it kinda feels like their ripping us off on crap. Hell, they ripped you off, and oddly enough that actually makes me madder than my own personal feelings.

    When you pay over $100, that is quality that you should freaking receive. Not this crap.
  10. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    More money than sense..
  11. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Hey, comon, don't fire shots at THEM. They seem like a genuinely nice individual. Besides that's not really helping your case.

    Though I do guess that the money factor is, oddly enough, a factor.
    Perhaps this pisses me off so much because I'm kinda strapped for cash right now, but It's also about the principals.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am the same as squishy. I paid a TON to PA overall. But I also spent probably a few thousand hours enjoying PA in one way or the other. Have I been ripped of? I say no. Not at all.
    Remy561 likes this.
  13. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    They didn't rip me off though, they never said I would get what the 90$ KS backers got, I bought the game by my own free will and hadn't realized I wouldn't get the commanders. It's by my own assumption that I put more money for less.

    Like I said before I don't have much money at all, I put so much money into this game after saving for quite a while because I reeeeeally wanted to play this game so early, and I reeeally wanted to see this game progress. I guess I just have a different view on ethics than you guys, it doesn't make me senseless.
  14. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Yeah, but if you paid THAT much, the LEAST they could do is make this expansion free to you.
    The more I talk about this and learn about how much people have put into it, the more it feels like goddamn scam. But I guess that's just me. I guess you guys can afford to throw that much money at the game.I guess it's just different scales of wealth.
  15. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Your signature, combined with this, is a delicious irony pizza.

    Mmm, pizza.

    The relative worth of the product you pay for is not an indication of the size of the company. I could charge $1,000 for my unfinished game. It'd still just be me working on it.

    You're free to your opinions, as is everyone here. The problem is you seem to mistake your feeling of being ripped off, for Uber actually being unethical. Which is probably why people are disagreeing with you.

    Also if @squishypon3 backed the game, I'm pretty sure they get TITAN for free. Could be wrong on that.
  16. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well I'm sure they would love to, but it's just kind of impossible... First they'd have to find out eeeeveryone who paid at a certain level (Not sure if steam gives devs these metrics or not? =o ), and then it's that bonus of well.. Then they couldn't make any profit off of all the hours they must've put into creating the expansion, which means there would've been no reason to make said expansion, and with no expansion or new money flow.. Well there'd be no Uber entertainment. Just like GPG before them, or even Cavedog. =/
  17. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Sadly missed being able to back the game by at least a month or two, hadn't had the money at the time. ;P
  18. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I'm not firing shots at anyone, perhaps you misread. One person buying a game multiple times though in my mind to try and keep a company "afloat" is not very sensible though, just my opinion. I can apply this thinking across a broad range of consumerism and it all comes back to a lose lose for the customer, with being out of pocket. But that's okay for some because they feel better, fanboyism, something that cannot be countered sensibly or constructively. It definetley isn't a question about the money, I make a decent living and I'm happy to buy DLC for the games I like.
    See above ;) I have no issue with money, just blind fanboyism.
  19. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    Eh. you got a point.
    I think the things that get my goat are- what's behind the paywall (Tutorials, Terrain, Differentiation) I believe were promised from the start, which fuels my ire. Again, the being strapped for cash thing might account for some bias, so do take note.
  20. maskedcrash

    maskedcrash Active Member

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    They could just go by the purchase dates.

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