Why is there so many terribads in this game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by MarkyX, February 22, 2011.

  1. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Someone explain to me why the vast majority of players in this game are terrible? I've seen assassins with 3-20 stats, or assaults with 12-33. They barely get any cash, don't make any turrets, and barely contribute anything to the team. Since there is no votekick option, we can't get rid of them.

    So why does this game have so many terrible players despite the KISS mechanics?
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I guess there are so many player not on your level.

    Votekick? No way. Why not just leave. Vote to kick never works and it always used for personal reasons.
  3. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    I practically leave every game now because people are just downright terrible. We are talking EXTREMELY BASIC things like hacking a ******* turret with support that for some idiot reason, people don't do. My favorite is an assassin that tries to grapple a tank after so many times.

    So my question is...why is this such a huge problem in this game? This game isn't hard to understand yet we have morons who can't even perform the same basic functions.

    And votekicking gets rid of bad players to some extent. If you don't want to be votekicked, stop being bad.
  4. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    I don't see much point to wondering why people are stupid. They just are. :D
  5. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    people have to start somewhere.
    against votekicks.
  6. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Politely tell them why they are bad and how they can get on your level.
  7. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Welcome to a public internet gaming server
  8. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    This goes beyond that.

    I can play Call of Duty: Black Ops right now and find someone who can actually kick my ***. Same goes with Team Fortress 2, Quake, and so forth.

    Here? It's full of morons who don't even comprehend the basics of the game. It's like watching a Pyro in TF2 who uses a shotgun instead of a flamethrower. It's pathetic.
    Last edited: February 22, 2011
  9. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I've tried telling terrible assassins what they're doing wrong. The usual response is along the lines of "u mad?"

    It's kind of baffling, because I'm not complaining about cheap kills or anything like that. I'm telling them things like "when you run directly at my face, I can see and kill you."

    I don't think MNC should adopt punishingly long TF2 respawn times, but you have to give 'em credit -- they would drive trash assassins to quit in droves.

    I'm at the point where I feel like I have to relentlessly trash talk idiots so they either get mad enough to learn how to play, or they quit.
  10. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    I have a feeling you'd get vote kicked yourself....for your terrible attitude and huge ego.
  11. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i've done that before (as in voting, not the one being kicked) :D

    whenever there is a voting system, abuse it to gain all the advantage you can
  12. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    This, a thousand times THIS!
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    i think it appeals to a lot of people who don't normally play shooters
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    This. I have never played an online shooter before in my life, only RTS. That doesn't mean I can't become an asset to my team with a little training. The only way to train is online.
  15. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Most players sucked the first month of Black Ops, TF2, and Quake too. People are just still learning the game.

    Or maybe you're just unlucky :) Tonight a friend and I played on a server and had 4 good rounds with a number of skilled players. They were some of the more intense pub games I've had in awhile.
  16. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Oh god please save me from these bad players...

    There will always be bad players (especially in a new game) and you have to live with that.
    I honestly don't think that you are in a position (aka you are a very good player) to bitch about these people.

    I also have a lot of bad players on my teams but I don't care, because I play for fun.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I had a terribad team tonight.

    I thanked God the pc has a team-selection feature. Get the same bad team matchup twice, then tell your teammates to chose a random color after that game. Everyone on your team chooses a random color, everything splits up.

    Even if the enemy is partied up, I do not believe you deserve to play the same 6 people over and over again. After 2 games, they get split up or they can leave. Just have everyone split them up by selecting teams, or make them leave by doing so, or just leave and try another server yourself.

    Much better than xbox there.
  18. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    The game's tutorial doesn't really explain everything about the game enough apart from the bare minimum. So for new players that don't have shooter or moba experience, this game has a slightly higher learning curve than CoD or any of the other twitch shooters where the primary goal is mainly just killing whoever isn't on your side. I think you should give fresh players a break.

    Earlier today I was in a game where an a-hole told a newbie on their team not to play assassin and in reply they got, "then how am I supposed to learn" (being less than lvl 10 and all), to which they tell them, "practice", I nearly slammed my face onto my keyboard, "how am I supposed to learn when I'm not allowed to play." From what I've experienced so far, the ingame community isn't exactly the most noob-friendly (or talkative for that matter,) so if the majority of the "good" players are going to act this way towards them instead of doing anything to help, like directing them to the guides in this forum or something, this game is just going to end up being a bunch of arrogant pricks playing with themselves.

    I don't mind new players, but I can't stand egotistical pricks who give themselves too much credit. I also remember playing in a game with you, where you were complaining about your team; not being able to votekick, etc. and promptly ragequit. (Your team wasn't the problem.)
  19. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    Every time I try helping people (telling them to hack turrets, telling them to run health, etc), it's always returned with a, "Hey, stfu, I play how I want," or something along those lines.

    I realize there are new people... but the supports who refuse to hack their firebase out of spite, even when you tell them it's how you play support, are so infuriating.
  20. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Because hacking turrets is more useful than hacking your firebase.

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